Office Food

... I swear if I ate what was brought into the office everyday on top of the luncheons and parties I'd never reach goal! What do you do to stay away from the temptations in the office every day?


  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I don't eat them usually... My boss brought muffins yesterday and I didn't have one. I already packed all my food for the day and I didn't want to add another 300 or however many calories to that. For luncheons and pot lucks I participate and just try to be kind of good
  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    We recently had a sweet day party after a team meeting. Everyone got a big plate of all kinds of cakes and candies; it was enough sugar to put you into a diabetic coma. I had no desire to have all that I had my lunch in one or two treats. But some of the other people in the office asked me what was wrong… I don't understand why people don't see how bad this is, I don't see it any differently than someone who goes outside to smoke three times a day or goes out on a drinking binge over the weekend me it isn't any different.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Somedays it's easier than others.

    I pack my breakfast and lunch almost every day because 1) it's cheaper and 2) I have protein goals to hit and 3) I'm really happiest when I have a big dinner so it helps me do that. Usually the fact that I like what I brought and I don't want to waste money will keep me from the office foods.

    But, there are those days....and that's fine too. Just make sure it fits into your calorie goals.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    This is one aspect of working from home that makes me miss having a shared office.
  • Ladiebug710
    Ladiebug710 Posts: 133 Member
    Sometimes just logging the calories in things I'm am considering gives me enough motivation not to put it in my mouth. Some treats are necessary (dark chocolate) but most aren't worth the work it takes to burn them off.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    This is one aspect of working from home that makes me miss having a shared office.

    I'm pretty sure that your fridge is 1000 X more interesting than the office fridge. Or table. Or vending machine.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    This is one aspect of working from home that makes me miss having a shared office.

    I agree, I gotta supply my own baked goods
  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    It's definitely easier some days than others. I always make sure I have my own snacks and breakfasts/lunches so I am prepared, and that makes it easier to just mindlessly grab what I've brought instead of the treats that are laid out.

    If I know there is going to be lunch catered, sometimes I will leave and go shopping, then come back and eat the lunch I brought. Then I don't have to be around it or worry about it (and i get to shop, win-win).

    I do give in sometimes, though, usually when they bring bagels in (they're so hard to resist!) and on those days I just make it work. I don't stress it when it happens, I just eat accordingly the rest of the day.
  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    This is one aspect of working from home that makes me miss having a shared office.

    Ha! You are much better off! Stay away from the office! >:)
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Sometimes just logging the calories in things I'm am considering gives me enough motivation not to put it in my mouth. Some treats are necessary (dark chocolate) but most aren't worth the work it takes to burn them off.

    I do this sometimes! If I'm craving something or thinking of eating something, say ice cream or chocolate, I pop it into MFP and then see how many cals etc it is and change my mind ... something I don't, but then I believe in little in moderation so one bar of chocolate or slice of cake isn't going to make you fat! it's having the will power to know when to stop.
  • Athos282
    Athos282 Posts: 405 Member
    jazzy550 wrote: »
    ... I swear if I ate what was brought into the office everyday on top of the luncheons and parties I'd never reach goal! What do you do to stay away from the temptations in the office every day?

    Bring my own snacks and stay out of the kitchen/break room.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    jazzy550 wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    This is one aspect of working from home that makes me miss having a shared office.

    Ha! You are much better off! Stay away from the office! >:)

    Truth, it ain't the 50s, I think most modern offices would frown on my minibar.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Just visualize that commercial where the little kids are running around in costumes of what they ate - like a whole pink donut...
  • Cave_Goose
    Cave_Goose Posts: 156 Member
    15 minutes before the monthly office birthday party, I eat an apple or banana and drink two full glasses of water. By the time the party starts, I'm not even tempted.

    The bigger temptation is the treats people bring in first thing in the morning and place on the empty desk across from me.
  • machelle04
    machelle04 Posts: 690 Member
    Luckily for me the break room is exactly .3 miles from my office and in the hard hat zone so that helps me. I have a mini fridge in my office I keep fruit and healthy snacks in. Fight hard I am sure the temptation is pure hell!
  • afbaka
    afbaka Posts: 7 Member
    Sometimes just logging the calories in things I'm am considering gives me enough motivation not to put it in my mouth. Some treats are necessary (dark chocolate) but most aren't worth the work it takes to burn them off.

    i love the idea of logging the food before you eat it, that would definitely wake me up to how not worth it those calories are! thanks for the idea, totally doing that from now on if i want to eat something questionable! :smiley:
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I just don't eat them. I'm rarely tempted at this point. Sometimes I'll bring my share home for my husband if it's something he'd like, but I don't usually think twice about it. I COULD eat it, and I'm sure it would be tasty, but then I'd have to make room for it in my day by cutting out planned snacks, which I don't like to do because it screws up my macros and the sugary treats just won't fill me up like the other things do. I don't want to eat a 250 calorie donut just to be hungry five minutes later. It's not worth it.

    I did have two donuts this weekend, but it fit into my weekly calorie goal, so no guilt required.
  • dawnkent0626
    dawnkent0626 Posts: 14 Member
    I log every bite that goes in my mouth. It makes it easier to see that the muffins or cupcakes sitting on the counter aren't worth that larger, healthier meal I will have later on.

    I also load up on lots of low-cal snacks and eat something about every 2 1/2 hours or so... It keeps me fuller and makes me feel like I'm not missing out on anything. I work in an old farmhouse that was converted into an office and my cubicle is right in the kitchen next to all those snacks, so I know it's not easy.

    Once in a while, if I'm REALLY craving something, I will cut off just a small bite to have and walk away. There are other food-conscious people in the office, so they don't gives them permission to do the same.
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  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    I just don't eat them. I'm rarely tempted at this point. Sometimes I'll bring my share home for my husband if it's something he'd like, but I don't usually think twice about it. I COULD eat it, and I'm sure it would be tasty, but then I'd have to make room for it in my day by cutting out planned snacks, which I don't like to do because it screws up my macros and the sugary treats just won't fill me up like the other things do. I don't want to eat a 250 calorie donut just to be hungry five minutes later. It's not worth it.

    I did have two donuts this weekend, but it fit into my weekly calorie goal, so no guilt required.

    I Agee Lyndesy! A 250 calorie donut isn't worth it! I did great today; there were tempting treats all over the office...
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sometimes I eat it, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I get a whole plate, Sometimes just a bite. I guess I should go smoke instead or slam a bunch of hooch, I mean its all the same. Seriously, Just don't eat it if you don't want it.

    ETA, I take a longer look at calories. I don't agonize over my daily total. A calories deficit OVER TIME is what loses weight. I look at my calories more on a weekly scale. Some days im over 600, somedays under 600, for instance. At the end of the week, a 3500 calorie deficit still equals roughly a pound loss.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Fortunately my office is a floor below the kitchen/break room. We have our own fridge in our room and a keurig. We only have to go upstairs to get water. The other ladies that share my room are health conscious so we bear one another up lol
  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    Wizzy, that's good that you have people in the office like that; where I work there are a few but most like to indulge.
  • I can't eat gluten so that pretty much cuts away any appeal for food in the lounge.
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    I've eaten a donut at work before. Other times I'll take one just to please the people around me (and to get them to stop asking me what's wrong)...then I say I'm going to eat it after my lunch (and then I throw it away!)
  • transientcanuck
    transientcanuck Posts: 82 Member
    I sometimes have this problem too. It helps not going into the break room, but that's unavoidable if I need to top up my coffee.

    A way I can stop myself from eating office treats is packing my own snacks. I pre-log for the day, and unless I have some extra calories leftover, I don't eat any treats. However, sometimes temptation does get the best of me.

    Another thing I do is reflect on how these treats are store-bought and that they're no more special than anything else. It's different if someone brings in a homemade cake, but if it's from the supermarket then I feel less compelled to try it because I know it's always going to be available.
  • kayeiam
    kayeiam Posts: 215 Member
    well, my office always has lots of goodies (including pizza) and lots during the holidays. (right now there are cookies, bags of chips, fudge and container of life savers/jolly ranchers.

    I am diabetic so I usually ask my self... is that cookie worth losing a toe over? is that bag of chips worth going blind.. etc. (this usually does the trick for me and I walk away).

    I love Pizza and so I also implant the vison of the pizza maker having really dirty nasty hair hanging down in his face. I picture him wipping his snotty nose. I also picture him, getting close to that pizza and spitting on it... Yup, this picture in my head sure does the trick.. LOL
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    I encounter this. Someone is always bringing in muffins or donuts or chocolates and we have catered lunches up to 6 times a month sometimes. The snacks I can politely decline, several times in a row, but the lunchs it's considered rude to not participate. Thankfully all the lunches usually include some kind of salad, so i just try to balance my plate with 1/2 salad then 1/4 each for grain (bread or rice or potato) and meats. Depending on what's offered I may indulge in a dessert offering. One place that caters has to die for desserts and I cannot resist so i just make it work for my day!
  • Booecky
    Booecky Posts: 2 Member
    Last week was a co-workers birthday and he brought in a cake over two days - I politely refused many times, and he also knew I was on a diet too, and really trying, until such point he threw a strop, said he'd get really upset with me if I didn't have any, cut a piece and put it on my desk. I had to sneak it into the bin when he wasn't looking :( (I hate wasting food but I just couldn't bring myself to eat it!!)
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I've eaten a donut at work before. Other times I'll take one just to please the people around me (and to get them to stop asking me what's wrong)...then I say I'm going to eat it after my lunch (and then I throw it away!)

    Throw....away....a donut? I'm pretty sure that's a crime in some states. If not, it should be.