

  • I'm exercising like crazy. I'm glad so many people have joined the challenge!
  • 1. I usually eat some back but I too am zig-zagging my calories so I go a few days eating them back and a few days not eating them back. If I have a high bad carb day, I do not eat them back. 2. Yes. I am consistently losing weight each week. But even better I am losing inches too.
  • Having a great 4th! No bad eating and exercising everyday. Hope everyone is having a great Independence Day!
  • Love both. Printed them out and put them on my fridge. In my house if you make the fridge, it's important. :)
  • I drink green tea everyday. i am not sure if it is helping with the weight loss, but I will say I seem to have more energy. My skin looks clearer too, but that could be from the vitamin D and B complex too. My doctor recommended 2 cups per day, but I drink 32 ounces per day in addition to my water. I started buying it…
  • Awesome challenge. I'm game! I am a Mom turned college student who has decided I want to be a doctor. I hope to enter medical school in the fall of 2013. Since this is an already demanding program, I need to lose weight, get healthy so I can keep up with the 23 year olds in the program. I am a great cheerleader, so friend…
  • 1. Johnny Depp 2. Jon Bon Jovi 3. Shia LeBouf 4. Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock (If i had to pick another woman to have around if not I'd pick someone to bring back from the dead...Brandon Lee) 5. Orlando Bloom
  • "That diet (exercise, food or supplement) will kill you." So will the extra 100 pounds. Thanks for the thread. I too will be more careful of what I say. And for those people who are constantly discouraging me by these words....don't worry when I stop calling. I will send you a picture when I meet my goal.
  • You look AMAZING! Guess you need the name and telephone number of a good tailor. :) Congrats!
  • Wow! Is your mother in law my Mom? I have the same issue when I visit my Mom. So I don't visit often sadly. When I do visit I started carrying my food already prepared in Tupperware type containers. The system I bought is on Chris Powell's site. But it is only enough for one day, so I carry an ice chest full of my prepared…
  • I am new to p90X and it is super challenging for me. I also do Tracy Anderson Mat workout and Dance Cardio, both challenging but I love them. I am trying Jillian's Shred this week one day.
  • Keep coming here. You found the right place. Request sent
  • Would love to join. I'm 45. Looking for supportive buddies to help me on this journey. Willing to offer support right back!
    in Women 40+ Comment by mdgracia June 2011
  • Awesome job. Just started my first round of P90X and I am on day 4. It is tough, but I am sticking with it. I hope to see as good of results as you have. Congrats!
  • I have this issue too sometimes, and I don't eat when I am not hungry. That is what got me here in the first place. I just know the next day to get in more protein early in the day and it helps my energy level and helps me to get the calories I do need in at the beginning of the day. I also drink a lot of water which in…
  • I have the same issue sometimes, but I did eliminate all bread, potatoes, corn and just about all carbs except green veggies, berries (any), and avocado 2X per week. I also do not eat my fruit after 3pm as my day slows down then. After a few weeks of this I will add back in slowly additional carbs. The increase in protein…
  • What an awesome goal. I think I will join you in your goal!
  • I'm having the same issue. I cant eat most protein bars because they contain soy in one form or another. I cannot eat soy due to my thyroid. I have added Hemp protein to my morning smoothie but I can only add so much before it taste like crap. I am sick of chicken breast already and I only have been at this since Sunday. I…