Too full to meet minimum calorie requirements...



  • Just eat.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    You are trying to lose weight. Why would you force yourself to eat beyond comfort? Take it as a bonus and next time you screw up and go over or can't be bothered to work out it will cancel out and you don't need to feel bad about it. All this stuff about making yourself eat back every calorie is rubbish, there is a reason that on the iPhone app MFP gives a weekly net...because your body wont lose or drop overnight, and you will not go into "starvation mode" (a debated concept anyway) overnight. Just take the extra deficit and be proud of your workout.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Alot of the questions are asked OVER AND OVER AND OVER as to why folks get peeved sometimes. There is are also alot of whining about this and that on these forums as well. Simple fact is to lose weight is eat less calories then you burn and secondly ANY exercise helps this process. You don't have to be a cardio superstar with a heart rate monitor and a professional nutritionist to do it. If your to full to eat your calorie limit then your too full so don't bother eating them.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    You are trying to lose weight. Why would you force yourself to eat beyond comfort? Take it as a bonus and next time you screw up and go over or can't be bothered to work out it will cancel out and you don't need to feel bad about it. All this stuff about making yourself eat back every calorie is rubbish, there is a reason that on the iPhone app MFP gives a weekly net...because your body wont lose or drop overnight, and you will not go into "starvation mode" (a debated concept anyway) overnight. Just take the extra deficit and be proud of your workout.

    Because a lot of people on this site will say "you'll go in to starvation mode" if you don't eat... They encourage eating on a weight loss site... EVEN when they're full. I was just reading a study how calorie restriction expands life. Aren't we here to help people not hurt them?
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    You are trying to lose weight. Why would you force yourself to eat beyond comfort? Take it as a bonus and next time you screw up and go over or can't be bothered to work out it will cancel out and you don't need to feel bad about it. All this stuff about making yourself eat back every calorie is rubbish, there is a reason that on the iPhone app MFP gives a weekly net...because your body wont lose or drop overnight, and you will not go into "starvation mode" (a debated concept anyway) overnight. Just take the extra deficit and be proud of your workout.

    Because a lot of people on this site will say "you'll go in to starvation mode" if you don't eat... They encourage eating on a weight loss site... EVEN when they're full. I was just reading a study how calorie restriction expands life. Aren't we here to help people not hurt them?

    This will sound gross but it's a quick and dirty way to fill your calorie requirements if you're really close and you can't really stomach any solid food. Get a bottle of Olive Oil or Flax Seed oil and a shot glass and fill it enough to meet your calorie goals and just shoot it back. Gross yes, but pretty effective and you get a good serving of essential fatty acids.
  • BranMuffin21
    BranMuffin21 Posts: 157 Member
    Chocolate milk helps me! Plus its delicious!
  • mdgracia
    mdgracia Posts: 20
    I have this issue too sometimes, and I don't eat when I am not hungry. That is what got me here in the first place. I just know the next day to get in more protein early in the day and it helps my energy level and helps me to get the calories I do need in at the beginning of the day. I also drink a lot of water which in fact makes me not as hungry. The way I look at it is if I am eating the right things, getting in some exercise and staying within 100-300 calories of 1200 I will do okay.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    You are trying to lose weight. Why would you force yourself to eat beyond comfort? Take it as a bonus and next time you screw up and go over or can't be bothered to work out it will cancel out and you don't need to feel bad about it. All this stuff about making yourself eat back every calorie is rubbish, there is a reason that on the iPhone app MFP gives a weekly net...because your body wont lose or drop overnight, and you will not go into "starvation mode" (a debated concept anyway) overnight. Just take the extra deficit and be proud of your workout.

    Because a lot of people on this site will say "you'll go in to starvation mode" if you don't eat... They encourage eating on a weight loss site... EVEN when they're full. I was just reading a study how calorie restriction expands life. Aren't we here to help people not hurt them?

    Erm read what I said. I said to equal them out over a week rather than forcing yourself to hit the minimum every day and then ending up being over by the end of the week, because we all screw up on some days for whatever reason. In the end starvation mode is debated and it does not happen overnight which you are suggesting by saying that the OP must eat back all the calories exercised off. If the OP chose never to eat back exercise calories maybe they would get a slower metabolism. Maybe. Not for sure though. I never eat mine back and I am doing just fine. Often I will have days of netting 500 and other days of 1500, it cancels out over a week. It also keeps your metabolism boosted because you keep your body guessing. It is just like zig-zagging calories.
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 118 Member
    I don't mean to be unnecessarily snide.

    But we're all adults here. If you can't figure out how to inject your diet with more calorie-dense foods, then I have a comment for you about density. :laugh:

    This gets asked a lot and most of the time it seems like some sort of brag. Like, "Oh, I'm not hungry. I'm so weird. Look at me."

    Not saying OP is doing that. In fact, it doesn't sound like that's what is happening at all. But how difficult is it to search for higher-calorie foods and add them to your day?


    I believe the issue is not higher calories, it's feeling full on lower calories.

    There's a lot of great advice here. Exercising can ramp up your bodies natural appetite hormones as will spreading out your meals. here's a link to a Science Daily article: the body is a mysterious machine. Eating back exercise calories is great when you're hungry but if your new eating habits are healthy I agree with some other the other posts that suggest looking at your eating and calories over a week vs. a single day. It can be alarming to have MFP alert you after logging in your food diary for the day that "you're eating too few calories." I actually get a kick out of that (the few times it's happened) b/c I am changing my routine slowly but the most important thing is to listen to your body. Hope the article helps?
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You are trying to lose weight. Why would you force yourself to eat beyond comfort? Take it as a bonus and next time you screw up and go over or can't be bothered to work out it will cancel out and you don't need to feel bad about it. All this stuff about making yourself eat back every calorie is rubbish, there is a reason that on the iPhone app MFP gives a weekly net...because your body wont lose or drop overnight, and you will not go into "starvation mode" (a debated concept anyway) overnight. Just take the extra deficit and be proud of your workout.

    Because a lot of people on this site will say "you'll go in to starvation mode" if you don't eat... They encourage eating on a weight loss site... EVEN when they're full. I was just reading a study how calorie restriction expands life. Aren't we here to help people not hurt them?

    If you're hungry - eat. If you're not hungry - don't eat.

    Seems pretty simple. However, when people come on here and are constantly saying they aren't losing weight and you look at their diary and they're eating 1000 or 800 calories a day. Well, the first message is ... eat more and see what happens. Most people are surprised to see a WEIGHT LOSS when they begin eating more. The concern I think people have is -- the OP isn't hungry but will they be back in a month wondering why they aren't losing weight?

    As for eating on a weight loss site -- I eat. I eat a lot in a day actually (2200-2500 calories). I've lost almost 60lbs. Apparently, I did something right. So, when I see people eating a very restrictive diet, working out a lot and NOT losing - I tell them to try eating more. You never know. It might work. If you're eating and losing weight - THEN YOU ARE NOT OVER EATING. Clearly I am the example of that.
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