Women 40+



  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I would also like to be included. I am 48 and well into my weight loss. I need to hear more about the strength training and weight lifting for us, mature ladies.

    One of the best for this type of advice is Kathy Smith. I believe she has weight training programs specifically for us!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I found this site that might be useful:

  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Hi all
    I am newly 40. In March I decided to get it in gear. I am eating low carb, high protein and trying (with limited success) to eat more veggies. I started in March doing a bootcamp class 3x a week (we do a lot of interval strength training) but I missed a lot of classes due to work travel. In May I didn't travel like I was and I added yoga and the C25K to my plan. I am doing bootcamp 3x a week; yoga 3x a week and C25K 3x a week. I try to walk an hour a day when I am not doing C25K. Well it is a lot of work but seems to be working. I lost 8 lbs in a month.

    Thanks for starting this!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I am in. I'm 44 years old and a single mom of 4. I have been losing, but need to lose quite a bit more. I would love a group of friends at the same place in life.
  • ilbcnuz
    ilbcnuz Posts: 48 Member
    Count me in!!! I'm 42 with 3 children and a very hectic life. The weight crept up on me the last 5 years or so and I'm working like a fiend to get it off.
  • eills44
    eills44 Posts: 65
    Fitfun, I also have been doing none weight bearing exercises, but not helping that much really xx Also I know 6lbs seems ok for a month, but I started eating healthy a couple months before starting MFP and so iv lost and put on again. Im dreading/looking forward to going back to work in the next week or so, dreading because then I wont have as much time to forward plan food and meals and may struggle, and then looking forward to it, cos I'll be getting more exercise at work, walking around quite a lot ( well, limping lol) x
  • mdgracia
    mdgracia Posts: 20
    Would love to join. I'm 45. Looking for supportive buddies to help me on this journey. Willing to offer support right back!
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Ok, count me in! I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism shortly after turning 40, and with it came weight gain. I will be 45 in July and it has taken me this long just to feel somewhat "normal" after my thyroid disease diagnoses. Now it's time to think about the premenopausal stage and everything that goes with that.....UGH, somebody shoot me now!! lol

    I turned 40 last fall, and was finally diagnosed w/hypothyroidism a few months before. The medication has made the biggest difference for me, and I'm finally working out again. But I feel all of you who are fighting the MUFFIN TOP. Count me IN!!
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Welcome to our newest members jenny_fur, cathyg18, Thriceshy, and hopeforsuccess. I hope we can all trade good information here and friend each other for support.

    I used to lose weight easily, but these past few years it has been challenging, especially now. I have been really working it hard this week adding in 10,000 steps per day to make sure that my new work at home lifestyle isn't holding me back anymore. It's been a little discouraging since I am seeing no changes so far since I started. I decided to measure myself this week to see if anything budges even if the scale doesn't. I'll remeasure on Sunday.

    I have never had to deal with a plateau situation from the beginning. I usually lose weight quickly at first. I've had all the medical tests too, so not sure what is going on.

    If any of you have had trouble losing weight from the start and have found a solution, please let me know. I may end up buying that herbal formula I found online called Zalustra 90 if nothing is working after all this hard work.

    I have been at a plateau since I became pregnant w/my 2nd son (4 1/2 yrs. ago), and after I had him, kept those last 15 lbs. around the middle no matter WHAT I did -- I upped the cardio, I kept working out, I already ate fairly healthy so I was FRUSTRATED. Turns out I hit a wall and crashed last year, fell asleep all the time during the day, was exhausted all the time, and didn't work out at all for over 6 months. I finally started taking thyroid meds after switching to a doc that found the issue, but it's taken months to get back on track. And even then, the exercise wasn't cutting it -- and I was running 3-4 times a week.

    I finally started losing when I started on MFP and started really tracking my food. I was eating healthy (whole grains, fruits, veggies, the whole thing), but I must have been eating about 200 calories too much every day. I have to admit, I keep thinking "this CAN'T be enough food for a day when I'm working out," and I am a little more tired than before -- but I'm trying to ride it out for a month or so and see how it goes.

    Maybe change up the diet a little and see what happens?? (As much as it kills me to say it, I had to face that maybe I just can't eat as much as I did at 35 and not gain).
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Hey I just made 40 this month! Does that count?

    OF COURSE it counts!! :) Folks say it is "just a number" -- and it is, in my head. But GEEZ, it's like your body has a timer in it that goes off right on your 40th birthday, isn't it girls??
  • OnlyGodCan
    OnlyGodCan Posts: 91 Member
    I I am going to try the teeth brushing method this week. These cravings are outrageous!
  • Purplefly
    Purplefly Posts: 71
    Hey girls hope everyones week is going well. My youngest graduated the 6th grade today, boy do I feel old! lol On a side note I had a good NSV yesturday. I was going through my clothes, tried on a pair of shorts that Id been avoiding because they were to snug... put them on and Wow they were to big, so Im doing the happy dance put my hand in the pocket and find $60 dollars! Good thing I didn't toss them in the donation pile lol.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Fitfun, I also have been doing none weight bearing exercises, but not helping that much really xx Also I know 6lbs seems ok for a month, but I started eating healthy a couple months before starting MFP and so iv lost and put on again. Im dreading/looking forward to going back to work in the next week or so, dreading because then I wont have as much time to forward plan food and meals and may struggle, and then looking forward to it, cos I'll be getting more exercise at work, walking around quite a lot ( well, limping lol) x

    Ellis - I completely understand. I was losing some weight before breaking my foot and then I gained that and more back. I think walking around more at work will help balance out some of the food planning. Would it help to plan out on Sunday for the week?

    TinaDay - MFP helped me figure out I was eating too much, but it also helped me (with the calculator and MFP friends) to tell me when I was eating too little. Have you done the calculator to figure out how many calories you should be eating minimum? This has helped me tremendously. I was really tired too, which is one way of knowing that you might not be eating enough calories, especially if you are gung ho on the cardio.
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    Sounds like a great group! I'm 45 and am still in shock over the chunk that showed up when I hit 40. Looked down one day and there's all this excess around my mid section. My boss's wife had a stroke not too long ago and I read somewhere that a thick middle section can be a contributor to the likeliness of having a stroke! Really?!?!?
    Anyhow, I'm down about 20 pounds but still have a decent gut.. it's not AS bad as it was but it's still there and I count calories and work out pretty hard.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Okay, I am now back to the weight I was when I started despite doing everything right. I won't go into gory details, I used my blog for that, but in a nutshell, I am not doing well today.

    I guess I need to go for professional help and maybe see a nutritionist. I'm fairly at my wits end after years of gaining weight (26 on) and now not being able to lose despite exercise and healthy diet.

    My calories are where they are supposed to be. I added toning and strength training. Inches are not coming off either. They went up again too. I have done all the blood tests and I am "normal."

    Anyway, I really need to find something that is going to help. If you have had the same problem and finally broke through, please post what made the difference for you.

    Thank you.
  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    Sounds like a great group! I'm 45 and am still in shock over the chunk that showed up when I hit 40. Looked down one day and there's all this excess around my mid section. My boss's wife had a stroke not too long ago and I read somewhere that a thick middle section can be a contributor to the likeliness of having a stroke! Really?!?!?
    Anyhow, I'm down about 20 pounds but still have a decent gut.. it's not AS bad as it was but it's still there and I count calories and work out pretty hard.

    I've been overweight my whole life (they all said I would outgrow the "baby fat" but I didn't) so my "chunk" on the belly didn't seem too noticeable, but my sister has been thin her whole life and she got the over 40 "chunk." What's up with that? Why does a roll of fat magically appear around women's middle's in their 40s???
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I have some good news. I have been taking green tea tablets (the kind you get at a health food store), and I think it is helping me loose the pooch. Finally! I also am on an Adrenal gland support herbal that also helps with this area (after getting tested).

    I would recommend trying the green tea tablets, which you can get a decaf version if needed. I believe these tablets are making the most difference.
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    I'll be 41 in August!
    Please add me everyone! Would love to have the support of my peers.

    Thanks for suggesting it!

    Awesome group here!
  • iriedeb
    iriedeb Posts: 42 Member
    Hi All,
    I am 45 and need to lose about 15 pounds to get to where I want to be. I have the hardest time staying on track food-wise at night and on the weekends. I have been doing better exercise-wise, but think I need to change my strength training progam, as I need more toning!!
    Would love some friends for support and encouragement!
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member

    I am wondering what difference everyone is seeing in your weightloss journey now vs 10 years ago. And plz share what is working for you and what is not.

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