Lean By Halloween Challenge!



  • I want to be in shape to feel great about myself. As a teenager, I don't want to constantly let my weight inhibit me from the things I want to do. This Halloween, I am gonna look so hot. My goal is to be looking foxy for my 16th in November but I wanna wear those cute (kinda slutty) outfits. :tongue: Or just a tight black dress and some makeup to tell people I am a kitty. If you are skinny and pretty, no one cares. My number goal for these purposes will be 150. But it's more about the look than anything.

    This week, I did good. Most consistent logging and free of binging in a while. Last night, I binged, tried to purge, had a meltdown. Today, I was just lazy and ate whatever. Tommorow, back on track :D

    I'll say (since I haven't weighed in since binging) my starting weight is 170
    I'll weigh in each week and update here.
    <3 Good luck everyone, add me for support!
  • maritimemom
    maritimemom Posts: 192
    My weigh in days are on Sundays. I weighed in this morning at 200.5....sooooooo close to Onderland!! Hoping to get 199 or less next week! I will get my husband to take before pictures of me at some point today and post them.
  • I am in on this challenge!!!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    weigh in day for me. 189.6lbs is a loss of 1.4 for me!! hope to continue with similar losses till halloween. hope you all are having success and a wonderful 4th of july weekend. :bigsmile:
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    CW: 157.4
    W1: 157.4 (same! probably from the fried chicken I had last night :o)
    W18: (Oct.30)

    :love: GW (by Halloween): 120lbs (my goal weight) :love:

  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    Thank you again for another great challenge!

    Hi guys, I'm a mama to my amazing son, he is almost 19mo. My goal is to lose these final 5 pounds by October. I am 16lbs less than when I got pregnant with my son and figure the healthier I can be before the next one the better. I want to be in the best shape I can be to make sure I can be an active mother to my son (possibly children) and wife to my amazing husband.
    Let's all stay focused. With the support of great people we can & WILL reach our goals =)
  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member
    I would like to join. I just saw this post and don't have much time. I will check in a little later to catch up with you all.
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,130 Member
    S.W. 221.5
    C.W. 220
  • SW: 202
    W1: 203

    Had a really bad couple of days... but i'll be back on track Tomorrow! Goal for next week - 5lbs!!!! Ambitious - but attainable!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    just thought it would be fun to post Halloween costumes!! i probably wouldn't wear something like this until NEXT Halloween when i'm hopefully at my goal weight, but i still love it and thought i would share :love:
  • mdgracia
    mdgracia Posts: 20
    Having a great 4th! No bad eating and exercising everyday. Hope everyone is having a great Independence Day!
  • Why I Want To Get In Shape
    To gain confidence, feel sexy, and be healthier. Being a vocal performance major in school, my self confidence is one of the most important assets. I'll gain so much by losing!
  • Fantastic challenge, count me in. I aim to lose 30lbs by then. It is my birthday a few days after Halloween and I getting married two weeks after that.
  • Is this still open to who ever wants to join? It's been up for a few days...
  • Seems like people are still joining so I'm in.

    I want to lose weight because I'm just not happy with how my clothes fit or people look at me anymore. I want to feel attractive and know that I'm not only beautiful in my mind and in my soul, but my body as well.

    Halloween is my favorite holiday and was going to try to drop 20 by then anyway, If there ever is an appropriate time to wear fun cute Halloween outfits that highlight my figure mid 20's is the prime age to do it!

    SW: 150
    GW: 130
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    welcome new comers!!!

    I'm hoping to see a big change in that number over the next two weeks. :) lots of work at my summer day camp!
  • simplysara9
    simplysara9 Posts: 521
    06/28/11 267.6
    07/05/11 265
    10/31/11 247.6 Challenge Goal = 20 pounds
  • JessPaul93016
    JessPaul93016 Posts: 119 Member
    Welcome newcomers! Hello to all! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I was able to stay on track and even get in some exercise. I stepped on the scale this morning and I have actually lost about 2lbs since we started this challenge last week! I'm very excited to continue. Good Luck! :wink:
  • Kerseygeek
    Kerseygeek Posts: 225
    There's a reason I didn't really start this until this week. The 4th weekend was rough. But I was out of town and there's no such thing as healthy food on a holiday with family. However here are my stats beginning with what I was was before the holiday.

    Last week: 180
    CW: 185.8
    GW: 160 (goal for this challenge)
    Future GW: 135
  • kmg3366
    kmg3366 Posts: 9
    I had an interesting weekend and definitely was more liberal with my food choices. I did buy jeans in a size smaller. I'm now a size 10 and I fit into the 8, but it pulled a little oddly so I decided against it for right now. Maybe by the next time I buy jeans, I'll leap frog the 8s all together. Here's hoping!
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