

  • You're so lucky its just mac 'and' cheese, my weakness is the AND...I want to keep eating AND eating AND eating AND eating........ :laugh:
  • Hi Frank, I have had the same struggle. A very helpful thing to do is to be sure that you log everything you eat, even if you're way over your daily goal. That in itself is a form of accountability right there.
  • Agreed~!
  • I found out that if you have peace in your heart, you can be happy with your body at any size. You see, happiness does not come from a body size, its attitude of the heart that can only be sustained with true peace. Once you have true peace, you can then focus on your health and be happy through the process of improving…
  • I found out that if you have peace in your heart, you can be happy with your body at any size. You see, happiness does not come from a body size, its attitude of the heart that can only be sustained with true peace. Once you have true peace, you can then focus on your health and be happy through the process of improving…
  • My trainer gave me a good tip. Take a "before" picture of yourself from the backside. That sure keeps me motivated~! I also get one free day a week when I do not have to work out or track what I eat. Today they had baklava at the office. I wrapped two small pieces to go to save for my free day which is Sunday.
  • I average 13 eight ounce servings. My trainer said to drink a gallon which would be 16 eight ounce servings. I usually drink it plain unless I make green tea with honey.
  • The healthy pace to lose weight is 1-2 pounds per week. Only weigh once a week and you should drink a gallon of H20 a day. Good luck~!
  • Try the rowing machine or the mini rebound trampoline - sit on your bottom and just bounce up and down like that. Get well soon!
  • 5 or 6 smaller meals through the day helps keep a steady stream of intake and you'll be less likely to binge. :-)
  • I hired a trainer for a one time nutritional consult. Based upon my current weight and measurements he recommended how many calories, proteins, carbs and fats I should eat daily. I put those recommendations into My Fitness Pal and it has really helped me stay on track. I also had a one time work out consult so I have both…
  • I also have a sprained ankle, severe shin injuries and large hematoma bruises and contusions. The doctor and the trainer said I could do low impact cardio like the elliptical and the rowng machine. I hired a trainer for a one time consult to develope a workout that avoided my injuries. Using the weight machines for upper…
  • My trainer told me to eat carbs before a workout for energy then protein after the workout to repair muscle. So i will eat a banana, oatmeal or raisins pre-work out and then a boiled egg or chicken after the work out
  • i have experineced the same thing. When I start to lose weight I notice that I start to get more attention too. I don't think I gained weight to repel men, I doubt if you did either. The weight gain for me was due to emotionally eating. I guess getting into shape does garner more attention, but you can perhaps focus on the…