Post work out foods??....

cookie_raider Posts: 5
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
What are your favorite post work out foods?

I always have to eat something right after i leave the gym so when i get home i don't binge or eat something bad. Normally its a banana and some grapes.


  • sherine8
    sherine8 Posts: 4 Member
    i like having a banana too, or i tend to have a peppermint tea.
  • laurenlei
    laurenlei Posts: 96
    Protein shake!!! always! Then i will usually have dinner (protein like chicken, and some veg) never really need to eat after gym as im not hungry, usually the opposite and have to force feed myself dinner!!
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    Something with protein in it!
  • My trainer told me to eat carbs before a workout for energy then protein after the workout to repair muscle. So i will eat a banana, oatmeal or raisins pre-work out and then a boiled egg or chicken after the work out
  • Stevenvl
    Stevenvl Posts: 1
    A least something with proteins.
  • Something with protein + good source of carbs.

    Protein shake blended with fruit or liquid egg whites with fruit juice.
  • Thanks everyone :D
  • Tyra1976
    Tyra1976 Posts: 21
    I either have a recovery drink or some cottage cheese.
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