

  • Awesome you!!! Way to go!!
  • See my blog is may help you. You may have to add me as a friend first.
  • Oh and Congratulations you guys! Its a very fun ride!
  • Pushing passed the hard final pounds weather it is 10 or 20 (your plateau) is tough. I am very fit. I gained 80 lbs with my baby and I have lost it all plus some and he just turned one June 7th. You guys can do this. The main focus is CARDIO! Try to get an hour a day and make sure you are SWEATING! Don't keep it on…
  • Make sure you drink your water and when you feel it is alot of water DRINK MORE! Seriously... an inch and a pound can be effected by retaining water. You would be amazed. If its hard for you to drink water (like it is for me) here is what I do and maybe this could help you drink more. You can gain as much as ten pounds a…
  • I made two drastic changes. No more cheat days... and an hour of cardio every day a week. I weighed 165 March 7 and May 7 I lost 20lbs. I went from a size 11 to a 6. Amazing results and I have it all logged in this website to see how hard I worked. I am 144 now.... just crazy how if you control those cravings and you do…
  • At first mine were the first to go. Now i have fake boobs and I got pregnant. They were a little saggy but once I got back to my normal size and a bit more they lifted up and went back exactly how they were. Sometimes if you work chest often you will find it makes you bigger or smaller depending on you. I totally skip that…
  • The answer is NO.
  • I do, I keep a picture of what I want to look like on my desktop so I see it everyday. I take pics often to see my body changes. It gives me motivation. The more results I see the more I work harder because I am feeling fit.
  • Also being happy with your body may be all that you needed. Now, results baby!
  • It's not that it is IMPORTANT as it is nice to actually SEE what you are eating. Once you SEE what you are eating and all the crap in it, it will make a huge impack on a "change of lifestyle". Good luck to you. Sad to see you go, but I don't think leaving is your answer. I think it is all inside. This is a great website.…
  • I pop a sugar free lifesaver (Walmart $1.44 bag)... they take forever to dissolve and are seriously yummy! Another thing I do is I brush my teeth, this way nothing will taste good! lol Simple tricks really... but working out and water will suppress the appetite big-time.
  • Exactly... tackle one day at a time! Very well put Ed... Hotness gets attention but personality captures the heart ;-)
  • Big thighs are in my family and it's really CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO! Hard sweat cardio and nothing more. I'd stop the working the legs and once you hit cardio hard and soon VERY SOON you will be just perfect and very toned!
  • Do you do an hour of hard cardio every time you hit the gym? This means you are so drenched with sweat afterwards you need to change leaving the gym. Do you use the strength and fat burning choices on the machine that push you rather going steady on manual? The harder you work the more calories you burn. Lastly, the final…
  • What exactly are you eating a day? I have had the stubborn 10 lbs on me for life. I just got serious a week ago and lost a few pounds already. I am eating only (ONLY) Chicken/broccoli/lettuce wth fat free zesty/protein shake/ and I add mushrooms in the egg whites at times. That is it. I am sticking to it and its working! I…