Leaving MVP

sunshinestate Posts: 110 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I am writing to say that I am leaving the MVP community. It has been such an awesome tool for losing weight and tracking my exercise, but I just had a most blissful revelation. I am a bit ashamed to say that it came from an article in Oprah magazine. But anyway, I just decided to quit obsessing about those last 10 pounds. I won't be any happier when I lose them - in fact, my anxiety will probably increase because I won't want to gain them back! (And they inevitably will come back, because they always do.)

Anyway, I'm 5' 6", around 150 pounds, my body fat as measured by my trainer is 19%, and I wear a size 8. My upper arms are a little bigger than I'd like, but to fix them, I'd have to give up my occasional drink and my occasional ice cream, and I just don't want to. I'm going to try to appreciate my body for where it is, and for how healthy I feel. I can run 2 miles without stopping, have great muscles, and never get sick. I'm blessed!

I wish everybody on here luck in getting to their fitness goals. I just wanted to share how happy I am that I feel at peace with my size! I recommend the article to anyone who is interested - it's the April issue of Oprah.

By the way, I'm not telling anyone here to quit their diet or their healthy lifestyle - just to think about whether it's really so important to lose those last 5 or 10!


  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Congratulations on learning to love you!!

    You have done an awesome job and i wish you every happiness :flowerforyou:

    Bye x x
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    you should be happy with your body no matter what.. and if you feel like that is the right decision, than congrats on your realization. But you saw this article in Oprah.. Isn't she notorious for going up and down and up and down..

    But anyways.. If it won't make you any happier losing the last 10 lbs, then don't do it.. Just make yourself happy.

    love and light. xo
  • That's great that you feel that way and are happy with your body! Good luck! As for me...I feel better about myself when I know I am doing what I should. I can have that occasional ice cream (last night) or treat because I workout and earn those extra calories! It's not neccessarily about losing if you are at an okay weight...it's about being healthy. And I wouldn't take an ounce of advice from an Ophra magazine...her weight is like a rollercoaster and that is so unhealthy!!

    Anyway, good luck as you leave MFP!
  • It's not that it is IMPORTANT as it is nice to actually SEE what you are eating. Once you SEE what you are eating and all the crap in it, it will make a huge impack on a "change of lifestyle".

    Good luck to you. Sad to see you go, but I don't think leaving is your answer. I think it is all inside. This is a great website. If you come back, add me as a friend. I am a trainer and would love to help in any way I can mentally and motivationally.

  • Also being happy with your body may be all that you needed. Now, results baby!
  • PecanTan
    PecanTan Posts: 47
    Will miss you and I hope that you will continue to be happy with the decision that you made. It sounds as if you are and really that's all that matter. You are the one and only person that can truly be happy with yourself, good luck to you in the present and future and just stay healthy....:flowerforyou:
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