OMG 31 days until my wedding!

MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm getting married exactly 1 month from today!! Ahhhh! No cold feet here, but definitely have some lingering back fat and tummy rolls that won't stop hanging around... ;) My original goal was to be 20 lbs less than I currently am for my wedding, I wanted to get back down to my high school weight. My new goal is going to be to lose 6-8 lbs by August 6, which will put me at about 195 lbs. I can do this! I am going to seriously stay on track starting today. It's just so hard with wedding plans and a full time job to find time to sleep enough, plan meals, and get a workout in... I did manage to go to my 90 minute bikram yoga class the last three days. I am motivated to kick my own butt these last 4.5 weeks, and my fiance is motivated too, thankfully. I'm going to focus the most on getting my arms and upper back in shape so I'm not spilling out of the top of my dress and so I can wave at people without having wiggly jiggly arms. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions for how to get my arms in shape super fast. I'm thinking about just trying to do the 30 day shred 4-5 times a week and walking and doing hot yoga. I know I can do this if I just stick to it! Wish me luck fellow MFP'ers. I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! Time to get down to business!! :)


  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    Good luck! You can do it! :)
  • My wedding is August 7 so I know how you feel! I would like to lose about 10 more pounds, but I've been stuck at my current weight for 2 weeks and the scale isn't showing any signs of moving any time soon.

    Best of luck! I'm sure your wedding will be wonderful!
  • jmmcleod
    jmmcleod Posts: 2
    What is the 30 day shred?
  • Pushing passed the hard final pounds weather it is 10 or 20 (your plateau) is tough. I am very fit. I gained 80 lbs with my baby and I have lost it all plus some and he just turned one June 7th. You guys can do this.

    The main focus is CARDIO! Try to get an hour a day and make sure you are SWEATING! Don't keep it on manual.. chose the "cardio" choice or the "fat burning" option. I do both 30 mins each. Well I use too I don't know because I am to thin and starting to bulk up. I went from weighing 236 to 174 doing what you guys are doing which I call "coasting".

    I lost another 20 lbs by changing my diet. IT IS ALL IN WHAT YOU EAT LADIES! No matter what you are working out, how much you sweat, if you eat something bad... you will still gain weight. Proven fact.

    March 7th I weighed 164 and by April 1 I weighed 148. Totally healthy no diet pill and I am back to eating regular and healthy.

    If you want to know my foods add me as a friend and we can chit chat. It is easy and also easy working fulltime. I use to work fulltime. The only thing is you have to WANT THIS and CHANGE THE WAY YOU EAT or you won't lose a pound. You will go up and down on water weight only.

    Add me.
  • Oh and Congratulations you guys! Its a very fun ride!
  • I've noticed my arms becoming more toned from lap swimming. Congrats on the wedding! :)
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    Just wanted to say thanks for the encouragement! I ate well yesterday, didn't have time for a workout, but I got up early this morning (first time I've done this) and did the 30 day shred before work and after work I'm going to my 90 minute bikram yoga class. I have eaten very well today so far and have a nice healthy meal planned for after yoga. I'm dedicated to this for the next 30 days until the wedding and will be taking my 30 day shred dvd with me on the honeymoon. :) I'm going to stick to this lifestyle change!

    I had been doing so well for several months and managed to lose ~38 lbs by not only focusing on eating right but also on working out consistently, but I got a little bogged down with wedding plans and fell off the workout wagon for a month or so, but I'm back to it now!
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    Pushing passed the hard final pounds weather it is 10 or 20 (your plateau) is tough. I am very fit. I gained 80 lbs with my baby and I have lost it all plus some and he just turned one June 7th. You guys can do this.

    The main focus is CARDIO! Try to get an hour a day and make sure you are SWEATING! Don't keep it on manual.. chose the "cardio" choice or the "fat burning" option. I do both 30 mins each. Well I use too I don't know because I am to thin and starting to bulk up. I went from weighing 236 to 174 doing what you guys are doing which I call "coasting".

    I lost another 20 lbs by changing my diet. IT IS ALL IN WHAT YOU EAT LADIES! No matter what you are working out, how much you sweat, if you eat something bad... you will still gain weight. Proven fact.

    March 7th I weighed 164 and by April 1 I weighed 148. Totally healthy no diet pill and I am back to eating regular and healthy.

    If you want to know my foods add me as a friend and we can chit chat. It is easy and also easy working fulltime. I use to work fulltime. The only thing is you have to WANT THIS and CHANGE THE WAY YOU EAT or you won't lose a pound. You will go up and down on water weight only.

    Add me.

    Thanks for the advice. As for my diet, I am very much in control of what I eat. I have several food allergies which prevent me from eating fast food or processed foods whether I want to or not. I am allergic to beef, lamb, dairy, wheat/gluten, sunflower products, and brewer's yeast. I avoid all of these foods at all costs, I keep my sugar intake low, eat only lean meats, eat plenty of veggies and fruits, and drink more than enough water daily and rarely drink alcohol or other liquids.

    My main obstacles are maintaining a low stress lifestyle, getting enough sleep, and finding time to always squeeze in a workout. I am now working hard to overcome those obstacles and feel like I'm on the right track.
  • hopebird
    hopebird Posts: 9 Member
    Your wedding is coming so fast! I hope the last few weeks go smoothly!

    We are getting married in three months and three days from today. And I can totally relate with needing to get back on track! I am soooo close to getting under 200... but the last couple weeks I have been dealing with some family stuff (My Mom's house and all her neighbours were flooded- like 7 feet of water in their basements) so I have been out of town which means eating out a lot and working out too little.

    I really want to get back on track. I feel sooo much better when I eat healthy and am active. I am also re-starting 30 day shred today as I think with three months left I want to focus on cardio and toning up... I hear you on the arm thing!!! I’d love to lose another 15 before the wedding!

    Good luck with keeping on track! You will be a beautiful bride on your special day!

    Take care!
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