

  • I started on Sept. 19--as of today I'm halfway through and feeling great! I've lost 5lbs in 2 weeks (I know, you're not supposed to weigh yourself but I have GOOD reasons for this!!!) I'd love to share easy/quick food ideas anyone has!
  • There is a dvd on Amazon--Strong Knees. It's done by a physical therapist and has been very helpful for me--I have dealt with patellar tendinosis, patellofemoral pain syndrome and osteoarthritis in the past year. It can get better, but you need to balance the strength in the muscles of your legs and stretch.
  • I used Sparkpeople, then here, then 411 fit, now back here again. I really love how at the end of the day it tells you, "If every day were like today..." The food database is really big, too. It's pretty much the most user-friendly site for this, too.
  • Recently read this quote: Abs are MADE in the gym, but REVEALED in the kitchen.
  • Yeah, I also had to stop watching Man v Food! Made me too hungry!!!
  • I did a lot of exercise dvds. I even have pics after I gave birth to my daughter of me exercising & my 2yo sitting on top of my--I was doing fire hydrants! There are SO MANY good dvds! Tracey Anderson (Gwyneth Paltrow's trainer) has some postpartum dvds out that might be more targeted for your situation.
  • No! If it has helped you get results then DO IT! I would not be down 2+ lbs this week if not for weighing/measuring everything. To quote Judith Beck (from The Beck Diet Solution), "Thin people are very careful about what they eat."
  • I've noticed the same thing & even remarked to the hubs tonight how weird that was! I'm just not hungry! It's like swinging from one end of the spectrum to the other!
  • I'm 5'1 1/2"--and the 1/2 is VERY important to me! My 11 yo is taller than me. Has been since Christmas.....sigh.
  • What about really shaking things up w/ HIIT? Not just cardio but high intensity interval training????
  • This is me also. I've had to start doing things regularly to alleviate osteoarthritis pain, or the pain gets worse and I'm not even mobile. Talk about motivation! I've found to keep my depression 'in check' I have to be very structured about a lot of things. Depression has a way of sucking up your whole day into…
  • I had a friend that broke thru a plateau by eating 100 calories every hour. I found it to be annoying having to stop & eat, but if you planned it out ahead of time, I think you could streamline the process pretty well.
    in :( Comment by jandzsmom July 2011
  • I like how Bethenny Frankel recommends you balance everything out. In other words, pick one meal per day to have whatever you want, then balance the rest of the day out by eating lightly and choosing as many veggies as you can to fill you up.
    in Vacations Comment by jandzsmom July 2011