

  • Couldn't have said it better myself.
  • I've heard this but did a little Googling to verify: (taken from You can lose weight while continuing to drink alcohol, as long as you drink in moderation. That means more like once or twice a week. But you should know that alcohol slows your…
  • Good call, water intake is something I'm not doing very well at and never have. Will try to be more conscience of it going forward. Thanks for the idea!
  • No you don't want to put off eating. Let your body balance out over time, not all at once. You can't make up for 1 bad day by not eating very much for 1 day...just like you can't lose all the weight you want to lose in 1 day when it took years to put it on! If your calories get too low your metabolism will go into…
  • Check out you can go through fast food places and find what the least of the bad will be for you.
  • For some tasty healthy meals to cook up check out, my wife and I have had 5 different recipes from that site and they've all been really good. As I mentioned with the snacking, its good when you eat the right thing (unsalted almonds, Cliff Bars, fruits & veggies, etc.), and not eating can put your…
  • If you are new to exercising I recommend the Slim in 6 program from or Power 90. My wife has done them all and I'm currently doing the Power 90. Watch your calorie intake and try to have some snacks throughout the day in order to keep your metabolism going and burning calories.
  • Turkey Chili (crockpot) 1 lb 'lean' ground turkey (you can sub ground chicken) 1 small onion, chopped 1 (4 1/2 ounce) can chopped chilies, drained 1 (14 1/2 ounce) can black beans, undrained 1 (14 1/2 ounce) can chickpeas, undrained 1 (14 1/2 ounce) can kidney beans, undrained 1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes, with juice 1…
  • My wife also uses the lean ground turkey in the Crockpot turkey chili recipe she has. I'm asking her for it now so I can post it here for you. If you like a little bit of fire in it, we add 2 diced habanero peppers to it (seeds and all) which gives it a very nice and not too hot kick.
  • Caffeine isn't bad for ya. In small amounts throughout the day its actually good for you. The fast food thing if you don't have it for a long time then go back to it...can cause some uncomfortable stomach pains sometimes which helps discourage you. If you absolutely have to go out to eat (I do since my job requires…
    in Hello Comment by psyonix February 2010
  • My wife has flat feet and has similar problems. She even got special shoes but still has issues. I've seen her ice her shins and the tops of her feet for 20-30 minutes afterwards and that seems to help her. She'll also tend not to do the jogging every day but mix it up with aerobic workouts in between.