

  • i would go by grams of protein and carbs rather than cals, because you can have something with a lot of carbs, but lower in cals, or some fruits that are really high in sugar. my md recommended when i started to plateau to cut carbs to under 100g (which is stil a lot: 2 slices of bread, and pasta or potatoes for dinner)…
  • make your own pizza! use a whole wheat tortilla as crust, use salsa for tomato sauce, use low-fat cheese, and top away with veggies! drizzle with olive oil and choice of spices (i like basil) and bake! comes out super crunchy and soo good (and guilt free!)
  • another reason why mfp rocks - so many positive, supportive people!
  • i am the same way in the a.m. i get sick if i eat breakfast too early. i am up around 6:30 and usually just drink one of those flavored milk boxes (i like horizon chocolate milk) on my drive to work, and have a fiber/energy/protein bar of some sort around 9. ends up being 200 - 300 cals total.
  • thanks! muscle weighs more than fat, remember? just kidding, i think it just looks like more because i am only 5 feet tall.
  • thanks guys! i have been using mfp religiously, annoying my friends who have to wait for me to look up calories before i order lunch or dinner, i stick to the 1200 - 1500 cals daily mfp recommends, but i still get burgers and fries, wingstop and chinese food weekly. i work out daily, i put an elliptical in front of my t.v.…
  • my doctor recommended b12, choline and inositol, coconut oil and d3 5000. b12, choline and inositol already exist in your body, but extra can help with metabolism. and d3 5000 is for your bones and muscles. i forgot what she said about coconut oil....
    in Vitamins Comment by meryllb July 2011
  • i still eat! you can actually eat A LOT! i keep my calories around 1200 - 1500 and i still eat 3 meals a day, 3 snacks a day, dessert AND starbucks! you just got to find the right healthy foods you like and know how to order when you go out. whenever work is stressful, i always go to starbucks, only i get a iced coffee…
  • if i'm really feeling nutty. i take the gallon zip lock bags and freeze dinners in them (also in their perfect portions) - like a home made healthy tv dinner.
  • not as crazy as me, i measure everything i buy into portions the second i take it home. i put things like pastas, cereal, chicken, ground turkey, etc in zip lock bags in their perfect portion. i also plan all my meals the day before.
  • eggs are great made in a microwave! get eggs or egg whites in the carton, some deli slices of ham, turkey and cheese, and low calorie bread (oven joy bread is 50 cals a slice). for breakfast you can use the meat and cheese in the eggs for an omellete, or put a sunny side up egg on a slice of toast then sandwiches for lunch.
  • 17 pounds so far, my 2 month mark is actually July 20th :)
  • i did the same thing for my anniversary weekend, and after eating healthy for months i could not even finish anything i ordered in vegas! plus you do burn a lot walking the strip and dancing in clubs. i actually ended up losing a pound that weekend, even though i had gillys bbq, kahunas, grand lux cafe AND drank alcohol…
  • eggs! i use 1 egg and mix in the egg whites that come in the carton, with lots of veggies! i use spinach, mushrooms, bellpeppers, onions, etc. i also use deli sliced ham or turkey, usually around 60 cals for 4 slices, and a cheese slice on top, provolone is usually 60 cals a slice. you can make a pretty big omelette for…
  • cottage cheese and fresh fruit, carrots and celery with hummus, tuna, hard boiled eggs, fruit, oatmeal
    in Snacks? Comment by meryllb June 2011
  • i love my elliptical, i put it right in front of my t.v. and hop on it for a few minutes (5 - 30) at a time whenever i get the chance - during commercials, while i am waiting for something to cook, waiting my turn in the morning to use the bathroom, while doing laundry... you get the idea. when you log all those minutes on…
  • i actually had to ask my doctor about this one, because i was confused about how mfp tells you to eat your exercise calories. my doctor told me that you can, but don't have to, eat your exercise calories back - as long as you are consuming more than half of what your caloric intake should be. eating less than half puts…
  • more detailed:
  • i am the same way! i have a very busy schedule, i work 40 hours a week and go to school fulltime in the evenings - so i am the queen of excuses! i hate going to the gym because you have to schedule it into your day and go through a whole ordeal, pack a gym bag, change at work, drive to the gym, work out, blah blah... so i…
  • i find that when i used have a lot going on (i am a full time student and more than full time social worker), i wouldn't work out as much/often because it was a whole event, you have to make the time, pack a gym bag, bring gym clothes with you to work, change, drive to the gym, blah blah... so i started purchasing stuff to…
  • pack exercise equipment you can do in the dorms (hand weights, resistance bands, etc), or buy some fun exercise dvds (like envy girls or the carmen electra ones) and start a group!
  • a friend of mine is a personal trainer and i asked her the same thing (about the weight training), her reply was that you need to do both to lose weight. most people focus on doing only cardio because the results are faster and you feel more accomplished, and because you sweat, so you KNOW you worked hard. stregthening and…
  • peruse amazons exercise dvd selection... i got a bunch of 4 or 5 disc sets for around 10 - 15$ each. you can also try craigslist for used equipment (or amazon), like treadmills or ellipticals - i put mine in front of the t.v. and now use it all the time! when it was in my office i never used it, now i get on it during my…
  • try looking up weight loss clinics online, this is how i found my place (i'm in california). tips on finding the right one: a good place will screen you beforehand, rather than just writing a prescription. the clinic i go to made me do bloodwork before they would write me a prescription and had me meet with a doctor, some…
    in Phentermine Comment by meryllb June 2011
  • i think the "eating your calories" option is there for the people that want to maintain weight. i remember when i first signed up, it asks your goal, and one option was "maintain weight".