Some people just don't understand

keishamarie4 Posts: 33
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
I wanted to know if anyone else is having the same problem I am. Every night for dinner, before I eat, I measure out how much of each thing of dinner I can eat judging by how many calories I have left for the day. My Fiancee thinks I am crazy and tries to pressure me by putting more on my plate, and saying that I am just going crazy with my calorie counting. This is important to me and I just want him to understand that.
Does anyone else have a similar problem?


  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I get the weird looks, too. If I'm eating at home, I read the nutrition labels like they're my favorite book and then get out my measuring devices. If I'm going out to eat, I have to get online and look up the nutrition for various meals so I can make a choice about what to have. Drives everyone crazy, but it's worth it to me.
  • meryllb
    meryllb Posts: 28
    not as crazy as me, i measure everything i buy into portions the second i take it home. i put things like pastas, cereal, chicken, ground turkey, etc in zip lock bags in their perfect portion. i also plan all my meals the day before.
  • i do the same thing i measure and weight everything but my hubby understands. i even went to a grad party a few weeks back and asked if i could barrow a measuring cup. lol
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Take some extra veggies if they're available, you look like you've got more on your plate with a much lower calorie hit than the cakes and chips etc.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    i do the same thing i measure and weight everything but my hubby understands. i even went to a grad party a few weeks back and asked if i could barrow a measuring cup. lol it! I grabbed some almonds the other day to snack on and put them (as always) in my 1/4 measuring cup. I came back to the other room and my boyfriend looked at me like I was out of my mind. He'd never seen me use a measuring cup as a bowl (we don't live together). Then I had to explain that he has a semi-neurotic girlfriend and he was okay after that.
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    Im a freak on counting calories if Im out I catch myself counting other peoples calories in my head OMG.. im cursed..LOL
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    I totally know how that feels!! I get crazy looks when I measure my food or use my scale. It's like come on, I'm trying to better myself here!!
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    not as crazy as me, i measure everything i buy into portions the second i take it home. i put things like pastas, cereal, chicken, ground turkey, etc in zip lock bags in their perfect portion. i also plan all my meals the day before.

    Splitting everything into it's own portion like this is actually not a bad idea, I may try doing that! It would probably help the "I'm hungry and need a snack" situation! Or eating on the run! I REALLY like this idea!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    not as crazy as me, i measure everything i buy into portions the second i take it home. i put things like pastas, cereal, chicken, ground turkey, etc in zip lock bags in their perfect portion. i also plan all my meals the day before.

    Splitting everything into it's own portion like this is actually not a bad idea, I may try doing that! It would probably help the "I'm hungry and need a snack" situation! Or eating on the run! I REALLY like this idea!

    no thats a good idea, and you could also do it when youre alone and noone to criticise, and then its quicker and less faff at cooking time x
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    not as crazy as me, i measure everything i buy into portions the second i take it home. i put things like pastas, cereal, chicken, ground turkey, etc in zip lock bags in their perfect portion. i also plan all my meals the day before.

    Splitting everything into it's own portion like this is actually not a bad idea, I may try doing that! It would probably help the "I'm hungry and need a snack" situation! Or eating on the run! I REALLY like this idea!

    I do this too and especially with fruit. I buy grapes, strawberries, blueberries etc and weigh and plit them into daily portions so I can just pick them up to take to work. I also make sugar free jellies with fruit in so i can have a sweet tasting desert without feeling bad. I log all my meals the day before as well. So then I know exactly what spare calories I have, and may even be able to squeeze in a small bit of chocolate or a biscuit with my tea :laugh:

    My sister thinks I'm nuts at my calorie counting, so much so that now if I eat even a mouthful of anything, she's like "you not logging that", "can't eat that you've not checked its calories". They understand now though, especially since I've managed to find a relaxing middle ground
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    i do the same, and i'm a guy so i get more flak 4 it....
  • meryllb
    meryllb Posts: 28
    if i'm really feeling nutty. i take the gallon zip lock bags and freeze dinners in them (also in their perfect portions) - like a home made healthy tv dinner.
  • I am glad to see I am not the only crazy one when it comes to the calories lol. You all have given me some great ideas tho!! Now he is going to think I am more insane, but what can you do lol. I am going to have to show him this so he knows I am not the only one!!

    The portioning out idea is amazing..I am going to start doing that for sure!!
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