CandyBryson Member


  • I am going to try to give myself a under 200 calorie snack before I go to bed, Last night I had a late dinner, and didn't have a headache, of course I also had late afternoon snack also. I lost 4 lbs last week which I wrote off to water, but if my loss this week is as significant then I am going to give myself a little…
  • Thanks!!!!!! I will give them a look! :)
  • Okay So I am pretty new to this, But how in the world would I do a dead lift with dumbbells? I don't have excess to many free weights, it's pretty much limited to the Dumbells, and the plates for the smith machine.
  • I did it on the smith machine, is it the same weight?
  • Lol I re-read the Nutrition chapter again, and I am going to try to stay around 1500 on non workout days ( because I really don't do anything) and bump it up to 2000-2100 My maintenance calorie intake is 2330 and the book said I could cut 300 from that. I will see how I feel. after my 2nd workout this week ( Wednesday and…
  • I had 30lb's of plates, ( 15 on each side) how much does the bar weigh on its own? I think the 30 was a little to light, maybe that had something do do with it...
  • The lunges were really hard for me because my booty was sore from the step ups. I had been doing a different routine before I started this which included the pull downs but I added a lot more weight because I wanted to push myself.
  • I think that is my best Idea for now. I definitely don't want to short my body when I am working out so hard but I worked really hard at losing the 30 lbs and the thought of eating so many calories is really scary! so maybe keeping it a little lower on non workout days would be a good compromise?
  • If that had happened while I was working out I would think more of it as hitting a wall, But the workout had been over for hours! I don't usually suffer from depression, but that's the only way I can describe it, post workout depression.
  • I just started this week also! I have done workout A but Not B yet, I will be doing that on saturday.
  • Thanks! I will take your advice and not weigh in for a while, just makes me sad maybe I will measure twice a month for a while.
  • Thank you for posting! I started at 5'5 260 lbs and have lost just about 30 ( by the end of the week I am hoping) I want to get to about 165. I have this vision of skin hanging down to my knees! But I hope loosing slowly will help!
  • Okay I understand, I guess I was just overwhelmed by the fact that I had soooo many extra calories all of the sudden, ate like 2,200 one day but still was under my adjusted goal, I have only been eating exercise calories back if I feel hungry, so its kind of nice!
  • Amen! I HATE those stores. But I do LOVE torrid. Just Sayin'
  • Bumping for insight....
  • I am going to Definetly use my TDEE to calculate my calorie needs, there are some days i am super lethargic, and night I wake up hungry and cheat.... I should clarify though I am 17 lbs away from my 1st goal of 40 lbs. I want to get down to 155-160. And lost 2 inches from my waist 2 from my hips and .5 from my neck since…
  • I gained 2, but lost that back already....I started October 1st at 260, then on October 16th I was 248.6 then and lost slowly after that and in the month of December I didn't track well, and gained some, on Jan 1st I was 240 but I didn't record it because I had hoped it was from the 3 drinks I had the night before......Now…
  • If you are going to get all snippy about "real research" and "real science" don't use Wikipedia as a reference. High schools and Colleges alike, will fail you for using this joke of a site. You need to evaluate the creditability sources before you get on a soap box.
  • Thats a good idea I don't know now if I should wait for the one that goes on the wrist or not. I mean the One is supposed to be able to sync with the phones soon so, Maybe I just will get this one for now an think about the other when it gets some more reviews....
  • I have been taking them but I am VERY overweight and at the most they have helped me in conjunction with making healthy choices. I think if used the correct way, they can HELP you start to make the changes needed to continue to loose weight. I think its just depends on the mindset of the person. I have lost 22 lbs since…
  • That's the problem I had, I was not that honest I was feeling a little tired and so I just stopped, But I am going to try again soon. It's really hard to do when you are jumping around and doing everything and the pictures on the wall are shaking because I am on the 1st floor and there is a basement underneath me. BUT I…
  • ^^^^^THIS^^^^^ I want to lose weight AND be healthy. Which includes a healthy cardiovascular system. Which is why my cardio is NOT pointless.
  • Thanks everyone! I feel great right now. I know I still have a long way to go but (almost) 20 lbs is a big deal! I have had a surge of confidence and am wearing clothes ( well I can get them on anyway) that I have not worn in a while. I think i am going to set a goal of another 13 lbs before x-mas so I can make it a even…
  • Yes to what everyone said. When you don't eat enough your body panics and goes into starvation mode, which slows your metabolism WAY down and makes it very hard to loose weight. Also unless you are really really short, I think you should focus more on toning muscle than loosing weight.
  • I actually did that yesterday to prepare myself! maybe I will just skip the weigh ins for a few weeks, I mean I know I have been sticking to my calorie goal ( 1400) and kicking but with cardio and lifting, maybe I will just skip it and weigh in in a couple weeks...HAHA yeah right I am so excited by the time Monday comes…
  • I have found that too, I just ignore it. I mostly find it in the health and fitness section. so I try to stay away from that topic unless I have a question I can't find the answer too.
  • Great, I take that into account! I am not actually sore, just i guess shaky in my legs if that makes sense. But knowing that the scale might not move will prepare me i guess :) Maybe I will loose some inches in the meantime!
  • Thanks! I'll do that.
  • I gathered that. But if i didn't have filet Mingon and was on the verge of starving to death, the ground beef would look pretty good. Something is better than nothing, Even if can only do 4 before my form goes to crap and then finish on the leg press, next workout I might be able to do 5. I have to start somewhere, even if…
  • Good I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this, I don't go more than 2.5 hours. EVER I usually keep it to 2 hours but from getting my kids from school to dinner is about 2.5