Preparing myself for no weight loss this week

I have been loosing every week ( okay its only been two but I've lost 11lbs) I added weight lifting this week and instead of spending an hour on the treadmill I did an hour on the Arc, machine and boy am I feeling it today! I have kept to my calorie goals and did went to the gym 3 days this week but because I added weights AND I am sore from it I am trying to prepare myself for no loss. For those of you this happened too how long before the scale started to move again?


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I have been loosing every week ( okay its only been two but I've lost 11lbs) I added weight lifting this week and instead of spending an hour on the treadmill I did an hour on the Arc, machine and boy am I feeling it today! I have kept to my calorie goals and did went to the gym 3 days this week but because I added weights AND I am sore from it I am trying to prepare myself for no loss. For those of you this happened too how long before the scale started to move again?

    It will vary, but a few weeks and this should stabalize. Having some post workout protein can help with the recovery of your muscles. Also, eating stuff high in potassium and magnesium (your electrolytes) can help reduce soreness and reduce the affects of water weight.
  • ElizaDnl
    It will vary, but a few weeks and this should stabalize. Having some post workout protein can help with the recovery of your muscles. Also, eating stuff high in potassium and magnesium (your electrolytes) can help reduce soreness and reduce the affects of water weight.
    Which foods do you recommend for extra potassium and magnesium? Thanks!
  • CandyBryson
    CandyBryson Posts: 58 Member
    Great, I take that into account! I am not actually sore, just i guess shaky in my legs if that makes sense. But knowing that the scale might not move will prepare me i guess :) Maybe I will loose some inches in the meantime!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    It will vary, but a few weeks and this should stabalize. Having some post workout protein can help with the recovery of your muscles. Also, eating stuff high in potassium and magnesium (your electrolytes) can help reduce soreness and reduce the affects of water weight.
    Which foods do you recommend for extra potassium and magnesium? Thanks!


  • ElizaDnl
    Thanks again psulemon, and sorry OP for hijacking your thread!!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    it took me a few weeks to lose again after beginning a heavy muscle workout (30DS).

    but i really felt how sore i was, and i knew my body was holding onto water for repairs so i tried not to let it bother me. i did lose an inch off my waist though (was small to begin with, 31 to 30 inches)

    now in level 3 of 30ds, the weight is falling off, at least a lb a week even though i'm set for .5 loss a week.

    strengthening is the way to go! i love how my muscles burn so much more that they're strong and thick. i definitely feel myself up now, i love my thigh and ab muscles.
  • Will210
    Will210 Posts: 201 Member
    Damn - I need to eat more almonds.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    take photos of yourself now and then pics again after a few weeks -- you aren't going to see a lot of movement in the scale -- super normal but you will see it in your shape :)
  • CandyBryson
    CandyBryson Posts: 58 Member
    take photos of yourself now and then pics again after a few weeks -- you aren't going to see a lot of movement in the scale -- super normal but you will see it in your shape :)

    I actually did that yesterday to prepare myself! maybe I will just skip the weigh ins for a few weeks, I mean I know I have been sticking to my calorie goal ( 1400) and kicking but with cardio and lifting, maybe I will just skip it and weigh in in a couple weeks...HAHA yeah right I am so excited by the time Monday comes around I can't wait to weigh myself!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    take photos of yourself now and then pics again after a few weeks -- you aren't going to see a lot of movement in the scale -- super normal but you will see it in your shape :)

    I actually did that yesterday to prepare myself! maybe I will just skip the weigh ins for a few weeks, I mean I know I have been sticking to my calorie goal ( 1400) and kicking but with cardio and lifting, maybe I will just skip it and weigh in in a couple weeks...HAHA yeah right I am so excited by the time Monday comes around I can't wait to weigh myself!

    if you are working out, you should eat more than 1400 calories. That is what your goal will be if you do not. So when you workout, you need to fuel your body. I would probably suggest eating another 300-400 calories (preferably, high protein calories) to fuel your body properly.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    take photos of yourself now and then pics again after a few weeks -- you aren't going to see a lot of movement in the scale -- super normal but you will see it in your shape :)

    I actually did that yesterday to prepare myself! maybe I will just skip the weigh ins for a few weeks, I mean I know I have been sticking to my calorie goal ( 1400) and kicking but with cardio and lifting, maybe I will just skip it and weigh in in a couple weeks...HAHA yeah right I am so excited by the time Monday comes around I can't wait to weigh myself!

    if you are working out, you should eat more than 1400 calories. That is what your goal will be if you do not. So when you workout, you need to fuel your body. I would probably suggest eating another 300-400 calories (preferably, high protein calories) to fuel your body properly.

    agreed -- eat back those exercise cals. I stalled when I didnt do that and I started eating minimum half back so I was eating like 2100 calories