disappointed, 11.6 lbs in 8 weeks?



  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Not to mention with 17 lbs to go, you won't see it drop off super fast. When someone is close to goal, weight loss slows.
  • Don't forget muscle weighs more then fat. So the only way I can tell I've lost weight is my how my clothes fit. Also take progress pictures too. It is hard to tell when losing weight on the scale because of the muscle being built. Hope this help!

    Sigh... muscle will not be built while eating at a deficit, you would need to have a calorie surplus. You can burn fat to expose the muscle underneath and you can become stronger but muscle won't be built.
  • cloza12
    cloza12 Posts: 68 Member
    You should NOT be eating below your BMR.

    Calculate your TDEE and deduct 20% off of that, as a general rule of thumb.

    Congrats on the 11.6 pounds :) Nothing to be disappointed about.

  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Not to mention with 17 lbs to go, you won't see it drop off super fast. When someone is close to goal, weight loss slows.

    her goal seems to be 220 which is pretty high. i think that rule is only true when the goal weight is in the normal bmi range.
  • 11.6 lbs sounds like a great weight loss for 8 wks,. ESPECIALLY for being around the holiday season.

    Check out the HARRIS BENEDICT EQUATION!! Seems quite accurate and informative. It tells how your BMR is the total number of calories you need in order to MAINTAIN your current weight. Once you know the number of calories needed to MAINTAIN your weight, you can easily calculate the number of calories you need to eat in order to gain or lose weight. If you want to lose fat, a useful guideline for lowering your calorie intake is to reduce your calories by at least 500, but not more than 1000 below your maintenance level (which would be your BMR).
    For people with only a small amount of weight to lose, 1000 calories will be too much of a deficit. As a guide to minimum calorie intake, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that calorie levels never drop below 1200 calories per day for women or 1800 calories per day for men. Even these calorie levels are quite low.
    (The BMR Calculator will calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR); the number of calories you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day.) BMI (Body Mass Index) is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both men and women between the ages of 18 and 65 years.

    BMI can be used to indicate if you are overweight, obese, underweight or normal. A healthy BMI score is between 20 and 25. A score below 20 indicates that you may be underweight; a value above 25 indicates that you may be overweight.

    You can calculate your BMI by using our BMI Calculator below, or by using the BMI Formula.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    11.6 lbs sounds like a great weight loss for 8 wks,. ESPECIALLY for being around the holiday season.

    Check out the HARRIS BENEDICT EQUATION!! Seems quite accurate and informative. It tells how your BMR is the total number of calories you need in order to MAINTAIN your current weight. Once you know the number of calories needed to MAINTAIN your weight, you can easily calculate the number of calories you need to eat in order to gain or lose weight. If you want to lose fat, a useful guideline for lowering your calorie intake is to reduce your calories by at least 500, but not more than 1000 below your maintenance level (which would be your BMR).
    For people with only a small amount of weight to lose, 1000 calories will be too much of a deficit. As a guide to minimum calorie intake, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that calorie levels never drop below 1200 calories per day for women or 1800 calories per day for men. Even these calorie levels are quite low.
    (The BMR Calculator will calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR); the number of calories you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day.) BMI (Body Mass Index) is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both men and women between the ages of 18 and 65 years.

    BMI can be used to indicate if you are overweight, obese, underweight or normal. A healthy BMI score is between 20 and 25. A score below 20 indicates that you may be underweight; a value above 25 indicates that you may be overweight.

    You can calculate your BMI by using our BMI Calculator below, or by using the BMI Formula.

    You can also use the Mifflin St. Jeor equation- which is what MFP uses to calculate your BMR. Mifflin St. Jeor is the more accurate equation to use. Google TDEE equations, and you will find a calculator to do it for you. :)

    11.6 pounds in 8 weights is GREAT. I haven't lost a thing in 6 months! Don't get discouraged. You can do it! :)
  • CandyBryson
    CandyBryson Posts: 58 Member
    Maybe you could open your diary?

    Also when you say you "slipped a little at Christmas" - what exactly do you mean? I've seen some people on the forums who put 13 lbs back on over the holidays - what does your weightloss curve look like?

    I gained 2, but lost that back already....I started October 1st at 260, then on October 16th I was 248.6 then and lost slowly after that and in the month of December I didn't track well, and gained some, on Jan 1st I was 240 but I didn't record it because I had hoped it was from the 3 drinks I had the night before......Now I am at 237, so I guess I am bummed I was loosing so fast for the 1st 2 weeks and so slowly after that. But I guess that was just water weight, I did measure myself I just have to go look up the report.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Over a pound a week and you're disappointed?! Turn off Biggest Loser and come back to reality.
  • CandyBryson
    CandyBryson Posts: 58 Member
    I am going to Definetly use my TDEE to calculate my calorie needs, there are some days i am super lethargic, and night I wake up hungry and cheat.... I should clarify though I am 17 lbs away from my 1st goal of 40 lbs. I want to get down to 155-160. And lost 2 inches from my waist 2 from my hips and .5 from my neck since october 1st so I guess that is pretty good. Thanks eveyone!
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    One pound a week is the established norm. I think 11 lbs. is excellent! If you lose too fast you risk having flabby skin. Right now I have noticable flabby skin which I will have to figure out how to get rid of. Good luck! :D
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    that's more than a pound a week..a nice steady, healthy rate of loss. Don't be in a hurry. Slower is better, more sustainable, and healthier! You're doing great! Especially since this time period included the holidays, which can be tough for those of us watching what we're eating!