SurroDoula Member


  • Have you gone to the scooby site and entered in your details? I'm guessing you will need to eat even more - I am shorter and a bit lighter than you, and not as active, and I eat 2175 per day.
  • Did you take measurements? I bet that you HAVE lost fat and gained some muscle, resulting in the scale not budging but your clothes fitting once again. If there wasn't a change happening, your clothes would still be tight. It sounds like you are making progress, don't give up now!
  • In a couple of weeks we are moving to a new house, and I will have an area that is big enough to use some weights. I have never really done free weights, and I'm wondering what those of you who do this at home would recommend buying to get started on this at home? I'm a nursing student, headed back to my third year (of…
  • That's why I figured I would post, since the group is new and so many people wonder if it really does work :) Well, I can say it's working for me, and Ii feel like this is something I can sustain long term, unlike trying to eat around BMR, which I have always done in the past (never could manage to eat only 1200 calories a…
  • Yeah, the majority of my loss is from eating more! I started trying to lose weight April 23 eating around BMR (and eating back exercise calories) and had about 13 scattered days of not quite netting BMR, and lost the first 3 pounds. I started EM2WL on May 27. I'm doing a 15% cut, and have had about two weeks eating around…
  • Thanks, I figured I make my pic something that I read every time I log in to remind me that progress is still being made even if my weight for the week hasn't changed! I like your pic too!
  • I eat throughout the day.
  • I just played with my own numbers, but in order for my current cut to equal my current TDEE, I would have to gain roughly 75 pounds. So I really don't think you have anything to worry about!
  • If you eat Greek yogurt, you could opt for the full fat versions vs. the fat free ones.
  • Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • I've been doing it since May 27. I've lost about 8.5 lbs with EM2WL (3 lbs before that, eating just over BMR and eating back exercise calories). I started with the 15% cut, since I only had a few sporadic days of netting below BMR. I've also lost a ton of inches.
  • I would use the Scooby calculation. 3-5 HOURS is a lot more accurate measure than 3-5 TIMES. You could exercise for 20 minutes 5 times a week or 2 hours 5 times a week and there would be a huge difference in the number of calories burned (but they would still be in the same category according to Fitness Frog), whereas in…
  • Most people don't even know that I'm trying to lose weight, and they would probably be surprised if they saw how much I eat While still losing. However, I've lost over 11 pounds now, and due to my height and frame, people start to notice that I've lost weight when I've lost about 15 pounds or so (which is right around a…
  • Wow! Huge difference in your stomach and chin! Keep it up!
  • Anyone can feel free to send me a request! I haven't posted much because my life is insane lately, but I've been doing EM2WL since the end of May with good results.
  • I'm getting our house ready to put up for sale, so I'm decluttering and doing extra repairs around the house. I'm leaving my intake at the moderate actuvity level I have it set for, even though I don't know how often I will get to exercise. I figure I'll be burning extra with all the moving around, and if not, then I would…
  • I enter in the total amount burned in the exercise notes area (so I can look back and see), and only log the calories that I need to bring me back up above BMR (if needed) . Right now I can burn 300 calories without needing to add back, so if I burned 415, I would only log 115 and make a note that the total was 415. That…
  • Are you tall? I'm somewhere around 5'8", and I find it takes a good 15 lbs before I notice a difference in my clothing size, and 20 before I need to consider going down a size. Frustrating, but I just look at how much money I save by not buying smaller clothes all the time.