CoachJ77 Member


  • We will have to find some recipes for you! I cook off the top of my head (as you know) so we shall have to dig for some other ones. Keep it up you are doing fantastic!
  • Hello! I am glad you came here, it is a fantastic site! I would suggest starting at 2000 calories. After that for a week cut it down to 1800 and then after a week cut it down to 1600. From there, take a look at where you are at and decide what you want to do. Never ever ever get down to 1200 cals. I would suggest nothing…
  • Hello there, I just looked at your food log and I would say that you could eat up to 1400 cals for the day. Your body need to rebuild blood and since you are already only consuming the minimum that is healthy for a human, I would suggest a couple hundred more cals would be fine. Have a good dinner :) IF you are looking to…
  • I like two whole eggs and two extra egg whites scrambled. You can also boil the eggs too and just sprinkle a little salt on them to eat. I am taking that you are trying to lower your carb intake... If I am wrong, then boiled eggs sliced over toast is a great breakfast and pretty low carb and healthy. If you can eat carbs,…
  • Hello! Welcome to myfitnesspal! I hope your day is going extremely well!
  • Yes, veggies are considered a complex carb because they are high in fiber and that is the reason you feel full for a longer period of time. Unfortunately, your body cannot process fiber so your body is not using them to fuel your body in the muscle building process. I definitely agree though, you should be eating a ton of…
  • Unfortunately no, your body will actually start breaking down protein which will make you not gain muscle. You need any carb to gain muscle, dont get me wrong, but if you use complex carbs you will gain only muscle and very little if any fat while "bulking". They call it a "dirty bulk" when you just eat any carb because…
  • The answer is no I am afraid. This is the reason why though. When bulking, like cutting, you dont want just any carb, you want complex carbs. With bulking your body NEEDS carbs to feed on to build the muscle. Many people think you need fat to gain muscle, that is just ridiculous. So if you are increasing your carb intake…
  • I dont think you can get rid of the flu haha. Umm I would say take Vitamin C pills and to feel better just go get medicine for your symptoms. Keep drinking water/gatorade too
  • I have to go to class but I rally feel the need to write about this topic: A person's body needs at least 1200 calories to function correctly. Without that many calories your metabolism will sink, you will actually retain everything you eat, good or bad, and become unhealthy. If I were you, I would move your caloric intake…
  • First thing in the morning if you want to like what the scale says :) If you eat pretty much the same things day in day out, just the same time of day is second best.
  • If you can do it and have the time, go for for miles in the AM and 4 in the PM. Give it a shot, if it's too much.. stop haha
  • Too much is relative. I think it depends on your body. I would suggest doing to for 2.5 miles morning 2.5 at night. The goal is to keep your metabolism at a peak high all day long. If this becomes too easy, then you can always increase your walk :) So listen to your body and go for it :)
  • I will add you too, a good network is nice to have!
  • I always eat under my caloric goal and I do just fine. Maybe you need to switch up what you do though. You could be gaining muscle as well and that is countering your scale. Remember the scale doesn't measure how much fat you lost and muscle you gain. If you can, I would suggest getting to a gym and using the eliptical…
    in Can't lose Comment by CoachJ77 July 2010
  • Welcome! Keep up the good work! I am sure you will find this place as amazing as most of us do :smile:
    in Hi there Comment by CoachJ77 July 2010
  • Hello and welcome. I am currently doing a diet program for two weeks to see how I like it and personally see how it works. It is a ketogenic diet, also known as Atkins diet. I am about to eat a little then hit th gym and see what my weight is. I know a lot of people that have diabetes use this diet because your carb count…
  • It works really well. I suggest a balanced diet and you will lose all the baby weight :) Glad to have ya here!
    in Brand new! Comment by CoachJ77 July 2010
  • Cheese is high in fat, and it is calories because of that. Every gram of fat is 9 calories. Cheese is not good for burning fat unless you are on a ketognic/atkins diet. Simply, all the little things you can cut out of your diet, the better
  • I do not need the fat to gain muscle, that is a myth. You do need carbs though. There are two bulks, clean bulks and dirty bulks. Dirty bulks are when you eat a lot of fats and simple carbs. So you will gain muscle potentially but fat as well and that is counter-productive. Clean bulk is basically a bulk of just muscle. So…
  • Yes and no. It is lower calorie for me, higher for others. I am a relatively big guy. I walk around right now (as of yesterday) at 218 and I am 6'2. So for me 2k cals I will lose weight but my normal is usually around 1800 for cutting. Even when I start my bulking stage (more muscle) I am going to eat around 2650 cals but…
  • And yes I had a pack of gum in my pocket all night (and every day haha) My diet is pretty nuts. I need to make a change to it as well because I haven't eaten any spinach or anything like that today, so tomorrow it will be in there by lunch!
  • Yeah I am a hell of a dancer :happy: But yeah I took only chilled vodka shots which were legit. The only carbs I eat are from peanut butter and veggies. Some things have 1-3g of carbs as well, like protein powder and things like that in my normal diet. My carbs are never higher than 39g a day with a 2k-2400 calorie count.…
  • My Food Log is viewable to everyone so you don't HAVE to be my friend if you dont want to.
  • Um, butter is saturated fat, it may not be terrible for you but it is certainly not good for you. It is high in calories and as I said it is saturated fat. Just because a diet says you can eat something doesn't mean that it is good for a person, or all people for that matter. Higher fats, may be great for certain people,…
  • By the way feel free to add me (someone has already) if you want to see my food log, etc
  • Very well put. I am not a doctor but from the research I have done if you are eating high amounts of fat then that can be bad on your body even though you are losing weight. Weight loss does not mean healthy. Please take a look at this website: Note: this was…
  • Sounds so good! Once I am eating carbs again I may just try it! I will make it a thinner crust for less calories though :)
  • I didn't talk about the negatives yet, but this is what you need to know: You cannot be a sit behind the desk or chill at home type and do this diet. You must work out some way. Either doing cardio or weight lifting (in my case both). BREAKDOWN: What is happening is that as soon as those few carbs are depleted, my body…
  • Bars: I like Cliff bars. They are my favorite and they are one of the best, if not THE best for you. They are made of almost if not all complex carbs and I find them to be one of the better tasting bars Another bar, I keep them in my truck, is the Fiber One bars. I like the chocolate ones. They have little bits of dark…