mummyfin Member


  • Pleased I'm not the only one this has been happening to. I'm still having trouble and having to put things in manually which isn't always a true reading of what I've done which can be frustrating! Will keep everything crossed that it finally works itself out I suppose?! Thanx for all responses nice to know I'm not on my…
  • Ah right thanx will keep an eye on it :)
  • Thanx in advance for any tips :)
  • Amazing success story well done
  • Thank for supportive advice it's much appreciated. Yeah I weigh it my meals if needed etc. could well be near time of the month, I fluctuate so never the same due to pcos (nightmare!!) Will try my hardest to not let it get me down, super advice and thanx again xx
  • thanx, support for you guys is here from me too :)
  • am on my 2nd glass of water for the day so fingers crossed this will help :) thanx :)
    in :( Comment by mummyfin July 2011
  • i dont have both but i have got PCOS. i find it hard to loose weight but am getting to where i want to be slowly but surely with MFP being a big help. add me if you would like and think it would help. i'm a big believe in encouraging people when it comes to weight loss :)
  • welcome to MFP i'm in the uk, huddersfield. feel free to add me always looking for people to encourage and to encourage me :)
  • good old huddersfield is where i am, feel free to add me :)
  • stick with it :) i know what you mean i like the encouragement aswell and like to encourage people. will add you then hopefully we can encourage each other :)
  • Ergh that sucks!! Although yeah I would probably have to agree!! Won't be having that again anytime soon!! Lol Thanx :)
  • wow thats so much for the great advice. i hadn't thought of alot of the things you hav esuggested but i will give them a go and see how i get on :) this is what i love about this site, all the advice and support to do better. thanx so much guys :)
    in snacks! Comment by mummyfin May 2011
  • wasnt the effect i was goin for with the next message!! lol im glad that i have heard from other ppl that they find it hard to loos the weight as when i tell people im sure they think i am just making it up!! thanx for the support :)
  • currently under the hospital, starting chlomid when my next period decides to show its face!! lol i have a four year old already so i know that we can do it but just need the help i guess. my doc has said that if i loose the weight it will all help. just feel like i am in a rut that i just cant get out of at the mo!
  • im a fellow PCOS - er. found out at the begining of last year been ttc for 2 and 1/2 years :( thought i was the only person in the world to have it!! feeling like at this point it is really against me loosing the weight i need to do!! any PCOS friends would be great to follow success stories and keep motivated :) add me…
  • wow u look amazing well done :) how have you done it? any suggestions? i started just this week due to a previous diet no longer working! finding it quite hard to get my head around the dailt calorie allowence etc well done again u look fab :)
  • thanx for the encouragement think it is just what i need to get me back on top of things. im hoping that the logging of all my foods will help me get used to what is what and hoping that it works due to maintining the last few weeks! hopefully seeing everyone success will also encourage me to do better :)
    in im a newbie Comment by mummyfin May 2011