Syncing Map my run and my fitness pal

hi was just wondering if anyone else is having trouble with map my run not syncing with my fitness pal?
I ran yesterday and I've been for a walk tonight and I have had to manually type the exercise in. I've checked my settings and both are connected so should sync automatically shouldn't they?? It was working up untill yesterday!!


  • mummyfin
    mummyfin Posts: 29 Member
    Thanx in advance for any tips :)
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    It is just finicky

    I have map my ride. It will push in my ride data some days and won't others.

    I don't do anything and it magically works.

    I think they have server issues at times.
  • mummyfin
    mummyfin Posts: 29 Member
    Ah right thanx will keep an eye on it :)
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I think some days the communications between the MFP and MMR servers just isn't working well. That happens occasionally with MFP and Fitbit as well.
  • Alexmycat
    Alexmycat Posts: 11 Member
    That's been happening to me lately too. Some days it is fine and others it's not. I wonder if I need to update one or both apps.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Mine was having issues yesterday, so I logged in to Map My Run on my computer and it did the sync then.
  • Claire8614
    Claire8614 Posts: 157 Member
    I had trouble with this last week.
  • mummyfin
    mummyfin Posts: 29 Member
    Pleased I'm not the only one this has been happening to. I'm still having trouble and having to put things in manually which isn't always a true reading of what I've done which can be frustrating!
    Will keep everything crossed that it finally works itself out I suppose?!
    Thanx for all responses nice to know I'm not on my own!!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    I'm having this exact problem today between Map My Walk and MFP. So frustrating when it works one day and not the next. Grrr...
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    Map My Fitness seems to have the same issue, same company so it makes sense.
    I could not get it to synch. Finally I gave up and deleted the app. A couple of days later..when I didn't use it cuz I had deleted, not only did it synch but it gave me a huge negative calorie adjustment. I ate just 54 calories over my allotment that day ( if you add my exercise in) but instead of seeing the -54 in red I wound up getting - 454! It took my exercise of 400cals burned and added it to my calorie overage! WTH?!
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    I just deleted my account... too much stress over an app!
  • ToxDocAR
    ToxDocAR Posts: 49 Member
    My mapologies my fitness and my fitness pal aren't syncing now either
  • ToxDocAR
    ToxDocAR Posts: 49 Member
    I just noticed that my workout yesterday does not show up in the "activity feed" (but is there under workouts) on map my fitness, so maybe that's part of the problem.