

  • Cute!!!!! I remember going to the restroom with my mom once while she waited outside the stall for me. I asked her what "t-a-m-p-o-n" meant and she said she'd tell me when I was older. :laugh:
  • New Kids on the Block (when they were new!) Still my favorite today! <3 I miss the Mickey Mouse Club from our youth. Today's is CGI and awful. Oh how I miss being a kid in the 80's!
  • I just want to be a mom. My payment would be seeing my children grown into wonderful adults. My dream job is to be called "Mommy."
  • We started Insanity a couple of months ago then my bf broke his toe so he couldn't do it for a little while. We're also trying to start a family and I'm just not sure it's a good idea for me to do while trying. I plan to talk to my doc about it tomorrow, though. We did it for about 6 weeks and saw results for sure. I…
  • Well, we've got takers for the idea, but none in my area! My parties never work out anyway. :grumble: :laugh:
  • I love the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Start with #1 because there are 17 in all and they go in order. They are laugh out loud funny! I'm on #16 now and already sad that I'm at the end.
  • I'm Jaime. I'm 33 and weight 168 today. I started at 179 and my goal is 140. I don't have a specific goal date in mind. My wonderful bf and I are trying to start a family and I want to reach my goal weight and get in shape before that happens, or at least be on my way. We started Instanity a couple of months ago but…
  • Awesome! Thanks! I was wrong earlier... I started at 176 and am down to 165 now. I still have 30 to go and am not doing too good today. I love MFP for making me feel bad about my overeating so I can do less tonight for dinner and tomorrow. :-)
  • Similar stats here, too. I started at 169.5 and want to be 135. I'll send a friend request and weigh in on Wednesday's, too!
  • :laugh: I won't eat or drink anything that has aspartame in it. I used to drink Diet Coke and chew sugar free gum and eat only sugar free things, thinking I could lose weight that way. Instead I had unexplained dizziness and near fainting spells. After visiting almost every doctor from head to foot, I was told that I was…
  • We love Dexter! We're anxiously waiting for Season 5 to come out on DVD so we can watch more. We will have Showtime in time for Season 6 so we can record them all and watch them after we've caught up with 5. :smile:
  • I have to make up the bed in the morning, first thing, as soon as I get out of it. And I have to make sure it's still made when I go to bed at night. It has to be tucked in at the bottom. It drives my boyfriend nuts because he hates it being tucked in. I literally can't sleep if I feel like my side has come untucked. I…
  • I'm in Texarkana! I've been using myfitnesspal app on my phone and love it! It's helps me lose about 13 pounds. I still have lots to go, though. At least 25 more pounds. :-)