Does that make me crazy?



  • tubbytabbytales
    tubbytabbytales Posts: 5,883
    - I like having a plate full of mashed potatoes and making a crater in the middle and filling it up with applesauce.


  • big_beautiful
    i hate when people bleed around me ... gross
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My money has to be all facing the same direction and be sorted by denomination, descending.

    I'm the same way! Always attributed it to when I worked retail and they actually required us to straigthen the money out before we cashed out at night. I also have to make sure the little creases and folds are straightened out too. Drives me nuts when hubby gives me cash for bills and they're all facing different ways. He just rolls his eyes at me as I "tsk" and straighten out the pile.
    Also drives me nuts when cashiers give me change in ascending order!

    ETA: my boss is one of those "no food touching" people - almost makes her gag when I bring in leftover shepherd's pie for lunch. Heehee
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I always eat jaffa cakes in the right way, how I eat them makes them taste better, other people eat them wrong and thus they are insane and have no clue. I like them more than anyone else because they taste better to me.....not crazy at all..........................

    what in the hell is a jaffa cake?
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    All the clothes in my closet are sorted by color and type. . So if you were to look as my daughter says"RAINBOW ORDER". .. Just me, and then all tops break down into all tanks together, short sleeves then long sleeves. . sweaters. . .etc. . .lol. . And as much as possible you will see that the hangers match the color of the item. . Except right now decided to buy a bunch of black hangers, because their selection was crap. . .lol
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    Food can't touch. I eat one thing at a time from least favorite to most favorite. I can't touch anything after my fingers wrinkle from being in the water too long. I go into a trance when certain people talk to me over the phone...something about the sound of their voice. Same trance I go into when someone brushes or plays with my hair. I always run up stairs because if i go slow I trip!
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    All the clothes in my closet are sorted by color and type. . So if you were to look as my daughter says"RAINBOW ORDER". .. Just me, and then all tops break down into all tanks together, short sleeves then long sleeves. . sweaters. . .etc. . .lol. . And as much as possible you will see that the hangers match the color of the item. . Except right now decided to buy a bunch of black hangers, because their selection was crap. . .lol

    Oh I do this kind of. I have a closet for winter and one for summer and one for work and they are in order by color
  • tubbytabbytales
    tubbytabbytales Posts: 5,883
    I always eat jaffa cakes in the right way, how I eat them makes them taste better, other people eat them wrong and thus they are insane and have no clue. I like them more than anyone else because they taste better to me.....not crazy at all..........................

    what in the hell is a jaffa cake?

    I need this in my life.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    :) I eat M & M's two at a time by color :)

    Guilty as charged! I am so crazy with my food, the m&m's in pairs by color, nuts in pairs, one on the left side of my mouth one on the other. Sheesh! Crazy crazy crazy!

    I do the same thing, lol...anything that can be eaten in 2's....m&ms, skittles, peanuts, cheez its, etc

    If there is an odd number, I will either give one to my husband or throw it away; has to be an even number!
  • tubbytabbytales
    tubbytabbytales Posts: 5,883
    I won't taste cottage cheese simply because of the way it looks. I refuse to even try.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I won't taste cottage cheese simply because of the way it looks. I refuse to even try.

    you should, it's good. Especially the pineapple one...yum and scrum in my tum
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I used to have an aversion to the mix of fruit and protein.... such as pineapple with Candian Bacon on pizza, apple sauce on porkchops, etc. Fiance is slowly working me through this aversion, but I still cringe at the thought...
  • jinxywinx
    jinxywinx Posts: 38
    I constantly feel that I've trapped my cats in the dryer. So when I turn it on, I stop to check it no less than 4 times before I will let it go on a full cycle. And even then, I ask my husband multiple times if he's seen the cats just to make sure.
  • cjcarson87
    cjcarson87 Posts: 31
    I had no idea that people had such issues with food! Im the complete opposite, Im like andrew zimmern from bizare foods ill eat ANYTHING! I get so bored eating the same thing all the time, im constantly going to random ethnic restaurents and ordering things that I have no idea what they are just to experience other foods. I also enjoy mixing random foods together and condiments are a MUST. My boyfriend says I eat "weirdo foods." haha
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    When I buy socks and wear them for the first time, from the first time I put them on til they wear out, they will forever stay a left or right sock.....and I can't wear socks/sneakers without putting lotion on my feet first.
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    If my french fries are crusty on the ends, I'll hold one crusty end and bite down to my fingers and leave the crusty end. Drives my husband crazy!!

    My family has fun with this one: I do what I call "molecule fingers" when I'm waiting for something like waiting for water to boil. I quickly touch my pinky to my thumb, then ring finger to thumb, middle, index over and over on both hands. I know it doesn't really work, but in my head I am exciting the water molecules so it will boil faster. It started when I used to drive home very late and was trying to keep myself awake, then it progressed to the water boiling watching, then just when I am waiting for something like a bathtub to fill up. Silly, I know...
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    :) I eat M & M's two at a time by color :)

    Me TOO!!!
    haha I have to separate mine by color and eat the ones with the least amount first
  • jinxywinx
    jinxywinx Posts: 38
    in my head I am exciting the water molecules so it will boil faster.

    This made me laugh so hard.
  • texasfrog1021
    I have to make up the bed in the morning, first thing, as soon as I get out of it. And I have to make sure it's still made when I go to bed at night. It has to be tucked in at the bottom. It drives my boyfriend nuts because he hates it being tucked in. I literally can't sleep if I feel like my side has come untucked. I have gotten up in the middle of the night to make up the bed so I can go back to sleep.

    I don't care if my food touches when I make my plate or it's brought to me (like at a restaurant) but I will move things around so they aren't touching when I start eating.

    I have to have cheese on my sandwich/hot dog/hamburger or I won't eat it. The only exception is if it's peanut butter and jelly, then no cheese. Besides cheese, I need mustard, at least. Mustard and ketchup is ideal.

  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i dont like mixed makes me sick. I like a lot of combination, but a single meal made out of a bunch of mixed foods (and I dont mean like making cookies -- eggs, flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, vanilla extract -- I mean if you mixed cookies, icecream, brownies, sprinkles, and whipped cream together:sick: ) makes me nauseous.