30 Pounds and Counting! (Closed Group)

Hi Ladies! Here's the group! Feel free to post questions, success stories, worries, etc! Let's doooo tthiiisss!


  • texasfrog1021
    Awesome! Thanks! I was wrong earlier... I started at 176 and am down to 165 now. I still have 30 to go and am not doing too good today. I love MFP for making me feel bad about my overeating so I can do less tonight for dinner and tomorrow. :-)
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Yayyyy!!! Just to give my stats: 27 yrs old, 5'7" and cw 155 gw 140-130 (haven't decided yet) I know it isn't exactly 30 lbs but I did start at 160 :laugh:

    Right now I have some regular panties that kinda make me muffin'top. :angry: but as soon as i don't muffin'top any more you can bet I'll be posting it on here!

    I decided, since I was the kind of person to cry "wolf" in terms of losing weight, that I wouldn't tell anyone except my hubs and my sister. I've done MUCH better doing it that way because I'm not fooling myself no mo'! So glad to be here!
    Here's to losing 30! :flowerforyou:
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Hi Ladies! Here's the group! Feel free to post questions, success stories, worries, etc! Let's doooo tthiiisss!

    btw. are we going to weigh in on a certain day every week or just do our own thing?
  • plv2010
    plv2010 Posts: 48 Member
    Awesome idea!
  • deevo
    deevo Posts: 277 Member
    I am 5'8 cw 195 and SW 200 I only started this journey about 1 month ago. I would like to loose around 30 or lbs over the course of a spread out time. My birthday is Dec 16th so I am aiming for 175-170 for my birthday :)
  • rosadona
    rosadona Posts: 36 Member
    i'd love to be a part of this! i'm 5'6, current/starting weight 163-164 (depending on the day) and goal weight is 135-140 (we'll see how i feel when i get there and whether i end up gaining much muscle or not). are we doing weekly weigh-ins?
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Yes! Weekly weigh ins! I usually weigh in on Wednesday, so you're more than welcome to weigh in then and report, or just stick to your normal weigh in day and post it then!

    I just wanted to know people who were closer to my goal so I didn't feel behind compared to all the people who are already really close to their goal. I'm excited to get to know all of you (or those I don't already!) and work on our goals.

    First topic! Please say a little about yourself, when your goal date is, and what you're looking forward to the most in losing weight.

    I'll start!

    I'm Alex! I'm 20 and currently 169 and looking to get to 140. My goal date is my 21st birthday which is December 22nd of this year. Currently I'm most looking forward to being able to wear a bikini (confidently) and to rub it in all the faces of past "friends" who made me feel like garbage.

    Your turn! :)
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    I want to join!! I am 5'7 and weigh 185. I would love to get to 145 by December.

    Got up this morning and ran with my husband for 30 minutes. It felt really good! I might even try to get an extra work out in tonight :)

    I had a very frustrating last couple of weeks. Worked out a lot and ate within my calories and didnt loose anything :( But I did notice my clothes are fitting a little better and not a tight as before. Hopefully I will see some weight loss soon.

  • Mollywater
    Mollywater Posts: 42 Member
    Awesome, thanks for doing this!
  • plv2010
    plv2010 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi guys. I'm 24, just started MFP last monday, 5'7, started at 170, and have got down to 167 in a week. I have a 15 month old son, and have been struggling with weight lost. In the past year, the lowest I've gotten was 165, but I can't seem to get any lower than that. I'm happy that we have this group, because I am really unmotivated, and it's great to do this with people similar to myself. I feel like we're all in the same category of not being "obese", but at the same time not being skinny either. I live in Hawai'i, right across the street from the beach, and it would be great to wear a bikini again. I'm aiming to lose 30 lbs by December. Good luck to us all!
  • ___eb_4
    ___eb_4 Posts: 13
    Hey everyone! I'm Erica, and I'm 20. I am 5'7 and currently 172. My ultimate goal is around 140. Like Alex, I would love to lose weight by my 21st birthday. I don't think I can get to 140 by mine (November 10th), but I'm going to shoot for 150. Maybe 140 by New Years?! Feel free to add me!
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Okay! I'll add that I want to get to my goal weight by the beginning of September. I should be rrreeeal close. Jamaica calleth me :laugh: and my victoria's secret bikini too!! :blushing:
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Also, I do plan on weighing in tmrw! :flowerforyou:
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Yay! Awesome. Hi everyone! :)

    I just worked out with absolutely no energy completely tired and with a three year old running around me the whole time.

    There better not be any excuses for you guys not working out ;)
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Yay! Awesome. Hi everyone! :)

    I just worked out with absolutely no energy completely tired and with a three year old running around me the whole time.

    There better not be any excuses for you guys not working out ;)

    I did MY workout today!! :laugh: Good for you sticking to it!!
  • rosadona
    rosadona Posts: 36 Member
    i think i'll keep doing my weigh-ins on sunday, that way i don't eat like crap fridays and saturdays. plus i won't have access to my scale until this friday because it's all packed up, and i'm going to be eating on the road for the next few days! yikes, cross your fingers for me.

    anyway, hi! my name is rosemary, i'm 23 years old and i'm 5'6 and 163 pounds right now. my first goal is 145, though i'd love to get down to 135. i'm hoping to get down to 145 (or at least the 140s) by thanksgiving week - we always go back east to see family and i'd love to NOT be larger this year than i was last year ;-)
    i'm looking forward to gaining back the discipline and fitness that i had achieved a year and a half ago before moving to portland. i'm actually moving back home to redlands, ca (my boyfriend and i are from there and want to go back to be with family again - we miss it!) on wednesday so i'm hoping that will be a belp, being around my support system again. i'm looking forward to shedding a few clothing sizes, a few minutes from my 5k times, a little bit of the disappointment i see when i look in the mirror, and everything else that is holding me back from being mentally and physically happy!
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    Hey Guys, So far I've lost 25 pounds, but for the past couple of months or so I've been bouncing back and forth between the same three pounds. WTH? I'm in the last week of phase 2 of P90x. I started P90x thinking if I gain muscle, then the fat will burn quicker an I'll see the scale move. It's barely moved, but I think I am toner. IDK!! I plan to finish the 90 days and adjust my workouts after. I was hoping to be 135 by my birthday which was earlier this month. When that didn't happen, I decided to stop putting a date on my goals and just keep chugging along! I plan to keep my weigh in day on Saturday! Hoping this group of ladies with the same goals can help me keep going!!
  • texasfrog1021
    I'm Jaime. I'm 33 and weight 168 today. I started at 179 and my goal is 140. I don't have a specific goal date in mind. My wonderful bf and I are trying to start a family and I want to reach my goal weight and get in shape before that happens, or at least be on my way. We started Instanity a couple of months ago but stopped because my bf broke his toe (had nothing to do with working out!) and I was worried it might not be good for trying to conceive. We've both been slack in our "eating well" for the last week or so, so I have to work harder to eat better now!
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    I'm Rhonda, 32 years old. My current weight is 185, my heaviest weight was 201 and my weight when I started MFP (last week) was 188. My ultimate goal weight is 140 and I have yet to set a deadline to reach this, but I have a mini goal of 155 that I would like to reach by November - getting married in Italy . I am very active and actually really enjoy working out, my biggest problem is that I really enjoy eating too and my fiancé is a chef so even home cooked meals where loaded with butter and extra fat and all the things I used to love to eat. Now I make most of our dinners so that they are healthy (healthier). I am happy to have found this group because hearing from people with similar goals is always motivating for me.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Ran this morning with the hubby! Yahoo! It feels so good to have completed my workout by 6:30 this morning. Its hard to get up but I really am liking the way it makes me feel throughout the day!

    Hope everyone has a good day!