30 Pounds and Counting! (Closed Group)



  • deevo
    deevo Posts: 277 Member
    TayJoMomma ... Congratulations on hitting your goal weight. Remember that weight changes with water and sodium. I would still go out and reward myself :) Just make sure to not give up logging and choosing those healthy foods :smile:

    MissyFit08- It sounds like everything you are doing is correct. I recently went through the same problem where I was working out 4 to 5 days a week and drinking all my water and I was frustrated that I was not loosing. I am in the process of playing with the number of my calories also. I will send a friend request so we can help each other and look into those diary's :tongue:

    Well last recorded weight was 2 weeks ago. I believe I missed last week weight in, but good news is that I am down :wink:
    LW 195
    CW 191.4
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Good job ladies on your weight loss! Keep up the good work!

    Yahoo!! Finally lost 1 whole pound!! hahaha not as good as I wanted but better than nothing. After about a month of not loosing anything this makes me happy. I went from a base of 1200 to a base of 1300 calories and ate almost all of my exercise calories. I am thinking that 1200 was just to low for me. Maybe I will try to bump the base up to 1400 calories this week and see how that works.

    My goal this week is to stay motivated and eat healthy this weekend. I was super active last weekend and it felt so good! I wakeboarded, watered and fertilized my garden and flowers, stained our new fence we put up, ran, walked the dogs, weeded my new yard/ flower beds.
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Thanks for the friend invites guys! And the input on my diary. I bought some fresh fruits for salad and veggies to munch on along with fresh spinach. Hopefully putting my calorie rate back up to 1500 will get me to losing weight again.

    Question: If you're working out muscles rather than just walking or something do you tend to hang on to your weight rather than lose? Not sure how that works :-/
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Good job all! I had me weigh in today and lost 1.8 lbs!! I'm at 9.2 lbs lost total, SO CLOSE TO 10 LBS!!! That's almost a third of the way to 30. In about a month. I'm so excited :)

    Missy-If you're working out muscles it might seem like you're not losing actual pounds, but try using a measuring tape. I promise you'll see a loss :)
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Congrats on your awesome weight loss girl!! You can make it to 10 pounds then the rest will come along, duh...haha!! I"m there with you! I'm hoping for 143 by September.

    I feel a little thinner. After 3 weeks my husband FINALLY noticed that I was somewhat thinner and said something about it. I was thrilled to my toes! But keeping with the program! We can do this!!

    I also wanted to add that I hate Jillian Michaels and her stoopid pushups. But where I could do just 2 girlie pushups and 0 regular pushups. I can now do 20 girlie pushups and maaaaybe 3 regular pushups! Yay me!!
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    YAY!! Everone is doing such a good job!! I really like having some support on here! It is actually a huge motivation. Me and the husband ran our "loop" that we like to do every once in a while. It is out in the county and super hilly. Last time we ran it we had to stop probably 4 times for rest and last night we only had to stop once at the very end, half way up the biggest hill. I was so excited that we almost ran the whole thing all the way through!! Hopefully next time we can conquer it! I dont know that last hill is pretty long and steep!!

    Anyways my goal for this weekend is to work out both days and stay on track with my eating! I need help!! The weekends are my worst, I am getting better but still not as clean of eating as I would like. The weekdays are a piece of cake for me now. It is getting easier, thank goodness!

    Here is to being healthy this weekend! :drinker:
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    YAY!! Everone is doing such a good job!! I really like having some support on here! It is actually a huge motivation. Me and the husband ran our "loop" that we like to do every once in a while. It is out in the county and super hilly. Last time we ran it we had to stop probably 4 times for rest and last night we only had to stop once at the very end, half way up the biggest hill. I was so excited that we almost ran the whole thing all the way through!! Hopefully next time we can conquer it! I dont know that last hill is pretty long and steep!!

    Anyways my goal for this weekend is to work out both days and stay on track with my eating! I need help!! The weekends are my worst, I am getting better but still not as clean of eating as I would like. The weekdays are a piece of cake for me now. It is getting easier, thank goodness!

    Here is to being healthy this weekend! :drinker:

    Wow!! That's awesome you guys can keep running almost without stopping! That's a big victory...My goal this weekend is the same as YOUR goal for this weekend. Last weekend screwed me up for the whole week and I've been spending this entire week trying to get BACK down to 153.6...yep every decimal counts. :laugh: Not doing that again this weekend! We can dooo it!!
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    cdevine10 - great job on the running, that is amazing. My goal for this weekend is the same as well, they are also my hardest as there is really no structure.

    I weighed in this morning and was pleasantly surprised with a loss of 1!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Congrats on your awesome weight loss girl!! You can make it to 10 pounds then the rest will come along, duh...haha!! I"m there with you! I'm hoping for 143 by September.

    I feel a little thinner. After 3 weeks my husband FINALLY noticed that I was somewhat thinner and said something about it. I was thrilled to my toes! But keeping with the program! We can do this!!

    I also wanted to add that I hate Jillian Michaels and her stoopid pushups. But where I could do just 2 girlie pushups and 0 regular pushups. I can now do 20 girlie pushups and maaaaybe 3 regular pushups! Yay me!!

    Omg totally know what you mean about the hubby noticing your loss. I've lost almost 10 lbs and my bf has yet to say he sees a difference :grumble:
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    He said he hadn't noticed anything because he sees me day in and day out. But I was wearing some pjs that are usually kind of not becoming and they were a little looser. That's how he noticed...how kind huh? I didn't bug him about it or try to put myself before his eyes to scrutinize weight loss...I just kept doing what I always did except eat/exercise different. :-) Let us know when you get yours!
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Hey ladies!! Ready for your weigh in tomorrow?? (or when ever you weigh in)

    Hope you are all having a good week!

    How did you do on your goal for last week?

    I ate really good this weekend and noticed that I HAD to force myself to eat. When I am at home I tend to get going on a project and dont stop to eat. So this weekend was about not letting myself go hours and hours without eating then eating everything in sight. I did really good and felt great Monday morning when most Mondays the first thing I say to myself is "why do I do that to myself, I work so hard during the week and then blow it over the weekend".

    This week my goal is to run 30 minutes without stopping. I almost did it last night but had to stop and walk once.

    What are your goals for this week?
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    I'm ready for the weigh in tomorrow...kind of irritated now because I've been weighing in at 154.4 every morning for the past week or so. I plan on finishing 30DS L1 this week and beginning L2 for the first time. *sighs* I've been eating properly most days...i know I need to increase my veggies but walmart has such crappy produce that I'm about to go pay more for the good produce that will actually last a couple of days from the local shop.

    I find it very hard to eat all my calories most days for some reason. I'm trying to figure out if it's because I'm drinking so much water? Should I cut back on the water a little so I can eat? idk...
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    I, thankfully, don’t have my weigh-in until Friday. I was at a festival on Sunday, specifically beerfest. I used all my allotted calories on beer alone then did not make good food choices. I was up 2.1; I have lost .6 as of this morning, so I will be spending my week trying to get back to last week’s weigh-in weight. My goal for this week is to make better choices on the weekends (this will be an on-going goal). The weekends are just so hard for me. This Saturday I have a pool party to attend and my goal is to camp out by the fruit and veggies instead of indulging in the chips and such, or over indulging in the barbequed meats.

    I also upped my calories from 1200 to 1400 this week to see if it makes a difference, I have no problem eating the 1400, however, I can’t seem to eat my exercise calories on top of that. Alas, I will leave them at 1400 for a couple of weeks and see if it works for me.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    I've got my weigh in tomorrow, though I'm not expecting to see a drop. I had a festival this past weekend too and that made me jump about 2 lbs, but it was all water weight and I believe I'm back down to where I was (166.5). I've also noticed I have sort of let myself slip a little here and there with my food decisions but I think it's because I had no groceries.. :) I have had no issues eating all my calories, but I think that is because I haven't been working out so they have just been staying at 1350 or so.

    2 NSVs for me this week! Both happened yesterday..
    1. I was able to fully pull up and button size 9 pants, though they were still incredibly tight..
    2. My dad said I was looking slimmer when I saw him after being away for about a month.

    My goal for this week is to really push myself working out and get 5 days in of AT LEAST 30 minutes. At a minimum.
    I hope you're all doing well and will let you know about weigh in tomorrow.

    P.S. Where the hell is everyone else..?
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member

    P.S. Where the hell is everyone else..?

    LOL!!! :laugh: I was wondering that when I wrote in....glad to see ya Rhonda...how's the wedding dress coming along?
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    154.2!!!! I re-lost .6 pounds from last Wednesday!! I'm so excited because I didn't realize it was sneaking off of me. This whole time it felt like WEEKS I was at 154.4 but it was only a few days really. Now, on to 153.6 and THEN I'll really be happy because that's where I gained the weight back 2 Sundays ago. Whew!
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Good job Missyfit!!

    AFM got on the scale this morning and it didnt turn on. I asked my husband when the last time he weighed himself was and said yesterday and then the scale died. He failed to tell me last night so I guess I will go buy a new one and let you ladies know what i am at tomorrow. Grrrr i wanted to know today!!!

    Also joined a group that has me walking/running 15 miles a week! This is a perfect goal because if I walk/run 5 days a week I should meet this goal and that way I dont have an excuse to try to get out of a run!
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    Brenna - great job on the loss:smile:
  • rosadona
    rosadona Posts: 36 Member
    hey guys! glad to hear you're all doing well. i've been working out with a friend who is pretty much a fitness genius and i'm feeling better, but not sure if the scale will react much this sunday (i'm pretty sore and i KNOW i'm building muscle, so i might be retaining some water... we'll see!). i'm still gonna weigh myself but i'm gonna put a little more stock into my measurements. anyway, my goals for this week have been/will be to drink LOTS of water and to get enough protein in for muscle recovery.
    i'll check in again when i weigh!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Sounds awesome ladies!

    I only lost .6 lbs this week, and .5 inch off my thighs. I wasn't expecting to lose much though because I didn't work out for like 4 days in a row.

    This weeks goal=WORK MY *kitten* OFF! Literally.