

  • Sounds yummy!! I tried your apple crisp recipe today and loved it! Keep em coming! haha
  • But anway... Right- Eating healthier foods Tracking my calories, carbs, fats, protein, ect Started P90X Wrong- Dont drink enough water, and drink too much soda Am not consistent when it comes to working out Still eat some bad foods on occasion.. ex we had papa johns meat lovers last night =(
  • You could always try diet coke instead.. it will save you tons on calories and sugar! I am definitly a soda person so its hard for me to take it our of my routine so i switched to diet until i am able to stop drinking it all together.. i swear its like an addiction.. quitting smoking was easier to stop than drinking soda…
  • yeah same here! I think thats why i was wanting to do doubles.. maybe ill just throw in cardio x on the days i have time to do two workouts
    in P90X Comment by akane1087 August 2011
  • Thanks everyone! I am loving the skinnytaste website!!
  • Thanks everyone! Lean is definitly out of the picture then! Im still torn between classics and doubles! I love the cardio in doubles but not sure if ill have the time to do two workouts a day.. guess ill give it a shot and see how it works out!
    in P90X Comment by akane1087 August 2011
  • That sounds soooo good! Definitly going to have to try that!
  • I just started P90X about 2 weeks ago.. what is the one on one workouts?
  • I was looking at a lot of the foods i eat and they all have carbs! What are some foods that you can eat that are low in carbs?!
    in Carbs! Comment by akane1087 August 2011
  • Thank you everyone! I dont think she meant to cut it out completly because she did say to eat vegtables and fruits.. maybe she just meant to cut down on the breads and rice and snacks like wheat things and pretzals that i eat. However i do eat whole wheat bread and brown rice so im not sure if thats too bad. I do need to…
    in Carbs! Comment by akane1087 August 2011
  • My husband and I just started P90X.. there are some parts of the workout that require a lot of jumping for example plyometrics. As for your knees.. there are also some parts that might bother you there. I did the yoga dvd yesterday and it was messing with me knee. But if you can push through it and do some modified stuff i…
  • Thanks! The one problem i will have is not getting enough sleep.. i have a two girls.. one whos only 4 months and still wakes up for midnight feedings! But I think ill be fine! I am just ready to get the body i want and i dont want to have to wait the 4 weeks to start doubles!
    in P90X Comment by akane1087 August 2011
  • I dont think you have to. I believe that its up to you.. if you feel tired or fatigued then you could eat some of those calories or even if your just a little hungry. I try not to use them but sometimes i use a little bit of it and it never hurts me!
  • Thanks yall!
  • Love the apple and peanut butter idea! Havent had that in forever! I forgot about that combination! Ill try that thanks!
  • Thank you everyone for your suggestions! Im not a big hot tea drinker so i will have to try the water! And save lots of calories for the night! The main problem i have is the cravings for either salty or sweet food.. i have to try to go for the healthier snacks and not the bad and that should help a bunch! I have heard the…
  • I do eat a big dinner though.. its just something about night time that makes me feel hungry.. not sure if i really am or if its just a routine i have myself on and cant get off of it =/
  • I too do really bad on the weekends! Im a stay at home mom so I only cook for myself and i make my kids their own thing. But on the weekends my husband is home and I have to make food he likes! And the family is always asking us to come over to eat on weekends and needless to say they all make fried and unhealthy food!…
  • P90X! My husband and I used to work out 3 hours a day every day a week before i got pregnant.. and everything we did is in these videos! This is the first workout we have found that even comes close to being as hard as we used to work out!
  • Thanks everyone.. i guess ill put it under circuit or cardio.. i dont have a heart rate monitor at the moment =/
    in P90X Comment by akane1087 August 2011
  • I am in the same boat at you! I have a 20 month old and a 4 month old.. both girls! My highest too was 180 and i am now at 154. Before i got pregnant with my first i was 118.. add me as a friend we can keep eachother motivated!!
  • Try and switch up your workouts.. its good to have some cardio and some weight training. Strength training will actually help you loose more weight.. if you work out your legs.. squats, lunges, ect you will burn the most calories since it is the largest muscle in your body. Also dont always do the same work out or else you…
  • Thank you everyone for your replys they were a lot of help! I am going to try and do both workouts and see how it goes! Got to loose this baby weight and get back to how i was before i had my little girls!
  • Thank you everyone! Those were all very helpful tips! I already had my post delivery check up at 4 weeks. I had it at 6 weeks with my first. Im not sure if they did it earlier this time because it was a different doctor or if it was because this was my second child. But since i was already checked im ready to get back in…