
I started P90X 4 days ago and I decided that i want to do doubles. It wants you to start out slow the first 4 weeks and then go into doubles. But i wanted to start next week? Would that be a bad thing to not follow their plan? I feel like the one workout a day just isnt enough! Plus I am trying to loose more weight within 3 weeks before our family vacation!


  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    I suppose as long as you are fueling all that extra workout and getting a good nights rest, then you should be fine.. You don't want to burn out..
  • uniqute1888
    uniqute1888 Posts: 182 Member
    Make sure you fuel for the workouts and have fun!... I did doubles and loved it. The days that there wasnt a double workout i wished it was.... Have fun.. You may have inspired me to get out of my funk and push play again..and again
  • akane1087
    Thanks! The one problem i will have is not getting enough sleep.. i have a two girls.. one whos only 4 months and still wakes up for midnight feedings! But I think ill be fine! I am just ready to get the body i want and i dont want to have to wait the 4 weeks to start doubles!