Introducing Myself!

Hey there.. My name is Tiffany. First, I'll tell you a little about myself. I am married and my husband and I share two beautiful girls. We have begun our fitness journey together! I am so excited to get back into shape. After experiencing two pregnancies, I have definitely put on the pounds. At my heaviest I was around 180 pounds. I recently, though, lost over 30 lbs and thought I was doing great... until a few of those pounds started creeping back. I have always been small, but having children has differently changed my body and I am ready to show these pounds who's boss. I not only want my flat tummy back, but I'm also doing this for my health (which is most important) Since high blood pressure and diabetes run in my family, I think I better start changing my lifestyle before either of those decide to invite themselves into my life. I am ready for this challenge and I just pray that I can keep it up and not give up on myself. We only have this one life and it's up to us to make it a fabulous life!!

Good luck to all of you on your fitness journey!


  • akane1087
    I am in the same boat at you! I have a 20 month old and a 4 month old.. both girls! My highest too was 180 and i am now at 154. Before i got pregnant with my first i was 118.. add me as a friend we can keep eachother motivated!!
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Welcome to the site! It's a great place to get and give support and motivation. Feel free to add me.