CandiceMcD Member


  • I want to lose 10 lbs too. I keep gaining and losing the same one lb every week. I am starting to think I am going insane!
  • YAY for no belly button bulge! Congrats!
  • I want to wear a thin type shirt that does not show the outline of my belly button bulge.
  • I have the Fit Bit Zip which is the cheapest version. Just attach it to my belt. I bought a strap to put it in too, if I need it to. I have a desk job, but joined a group challenge with other ladies from work yesterday and managed 15K steps yesterday. Challenge some coworkers and you will be walking circles around your…
  • Yeah I log all of my food in MFP & exercise in Fitbit. Seems to work best that way.
  • happened to me too, kept trying to make it 1400 calories but it just keeps giving me 1290. So I gave up. ha ha
  • what I do is measure all my snacks - and log them as soon as they go in my face, that way I see all these 'boredom snacks' piling up in my food diary & I am like, no.....
  • I was hungry all weekend too, like, starving. I don't get it. I went over Saturday, but didn't worry about it too much. One day I go over 200 calories, the next I don't eat back my exercise calories. It all evens out. When I am really hungry I just try to eat veggies or like, something I am craving - but just one portion.…
  • I always start mine with 1 cup of baby spinach - then add a cup of frozen fruit (unsweetened) and then some unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Lots of stores have their own brands of almond milk which are about $1 cheaper than the main brands and just as good. Or you can add plain Greek yogurt and water (this is tart…
  • I've been tracking everything and exercising at least 30-45 min cardio 5X week, weights 3x week. Been sticking to my calories at least 6 days (sometimes Saturday is just too fun & I go over by a couple hundred!) & have been losing about 0.8 lbs a week. I was frustrated that it was only 0.8 lbs a week, but I am still able…
  • well, its lunch time and I am about to drop half an avocado on my salad & I am pumped about it.
  • I love black beans cooked with a little bit of corn for texture, onion, garlic, S&P and cumin. I eat them alone or over my salad.
  • HA my cat had this! Turns out my old downstairs neighbor must have been stressing her out (he was awful) cause once I moved in with my boyfriend, all of her beautiful fur returned. As much as I enjoyed that cute pink belly. ha ha
  • I would log 'raking leaves - 30+ minutes'. I wouldn't log 'cleaning the bathroom'. I don't always rake the leaves, cleaning the bathroom has been part of the routine forever.
  • I started using this too and I love it. My hair isn't nearly as dry as it used to be. I still wash every day. Once a week I use the neutrogena clarifying shampoo, but just on my roots.
  • I like to take the plain yogurt and add my own berries, some fiber one and/or a tsp of honey. Its way less sugar than the already containing fruit/honey versions.
  • This is a great idea! Haven't thought much about powdered milk since we were forced to drink it as kids. ha ha
  • Fage is my favorite! I buy the big containers cause we use it for sweet and savory dishes. (My boyfriend is the Greek)
  • Definitely log it. I actually started measuring my alcohol, I don't care if I look silly. Maybe make your small glass of wine feel bigger my making it a spritzer. that way you are still feeling like its volume, but club soda has nada calories.
  • okay is this calculator for weight loss or maintenance? I think I am just confused by the whole TDEE thing... its says I should do this: BMR: 1386 & TDEE: 2027 and the calculator posted on the original thread said: BMR: 1248 & TDEE: 1540 and that I would lose 15 lbs doing 5 work outs a week in 2018. and MFP has me set at…
  • Ha I have totally been eating just 1/4 cup of rice, cooked
  • I pay $60/month for 2 of us at a 24 hour gym with key card entrance. Its a bit smaller than our old $10/month gym - but that kind of gym was so annoying and full all the time so we never went. I pay the higher amount for a gym I feel more comfortable at & I will actually use.
  • I downloaded the pacer app - cause its free & it seems to be working properly today. I ordered a Fit Bit from Amazon, so I am (anxiously) awaiting its arrival. Hopefully it works as well as this free app.
  • Ha, I actually have an at home ultrasonic facial machine & I have been using pure aloe with it. My skin is awesome. I am going to have to look into drinking the juice too.
  • I was using a lot of kale in my smoothies, but all of a sudden I started getting hives all over - so I cut the kale out and they haven't come back. I guess some people have sensitivities to it. Of course I am the weird one, cause I loveeeed the taste of kale chips! I use baby spinach now, or spring mix.
  • I do not envy you at all! If you want to stop eating fast food - I suggest getting a calendar together, and x off each day that you successfully make it through a day without it. Even on your days off, get yourself on a roll. Its like a visual to do list, or like, to don't list.
  • Man now I want beer. and Big Macs, what the heck. But I also don't want to feel gross, so I am chomping on my tuna & celery and I shall count it as a win.
  • Taco soup! Which I just finished eating - added 1 Tablespoon of fat free shredded cheddar, fage plain greek and some chopped celery after heating up.
  • just a suggestion about the kefir - start off with maybe 1/8 of a cup and work up - it is TART. More so than plain Greek Yogurt. I added 2 tsp of honey when I started with the kefir to tone it down, but eventually I didn't need it anymore.
  • I have been gaining and losing the same lb each week for a month. Its weird. Because its exactly 138.2 one week and then 139 the next. MY weigh in day is Thursday, so I am HOPING that I see something different this week. I eat about 1200-1400 calories a day, closer to the 1400. Cardio 30 min x 5-6 days a week, lifting 3…