CandiceMcD Member


  • I just got some sunflower seed butter and its freaking amazing. Avocado with some lemon. eggs.
  • speaking of spaghetti squash, scroll down to the taco bake. Its freaking amazing.
  • It is exercise...but I always try to get some of my 10K whilst doing something other than that, like, a cardio work out or a video or something. I do that 5 times a week. On days I don't exercise (Sat & Sun) I try to get between 6-10k.
  • eat an avocado a day! It will be 250 calories and get you right in there.... p.s. I just really love avocados ha ha
  • [quote="People are saying they are doing low carb and mean no milk and yoghurt? I have been for a while on MFP, but have not seen this one yet![/quote] I am doing a lower carb diet...and I did cut out cow's milk and switched to unsweetened almond milk - but I still eat plenty of plain Greek yogurt. I just measure stuff,…
  • Taco soup! I made it last night. 1 lb ground turkey cooked with 1 packet low sodium taco seasoning & a little water. Add that to a crock pot with 1 can black beans, 1 can kidney beans, 1 can diced tomatoes with chilies, 1 can regular diced tomatoes, 1 can of corn & a 32 oz box of fat free chicken broth. I threw a little…
  • pretty much everything tastes good sauteed with a little olive oil & garlic. Cauliflower is awesome when you grate it and use it as rice.
  • I set mine for 40% carbs which is 129g. I try to eat between 50-75 a day and then on my high carb day I still stick to 129. Seems to work for me so far.
  • I bought them a few times through my adult life and never once did they do anything but make me jittery. I never lost a lb due to hydroxycut.
  • The bag of cadbury mini eggs just sitting on my desk staring at me. This is all happening while I am PMSing so I deserve a medal.
  • I really like my Nutribullet. I have made everything from smoothies to cocktails to hummus in it. I definitely have an easier time getting large amounts of kale down that way.
  • lentils, peas, tuna, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, eggs (although in the US these babies are going up!) - just make sure you have some with each meal.
  • I use olive oil or coconut oil when I cook, but that may just be what I am used to. I mean, if you are measuring and tracking your butter - I think you should be A okay. If it makes your food taste better and you are staying within your limits of whatever you are tracking, its all good.
  • Baby spinach, low fat kefir (liquid yogurt-ish, plain un sweetened has 10.5 grams a serving - one cup...but start out with less because the stuff is TANGY), a dash of honey and frozen berries. You can add protein powder if you like, but I usually just add the kefir & PB 2 for my protein.
  • I always have hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, chicken breasts & black beans on hand. Like, if I make brown rice, I mix in black beans and serve myself 1/4 cup of them. Mixing in any proteins will keep you way fuller longer too. I never have a problem hitting my protein goal, but its only set at 76. I usually go over.…
  • Log it before you eat it for sure, and make sure you are eating the serving that you think you are. Like, last night I wanted ice cream. I had it, but I measured it out first. Its like a compromise between your craving and your goals.
  • I log my weight once a week - but on period week, if its a lot higher, I skip logging that week. I weigh myself daily, but only log it on Fridays.
  • I like my Fitbit Zip. Its rather cheap - $50 on amazon right now - and it tracks steps, calories, water, calories remaining and syncs with MFP. I didn't want to get something that tracked heart rate and sleep, because that wasn't what I was into & I didn't want to spend the money unless I knew that I was going to use it. I…
    in Fitbit? Comment by CandiceMcD June 2015
  • Oh I didn't run a bit when I went in. I used to spend HS track practice smoking cigarettes in the changing room. ha ha. But once you start doing it, it will be okay. I still couldn't do but maybe one pull up when I left basic training. If you just focus on working on your stamina for the jog, push ups and sit ups, you will…
  • you'll be fine. I couldn't do a push up or a pull up when I started basic, but I was good to go by the time I graduated. Its a lot easier to go beyond what you think your body is capable of when you are being yelled at. =) I would probably work on some jogging and push ups - those were the hardest things for me to get…
  • I have the Fitbit Zip also and I love it. I attach it to my hip and don't even notice its there. I bought a separate attachment to be able to wear it around my wrist, but I haven't needed to. It does a great job tracking and I have gotten at least 10K steps each day because I am paying so much attention to it. Its on sale…
  • I started the RUSHFIT program last night, kicked my butt. I think I will get a lot more out of the HIIT workouts than just endless time on the elliptical & some weights thrown in every few days. We shall see! I am sore as anything today though!
  • Hey, thanks. That is more what I was going with, but ya know - it was weird so it was bothering me.
    in calories Comment by CandiceMcD May 2015
  • I ate some edamame with sea salt, because it was snacky time & I wanted salt....but not chips
  • So I set my MFP account to lose a lb a week & have my fitbit synched - yet my fitbit gives me less remaining calories a day then MFP does. Which should I follow? Today its 188 calories different.
    in calories Comment by CandiceMcD May 2015
  • I have been making my own dressings lately & I am so much happier. If I amp up the vinegar then they are so much more flavorful. I haven't made any creamy dressings, but rather just add some cottage cheese and it gets all coated in creamy goodness. I also started using more spices that I hadn't in the past to get my taste…
  • I log them if I remember, but I don't often. One lap around the office burns off the entire mint. I wouldn't worry about it that much.
  • I tried it in a smoothie and it was, well, oily. Because the smoothie was cold. I may try the coffee thing, just because I am curious and the oil will be better masked, I am guessing, when its warm. Otherwise I only really use it on a regular basis on my face, lips, and to pop popcorn in a pan. I love it more for my skin…
  • Ah, I was just going to ask this today. I have 4g of sugar left and the only sugar I took in was from one banana & 2 teaspoons of honey for breakfast & a cup of strawberries for a snack just now. I am trying not to worry about it TOO much - but its hard not to notice, and I still want to track sugar....but try to tell…
  • I would definitely invest in a fit bit. I have the cheapest one and have become obsessed with walking since I bought it. I have challenges with coworkers that help get me moving every single day. I used to go to the gym and suffer through 30 minutes on the elliptical, but now I am walking outside for about 45 minutes to an…