Light exercise to Air Force

Im thinking of joining the Air Force to follow in my family's foot steps of joining the military (hopefully by the time I'm 20 -Feb 2016). I'm not that big into exercise. I do sit ups, step ups, and sometimes do a light jog. What are some good fitness plans to get me more into fitness and able to do all that the military requires?


  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,206 Member
    For a 20 year old Female the PT requires you have less than a 31" waist, you run your mile and a half in under 15min, you can do at least 60 crunches and 18 push-ups in 1 minute. Once you get to basic training they will condition you until you can meet these requirements, if you cant they will send you to FIT Flight (trust me you don't want that). My suggestion to you is to start working on your run time and overall fitness level to meet these requirements. It will only help you in the long run. They Air Force doesn't care how fit you are if you cant pass these specific requirements.

    For me to help with running I do sprint workouts 3-4x a week. Ill sprint a min, walk a minute for 30-60min. This will get your time down. For push ups work on core exercises...They only count real push-ups, no knees and 90 degree angles. For sit-ups I hold an 8lbs medicine ball and do as many as I can in a minute. Good luck, if I could do it so can you :)
  • Marissalouise760
    Marissalouise760 Posts: 11 Member
    Wait so do you have to do 60 crunches and 18 push ups in the same minute or a minute each? As for the running, 2x before I did a 3 min walk, 3 min jog, 1 min run repeating this 3x and I was almost dying but then again it was when I was first starting to work out.
  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    you'll be fine. I couldn't do a push up or a pull up when I started basic, but I was good to go by the time I graduated. Its a lot easier to go beyond what you think your body is capable of when you are being yelled at. =) I would probably work on some jogging and push ups - those were the hardest things for me to get into. Good luck!
  • Marissalouise760
    Marissalouise760 Posts: 11 Member
    CandiceMcD wrote: »
    you'll be fine. I couldn't do a push up or a pull up when I started basic, but I was good to go by the time I graduated. Its a lot easier to go beyond what you think your body is capable of when you are being yelled at. =) I would probably work on some jogging and push ups - those were the hardest things for me to get into. Good luck!

    I can barely do 1 push up and pull ups are a no go. I need a lot of help in that. The jogging I feel like I'd be able to do better at if I had people around me because it helps me push myself more.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,206 Member

    Wait so do you have to do 60 crunches and 18 push ups in the same minute or a minute each? As for the running, 2x before I did a 3 min walk, 3 min jog, 1 min run repeating this 3x and I was almost dying but then again it was when I was first starting to work out.

    When I went in I couldn't run either trust me when I say you will run when you get to basic regardless of can or cant. Google basic training Indian runs, this is what they do to help increase your speed....add a 4am wake up call to that and a Hoorah lol. Where your at is find for a starter. Start with a 3min walk 3 min job and work your way up to a 1min walk 1 minute jog/sprint...When that gets too easy do a 1minute walk 2min jog/sprint. You have a minute for situps and a minute for push ups...not a minute for both. Situps were always easy for me but planks and "perfect push-ups" really helped me get my form right

  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    Oh I didn't run a bit when I went in. I used to spend HS track practice smoking cigarettes in the changing room. ha ha. But once you start doing it, it will be okay. I still couldn't do but maybe one pull up when I left basic training. If you just focus on working on your stamina for the jog, push ups and sit ups, you will be good. When you have crowds of people running with you, it pushes you more than you could imagine.
  • Marissalouise760
    Marissalouise760 Posts: 11 Member

    Thank you so much!! You guys are really helpful! Now all I need is the motivation to do all this!