breakfast smoothies

Hey guys, so I wanted to make breakfast smoothies before my morning walk. I need some good recipes. With protein incorporated. I'm allergic to kiwi though.


  • mrsbuckel
    mrsbuckel Posts: 1 Member
    My favorite:
    1 scoop of protein powder of choice: I use vega sport vanilla
    1/2 cup egg whites
    1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    Handful of spinach
    1 cup frozen mixed berries
    Liquid stevia to sweeten, I like vanilla cream or English toffee
    Blend together!
    If super think I add a little water
    High in protein, low in calories and very filling

    You can play around with berries and protein flavored to make different combos
  • robinadams2015
    robinadams2015 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks. I will definitely try this one in the morning.
  • hutchin88
    hutchin88 Posts: 83 Member
    Frozen mango + a dollop of yogurt + two large handfuls baby spinach + a splash of orange juice + vanilla protein powder. Oh and a dash of cinnamon. Add water to loosen as needed. The mango/spinach combo is amazingly good, and really healthy.
  • initialsdeebee
    initialsdeebee Posts: 83 Member
    My recent discovery/fave:
    1/2 container silken tofu
    1 large frozen banana
    1 tablespoon cocoa powder
    1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
    1/4 cup dry oats
    1/4 to 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
    Water as needed if too thick
    Touch of raw honey if you like it sweeter

    This makes two servings. About 185 per serving, filling and tasty.
  • robinadams2015
    robinadams2015 Posts: 23 Member
    hutchin88 wrote: »
    Frozen mango + a dollop of yogurt + two large handfuls baby spinach + a splash of orange juice + vanilla protein powder. Oh and a dash of cinnamon. Add water to loosen as needed. The mango/spinach combo is amazingly good, and really healthy.

    This is great. I just got a bag of baby spinach, so it's convenient as well.
  • robinadams2015
    robinadams2015 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all. I will be trying all of these recipes to see what I like and dislike.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Every morning my husband and I drink a smoothie :)
    You can split this recipe in two as it is intended for two people:

    1 cup whole milk (or yogurt)
    1 cup frozen blueberries
    1 cup frozen strawberries
    2 ripe bananas
    blend in a vitamix or blender

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My current fav:

    frozen spinach/kale
    hemp hearts
    flax seeds

  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Here are 2 of my favs:

    Chocolate/PB/Banana Smoothie
    1 cup unsweetened chocolate almond milk
    1/2 cup water
    1/2 banana
    1 tbps of peanut butter
    1 scoop of chocolate protein powder
    1 handful of greens (spinach, chard, rapini, baby kale etc.)
    Optional: A 1/2 tsp of any of the following: chia/flax/hemp seeds, collagen powder, turmeric, a superfood powder etc.

    Butterfinger Shake
    1 cup unsweetened chocolate almond milk
    1/2 cup water
    1 tbsp peanut butter
    1 tbsp butterscotch instant pudding mix
    1 scoop chocolate protein powder
    1 handful of greens

    Blend in a Nutribullet with a couple of ice cubes. Both tastes really good like a chocolate shake and I can't taste the greens or the optional items.

    Sometime I make fruit based smoothies, but I'm thoroughly enjoying eating all of the summer fruits that are in season right now!!!

    Good luck!
  • SunflowerSandra
    SunflowerSandra Posts: 70 Member
    I second the chocolate/PB smoothie, I use unsweetened soy milk and add raw cocao powder. Also really good with a shot of espresso if you like coffee.
    Here are some awesome recipes as well :)
  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    Baby spinach, low fat kefir (liquid yogurt-ish, plain un sweetened has 10.5 grams a serving - one cup...but start out with less because the stuff is TANGY), a dash of honey and frozen berries. You can add protein powder if you like, but I usually just add the kefir & PB 2 for my protein.
  • chismmegan
    chismmegan Posts: 45 Member
    Not sure how much protein is in it.

    1 Frozen Banana
    1 Cup Dark Chocolate Almond Milk
    1 Serving of Chocolate Syrup (optional)
  • Spencerport
    Spencerport Posts: 270 Member
    1.5 cups mixed berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries)
    1 scoop chocolate protein powder

    Total is 225 cal/serving, I drink one every day on my way to work.
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    Here is a quick and easy one:

    1 scoop GNC Lean 25 vanilla powder
    1/2 banana
    1 cup strawberries
    2 cups of baby spinach
    1 cup of water
    1/2 to 1 teaspoon of crystal light
    a few crystal light ice cubes

    blend it all up and enjoy.
  • robinadams2015
    robinadams2015 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks guys. I'm loving all these ideas
  • fcevallos
    fcevallos Posts: 44 Member
    Here's a couple of my faves:

    1/2 mango, chopped, or more to taste
    1/2 cup low/non-fat greek yogurt
    1/2 cup almond milk
    1/2 cup ice
    1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder

    1 cup fat-free milk or almond/cashew/coconut milk
    1/2 cup frozen blueberries
    1/2 cup plain fat-free Greek yogurt
    1/4 cup old-fashioned oats
    1 tablespoon ground flax seed