smtirado Member


  • if you are tracking the food intake. At the below of pages it tell how many carb you can take on a daily base. Set your nutrition profile to show how many carb you should have. Godd luck .
  • thank you for this good recipe. I will be trying it out sometime this week. Let us know if you have anymore we can use.:happy:
  • this a 10 pound challenge is good, let go for it.
  • don't be embarrased it happened to me two weeks ago. I was not able to ride bike. All we can do is :smile:
  • welcome. My name is Sara Tirado, I was the same way, I did not want to excercise. but one day I look at myself and mirror and say you need to do something. I am also diabetic. So we can help each other. Your can email. and I will try to give you the support that you need. Welcome to our site.
    in Hello... Comment by smtirado June 2010
  • congradulation Vicky: for becoming a new member. We are all here doing the same thing. Trying to loss weight. O before I forget My name is sara and I have been with my fitness about 3 months now. I can see some changes and me and you will too.
  • Welcome, if you real about about changing your life. be honestly with yourselt and track everything you do. It help me to keep a jorneral available so I can write everything I eat or drink. And remember to drink alot of water. Again Welcome.
  • we are here for you, because we are in the same place. We need the support to lose weight and yes I agree not give our money to company who promises that you can lose weight. Welcome again. Keep in touch
  • welcome, just keep on logging what you are doing. it helps. you are on the right track. good luck
    in new here... Comment by smtirado May 2010
  • Welcome to my fitnesspal. I glad you decide to join us. Yes, it has alot to offer. You can also get all the help you need and support. I hope to hear from you soon.
  • all the advise I can give you is to keep trying. I know it hard once you go out to eat. Maybe try this: eat some light and filling in the morning. Egg keep you full, also fruits the same thing for lunch. Then at dinner have a good meal.
  • If you know the name of the restaurant you are going. in your seach engine, look for iit. example: Red lobester nutritional facts or values. It will tell you how many calories it has. I hope that this will help.
  • I really like this show. It give me hope that I can lose weight. bob and jullian really want to teach all of these people, that there is something out theree for everyone. Who really want to lose weight. I also want to state, that after you but yourself thru hell to lose weight, you should try to keep it off. Because like…
  • don't worry to much. Just pick up yourself and start all over. We all have own fault and cravings. so don't give up keep going. :love:
  • Hi Here is a recipe I use to change my breakfast: Sunrise Oatmeal I hope you will enjoy it. 1/3 Cup Orange Juice (preferably fresh squeezed) 1/2 cup water pinch of salt 1/3 cup old fashioned oats 1/4 cup blueberries 1/2 teaspoon orange extract. In a small saucepan, combine the juice, watere and salt over high heat Bring…
  • I am facing the same situation, I join about 4 weeks ago and still I haven't lose anything. Yes, I get angry because I am doing everything right. (I think so), watch what I eat and exerise at least 5 day a week. You will so see some of it will go away. Keep on trying do not give up. :smile:
  • always think positive. You can do it. :flowerforyou:
    in Hello All Comment by smtirado March 2010
  • congradulation keep up the good work. By you posting your pictures it give me hope that I can do it too. Thank you: : flowerforyou : smile:
  • :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: please keep me posted on this regarding women 50+, I need all the help I can get. keep up the good work.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Congradulation you are on the right track. It will take one day at a time. Keep on smiling:flowerforyou:
    in Hi All Comment by smtirado March 2010
  • Hi, my name is Sara, I just like to introduce myself to all. I have been trying to lose weight and watch what I eat, but it has been very hard. I hope that with program myfitness pal I can get to were I want to be. I hope to hear from someone soon.:happy: