artsyuno Member


  • The burger recipe sounds great. I'm going to have to give it a try. I like quinoa with something creamy mixed in. I usually eat it straight up with a little diced avocado tossed in or with steamed, diced broccoli and a small amount of goat cheese. If you add the goat cheese when the quinoa is still hot, it'll melt just a…
  • Eat a bigger breakfast. It'll keep you from getting so hungry late in the day and get your metabolism moving.
  • Me, too. I've practically made a science out of finding quick breakfast options that give me the number of calories I want and a decent amount of protein and fiber. Breakfast for me is all about fuel. I don't care about variety. I just want something I can choke down easily when I don't really feel like eating yet and…
  • Could it be that you're not supporting yourself with your core muscles enough? Try keeping your abs tight while you're on the machine so that you put less stress on your back.
  • You'll have less sugar if you make your own. I use 1 c. plain non-fat yogurt, fresh fruit (I love blueberries, so I often use a handful of blueberries and 1/2 of a banana) and protein powder. I use soy protein, because I don't like the taste of whey, but if you can tolerate whey, that may be better. Use whatever fruit you…
  • The trick for me was to stop eating refined sugar completely. It really helped cut the cravings for sugar and chocolate.
  • Quinoa can also be very easily cooked in a rice cooker. I use the "quick cook" setting and it comes out perfectly. I love it with something creamy mixed in - a little goat cheese or some cubes of avocado. I love it. I will say I was a little dubious the first couple of times I ate it and then I really started to like it.…
    in Quinoa Comment by artsyuno March 2010
  • How about getting a rice cooker? They don't take up all that much space. Not only can you make brown rice or quinoa in it, but many can be used for all kinds of other things, even chicken. I'd make some kind of grain in advance in the rice cooker that you can reheat in the microwave (I keep cooked quinoa on hand most of…
  • Banana, slice of sprouted grain bread with 2 tsp. cashew butter, cup of plain yogurt with a few fresh strawberries blended in.
  • Oh, another suggestion or two -- buy yourself a new pair of running shoes that you only get to wear when you're exercising. You get the fun of trying out your new stuff that way by using your elliptical trainer. Do you have a tv in the same room? My elliptical trainer is in my basement and I have a tv and dv in front of…
  • Been there many times, although even more so with strength-building than aerobic. I'd suggest easing into it. Don't make yourselves do a 45-minute workout the first time and don't worry about getting your heart rate up to aerobic level. Set an easily attainable goal - maybe 15-20 minutes at a stroll-like speed just to get…
  • I'm at about 1300 (pre-exercise) and am happy to share. I haven't taken the time to figure out how the friend thing works, but I'm happy to swap info with others.
  • I didn't lose an ounce for 3 days and then had dropped over a pound today. If you know you're eating right, don't try to sweat the individual day's weight. The work you're doing will catch up with you eventually.
  • Eating every couple of hours is good, but it sounds like you often eat under 100 calories at a time and that's not enough to keep your metabolism up. I think you'll find that you can do just as well on your diet by eating 200-300 calories every 2 or 3 hours. That'll also help you to increase your overall calorie…
  • heart rate monitor
  • Add more crunchy stuff -- carrot, celery, cucumber, red cabbage, cauliflower, etc. I find that holds me longer than lettuce. In fact, I often skip the lettuce and make a salad entirely of the crunchy veggies.
  • You may be able to find a place that can change the battery locally. I was able to do that a couple of years ago. You may want to check with Polar before buying if that's an important issue for you. I don't remember which model mine is, but I found that I didn't really use many of the functions, partly because I find it to…
  • Kashi Go Lean with some fresh berries thrown on top.
  • Force yourself to eat a good breakfast within an hour of getting up in the morning. It'll keep you from being so hungry later in the day. You can't make those calories up. It's tough to eat a lot of small meals, because it takes a lot of advanced planning if you work outside of the home. I find I can only do it if I think…
  • I agree that the fiber goal is way too low. I aim for 36 (and often go over that). Fiber helps slow digestion and that keeps you from getting so hungry and keeps blood sugar more stable. I am also completely unable to stay within the sugar goal while getting my fruits and veggies in. I've reached my goal already today just…
    in Fiber Comment by artsyuno March 2010