

  • This is one I got:
  • We've taken to preparing a big pot of veggies at the beginning of the week that we use in sandwiches, omelets, soups, pizzas, and whatever else inspires us during the rest of the week. The mix changes each week depending on what's in season and/or what needs to get used up or sounds yummy, but most weeks we start with…
  • That's why I put it in quotes. :happy: I hope everyone's always polite! We've had fantastic responses from people at most restaurants when we ask about having our meals without butter or whatever, or to have our dressing on the side.... lots of people are really excited to hear about MFP and congratulate us when we tell…
  • The more we as consumers ask for healthier options and vote with our dollars, the more likely food service providers are to meet market demand - so keep "annoying" the waiters by asking how their meals can be made healthier! We've discovered (as I'm sure many of you have) that it's so easy to make complete, hearty, and…
  • Right on! I totally agree - the hardest part of eating healthier was at the beginning, when I had to learn about each and every food and weigh all my options. Now that I have the basics down and fully incorporated, eating healthily is so much easier, and doesn't feel like a chore or a deprivation.
  • I like lentils and split peas for quicker soups (you just have to boil 'em and then simmer for about an hour to soften 'em up). I mix up the flavors I use for the soups, but often I like to use chicken or veggie broth, onion, garlic, pepper, and curry to taste. If I have other veggies on hand - like carrots, Brussels…
  • Sounds great! Thanks for posting.
  • Remember you're shooting for 1200 calories net, which means if you work off, say, 300 calories during a workout, you need to eat 1500 calories total for the day, assuming the workout is above and beyond your "daily activity level." When I started MFP I said I wanted to lose 1 pound/week and it told me I'd have to eat about…
  • We watched this movie, too, and did a lot of research on the topic. I finally trusted the American Diabetes Association. Since people with diabetes are probably more sensitive to blood sugar and the glycemic index than anyone else, and since the ADA is run by (presumably) really smart people who don't want to kill their…
  • Google for "eat too much protein" and you'll find a few articles detailing what can happen if you go overboard. Eating too much protein is apparently associated with kidney problems and possibly diabetes as well.…
  • I'm sure it depends on each person, but I don't usually find hummus to be very filling unless I eat lots of it. I find avocado stays with me all day, so some guacamole alongside your hummus might do the trick. Beans (chilis, soups) are also very filling and usually high-fiber, high-protein, and low-calorie. I like to make…
  • ajbeans was right on: it's not rude to say no, and you don't owe explanations to anyone. It's all fine and good to "smooth the waters" with little white lies, and/or to offer a simple explanation to people you've got a relationship with, but in my opinion, people (and women in particular) need to become more comfortable…
  • Zucchini Pizza (1/8 pizza slices: 208 calories each) 100% Whole Wheat Boboli 12″ Thin Pizza Crust, 1 shell (47g) 2 Cups Low Moisture Part Skim Mozzarella Cheese 2-3 Thinly-Sliced Fresh Zucchinis (small-medium; about 27 oz) 1 Cup Chopped Onion 1 TB Unsalted Butter 1 oz Fat Free Feta Cheese Sea Salt Black Pepper Thyme (about…