radioloren Member


  • I have done acupuncture a number of times for my asthma. I went from not being able to take a deep breath, to feeling 100% normal again in just a few weeks. I would absolutely stick with it and hope it can help! Keep us all posted, maybe I'll go back to help me lose weight!
  • Thank you, you've made a good point. Sorry, when someone says that I'm lazy for not cooking, I am insulted. Being lazy and not liking to cook are two different things....and hey, maybe I am too busy to cook! Those meals, although not perfect, with the sodium content of course, are a great solution for people on the go! :)
  • I hate cooking, and I'm not good at it, doesn't necessary mean I am lazy. Obviously, if I am motivated enough to get up early to exercise every single day, I'm not lazy.....maybe you should think before posting, so you don't insult people.
  • Hey! Thanks for sharing your story, mine is similar! I have replaced a lot of my meals with either Healthy Choice or Lean Cuisines, and I bring them to work with me for lunch. During the week it's very easy for me to stick to my new meal plan. Weekends are a bit tougher cause I'm out with people doing things, but I've been…
  • That happens to me sometimes too. I find it so odd, because before I started with MFP, I was hungry (or so I thought!) all the time!!! Now, I can eat anywhere from 700-1200 calories a day and be fine. I try to eat more and meet my goal of 1420 a day, but sometimes I just am not hungry, and I find that I force myself to eat…
  • I've done a lot of reading about ACV, and it is very beneficial! I know it tastes bad, but if you warm it up in a mug with honey, sort of like a hot cider, it's not so bad, and actually drinkable! :) By the way, if you are going to buy it, go for the Organic one, with "The Mother' in's supposed to be much better…
  • I have also read a lot about Diet Coke (and regular Coke too)...and I rarely read anything good about it. I LOVE Diet Coke, but I don't buy it to keep in the house, I will only have it on occasion in a restaurant. I read so many things about it, I don't know what's right, but I kind of feel like something brown and fizzy…
  • I feel the exact same way! I do it in the morning so that I can see how many cals. I have for the it's done! If I go to exercise later, it's like bonus exercise, not because I have to!! I am not a morning person at all....but I feel so much better getting it done early...if I don't, I feel disappointed in myself.
  • I also agree. That is totally ridic. I would feel bad somewhat if they actually had a problem that caused them to be overweight and therefore, not be able to work. To just be too overweight to work, just because, that is nothing but sheer laziness, and that person (and other other person who falls into that category)…
  • I would suggest to anyone seriously looking into getting a boob job, that you do a lot of research. I'm not a medical professional, but I have done a lot of reading about it. Any doctor out there will tell you that implants are safe, because they want to make money. Breast implants are one of the biggest money makers out…
  • Hello! I'm 5'9", and I'm looking to be about 150lbs. How bout you?
  • I did WW at the beginning of this year, MFP is a million times better! This site here is so easy to navigate around, it has every food imaginable in the food search, and it's just fun to use! WW online is SO complicated, that I actually wrote to them complaining that I was paying money for something so hard to use!! I only…
  • I'm a Radio Personality for a country music station. I love it!
  • I actually do feel that way sometimes. Sometimes I'm ok with me, and other times I hate my weight, my hair, my face, my attitude towards life, etc. Ugh....crappy feelings to have...but I guess I'm the only one who can control all of that ;). Good to know I'm not alone!
  • Hey there! When I first started doing this, I went over my calories a bit too, It's very difficult to go from eating anything and everything to limiting going over at first is kind of expected. It is a drastic change. Slowly but surely you should be able to adjust to your lowered calorie amount. At first it…
  • Wow!! Thanks SO much for all of the great responses and feedback! I feel better already! It's great to know that I'm not the only one who has trouble getting up early and wow, even some of you are getting up earlier than me! 445am, I know I couldn't do it....I should consider myself lucky that the earliest I'd have to get…
  • Hi there! I am also 5'9", and I don't know how much I weigh exactly, because the number on the scale always upsets me, so I don't have one. However, I have a pretty good idea...and it's in the ballpark of what you weight. I currently wear a size 10 in clothes, and when they get tight, I know I've gained, when they get…
  • I do the same thing! Every single night when it's time to feed the cat, I either ask my boyfriend to do it, which he never does btw lol...or I just sit there thinking how long I can put it off for! I don't know why I put it off so much, it seriously take about 1.5 mins. to give her food, medicine and water....but I put it…
  • Hi there! I'm new too! Consider yourself added :).
  • That is something I hate about losing weight, because I don't have much to begin with! However, once I'm thinner, I know I'll look better all around...and like a few of you have said....yes, Victoria's Secret does make some amazing bras! I'm very thankful for that!
  • Omg! I totally get where you are coming from!!! Get this...back in January I started Weight Watchers, day 2 into it, Pizzeria Uno's stopped by my work and dropped off food! (This is a somewhat regular occurrence, I work for a radio station, and clients will sometimes bring food in hopes that we mention it on air.) I ate…
  • Hey there! I just wanted to comment because you said something that completely makes sense in my weight loss goal! I also have a smaller amount of weight to lose...a bit more than 15, but I would like to drop 30 lbs. I'm not fat, I'm just heavier than I feel like I should be, and like you, I would like to tackle 30 lbs.…