ejoh40509 Member


  • Like the others was saying it's hard to go by what MFP has for Zumba. I use to go by that until I invested in a HRM and boy was it way off. And like JulieTX86 says it really all depends, each time I do Zumba it's always something different. The best thing is to invest in a HRM I have the Polar F7, and love it. I went to…
    in Zumba Comment by ejoh40509 December 2010
  • I have the same problem, but I have only lost 40 lbs and mine is much worse. I have the same issue between my legs. If you find a solution plse let me know. I workout 7 days a week, 4 days in the gym and 3 days at home and I also walk daily (at least a 1/2 mile. Sooo, please let me know! I still have a ways to go (20 lbs)…
  • Yes, I have a Polar F7 and I love it. The cost, really depends on where u purchase it. I got mine from ****'s sporting goods for around about 109.00. If that is too much for you or you really didn't want to invest that much, any HRM will do. Just make sure it comes with a strap and the battery can be replaced locally. Some…
  • Hey girl, just hang on in there if you can (they say it gets better). I have Insanity just got it about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I done the fit test as well, and after that fit test I was like HeLL NaH. Insanity is too high impact for me, and hard on my breast and knees. I paid a good piece for it, so I said I will just have to…
  • What is the HCG Diet?
  • How do I get to that setting?
  • I have tha WII Fit Plus and I like it as well. I tend to do it when I really find myself not wanting to exercise. I do it when My only exercise for the day is walking my dog.....somewhat of a lazy day. I'm up to a coke right now so I just do super hula hoop about 5x. My only thing with tha WII is when I get on it it tells…
  • Hi Swoopette, I bet your days can be very long :yawn: I purchased not long ago a HRM ( Polar F7 w/ chest strap) and I like it alot. Now, when I was in the market to purchase one I did the same as you, I came to my MFP friends for suggestions (that's how I knew it had to be a Polar). I checked online as I do most of the…
  • I like that....we have to build from somewhere. That is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you:smile:
  • Don't rush it...continue to do what you have been doing. The faster you lose it the faster you tend to put it back on. It will come :smile:
  • Welcome, if you like you can add me as a friend and I will be sure to keep you motivated :happy:
  • Yes, low carb style.....all meats mainly and stay under 20 carbs a day for about 14 days, and yes it can be done.
  • Thank you all for your suggestions on a fitness gym. I do owrkouts DVD's at home and that's great, but I want to do more and see how it works. I will check into the ones you all had mentioned as well. Once again thanks I knew I could count on my MFP friends to gear me in the right direction. I will also let you know the…
  • Welcome....Just stayed positive and don't give up, just keepin tryin and tryin and tryin everyday. I think I have the hang of it or least I'm getting alot better. lol Word of advice.....exercise everyday and push yourself so that each day your doing a little more and more. You have to exercise even when you don't want to.…
  • Zumba can burn alot of calories depending on how much U put into it, so each time can be something different as far as how much u burn. I do Zumba at home and I go to a class twice a week each time is a totally different calorie burn. I do wear a HRM at all times though. One day I burned almost 900 calories and another…
    in Zumba Comment by ejoh40509 August 2010
  • By the way, how is the HRM working for you?
  • I recently purchased a HRM as well and I go by the HRM only. The problem I'm having is trying to understand the fitness/fat burn part of it. If you have figured that out or when u do please let me know. Seems I only rack up on the fitness and very little on the fat burn. What kind or HRM do you have?
  • Does the Polar F6 have the chest strap?
  • The ring, Wal-mart.com has and QVC and the reviews are not so good. So be careful in purchasing that one.
  • I don't spin but I do Zumba and love it. One of the songs that they play that really gets me at my peak and has me to give my all is Cyndi Lauper (Girls just wanna have fun) It works for me I hope it works for you. Good Luck on your new journey
    in Spinning Comment by ejoh40509 July 2010
  • Same here for me....just keep on pushing yourself
  • Go Gurl, you look good.
  • Great job!! Looking good.....do you exercise a lot as well? And please tell me how you done the pics like that (side by side)
  • Congratulations!!!!! I have lost 17 so far, but seems my body won't allow me to lose more. I think it's lack of motivation, because when I started Fitnesspal I was very dedicated 3 walks a day and a work out video. Now just a workout video every other day. So, I will say again Congratulations :) It takes a lot of…
  • Hello, really not sure but have suggestions. Try using a different lotion, softner or detergent. I would try the lotion 1st if that doesn't work try softner then detergent. Seems like that once your body gets in to the perspire it getting a allergic reaction. Good luck
  • Hello, I think that it would be more rewarding to put smaller goals, because once you reach that goal you are so excited. To me that is what keeps me more motivated for the next goal. I think it is a sense of accomplishment. It's almost the same has trying to lose weight, when u see results your more motivated to keep on…