VeroM1234 Member


  • Peerilou : Yep, nic_why is write... You have to do the exercise, over and over till the 7 minute is done. ( In my case, I do then twice and a half per set of 7 mins). I really like it because if you're advanced or a beginner, you push for 7 minutes on whatever pace you feel comfortable. :)
  • Haha just saw that anim! LOLLLLL! :)
  • Thanks everyone for your great comments!!!! :)) Will incorporate lots of your ideas in my routine!!! Oh and today, NICE SURPRISE, I had 2 abs when looking in the miror (Only the one on top, of course) lol! Did lots of lower abs exercise today! :) Giggittygoo ; You look HOT !!!!!!
  • Thanks girls for your comments!!!! =))) Micheleb : I do lots of lunges and squats on tuesday, wednesday and thursday. Its a different class, every day, we do all types of squats and lunges! :) Comes up to around 100 squats /100 lunges per class I would say. On saturday and sunday, I do around (90 squats and pulse squats) +…
  • Haha! I guess we are never happy with what we have. My boyfriends likes the booty! (good) What I need is to lose a little bit of the thighs cause since Im short, it looks like two big hams! I can never wear a beautiful dress without feeling unconfortable because I feel like I have huge legs. Fat knees AND fat thighs! Even…
  • I'm on day 4 today! I like it!!!! :))))
  • Thanks girls!!!!
  • Thank you!!! I wouldnt do it for my boyfriend since he's extremely supportive and loves the way that I look, chubby or not. I dont mind them being small, it just that it looks weird, not like when I was skinny.... lol
  • Thank you !!! 4 years ago, I was skinny, with abs and beautiful breast (C cup). Now I'm losing weight but I also think I will probably get to a B cup. I don't mind the B cup, its mostly that the skin looks empty.... I thought I would of gone back to my original size but no... lol
  • Thank you MissFit! I am so fed up of hearing : Just be glad with what you have... My mother in law has terminal cancer, my mom's husband has prostate cancer and my grandfather too. I am EXTREMELY affected by cancer and try to help them as much as I can. Don't tell me you've never complained about a zit, cellulite or…
  • Thanks bergsangel ;) Thats what I would of replied :)
  • Thanks evryone again! For people saying fake boobs looks tacky, I have 5 of my close friends with them, and they're hot as hell. :) For people saying I may be too sedentary : I train everyday, also do weights and chest. Its just that I am A LOT more intense for the past 2 weeks. Crossfit and cardiosweat are killers! :)…
  • HOLLY **** 128 answers in a couple of hours! I'm speachless! Didn't know boobies could make people talk so much ;) Hehe! Thank you all for your answers!!! Lots of suggestions and advices! LOL It is not the size that is bothering me !!! C cup is ok ....Its just that I still want them to be round, and up there :) lol Hope it…
  • Thank you! :) I have seen results before, my question is more : If I train intense 5-6 days a week and eat well, how long will it take for me to see some results? 1 month 2 month 3 months? Lol :)) Thanks
  • Oups sorry I forgot to mention, my trainer told me to stay around 1300-1400 calories the day I'm training. Gonna edit my message !!! Lol
  • I am 5ft1 and 3/4 !!!!!! lol
  • Thanks, I will look for 5k in my region since we are freezing now (-20 degrees) lol. Yes I do group classes (Zumba, body pump), just need motivation to attend... lol
  • Hi, I really don't want to bust your balloon, sorry if I am. I tried shakes, pills, weight watchers, low carbs, low calories diet. I tried them all. What I can tell you is that shakes will help your protein intake and low carb intake if you are the run or if you are not ''that hungry''. For example, I would have a shake in…
  • Thanks!!!!! Happy to see you are still doing great!!!! I need another goal !!! lolol
  • I'm going to be Minnie Mouse cause my name is Veronique Masse almost pronounced like Mouse =) lol
  • Too much carbs... Guys be careful with those shakes, flavor and fruits... For that amount of cash, buy some whey protein or simply go at walmart to buy a can of protein. Visalus is so expensive... :S Make sure to choose the low carb ones... I've been sticking to 45g carbs a day and lost 5.4 since last monday. (I am not…
  • I'm a low carber so... 4 egg whites in microwave for 3 mins + scramble the eggs + 2 light laughing cow cheese mix to it (the small triangles). I can also eat a little bit of meat with it (turkey or ham). 2 source vanilla yogourts + 1 scoop of protein = taste like pudding :)
  • I was thinking the exact same thing.... Personally, Im watching the Carbs... I keep finding some things that are half the good number of carbs or stuff like that...It is extremely annoying...
  • Low Carb pizza! 4 egg whites on a platter - Put in microwave for 3 mins Take it out carefully, add 2 spoons of pizza sauce. Put light mozarella and 50g of meat or veggies or whatever you like. Microwave again for 30 seconds... Tadammmmmmmm !! DELICIOUS! Low calorie and Low carb!
  • Like I said, I used to do the same thing... Only counting calories, I am also at 1200 calories. Also did Weight Watchers for a while which was about 1150 calories a day for my height and weight... I didnt lose anything, and was doing Zumba, Kick Boxing, Step, Jogging, name it! My friend told me about the carbs and I said…
  • I had the same problem...And one day, I decided to cut the carbs and it just started my weight loss again... I am now at 30g of carbs per day ;) Some people see a big difference with 50-60g of carbs a day.. I would try it ;)
  • And since we are summer, I would like to know how it feels to wear a bikini this summer compare to last summer? You look AMAZING =
  • OH MY GOD!!!! You are so toned!! The difference is crazy!!! My goal is a little bit like you... I'm 5'2, my weight not is 159... I want to be 120 =) WOW WOW WOW
  • I replace pizza dough with egg whites. I do only omelets with egg whites Pancakes with egg whites Anything with egg whites lol