Thighs !!!! Pear shape

Hello girls!!!

I need your help!

I am 5ft1, kind of a pear shape, with a booty!

3 years ago, I started gaining weight a lot (40 pounds).

Since then, I've been trying on and off to lose it, with my weight going up and down every month.

Since December I've modified my training ( I used to do lots of cardio without seeing results, I got mad and changed everything).

I am now, doing a lot more toning and weigths, the results makes me happy so far!!!

The major difference is mostly on my back, shoulders, traps, little bit in the arms, and on my higher part of the abs!

As I do almost 100 squats 5x a week, my butt went up a little (yay!)

But my thighs, NOTHING!!!!!!!! Which looks a little bit weids since I lost on top and not on the bottom :(

I know lots of people will answer : Thats what a pear shape is, you cant spot training, but is there any girls here who tried a specific exercise and saw a difference?

A friend of mine told me to try skipping rope, squats and lunges without weight and plyometrics!

Gonna start that this week.

Here is my routine

Monday : off
Tuesday : Class : Resistance, toning, abs, everything with 8pounds weights or a red ''cord''.
Wednesday : Class :Abs, toning, more arms with 8-10 pounds weights
Thursday : Bootcamp class (cardio and toning)
Friday : off
Saturday : My own work-out! Squat, lunges, push ups, triceps, biceps, and a major work out of abs!!!!
Sunday: Same as saturday!


  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I'm jealous. I've always wanted a bigger booty, wider hips and thighs that are at least a little softer than rocks.
  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    Haha! I guess we are never happy with what we have.

    My boyfriends likes the booty! (good)

    What I need is to lose a little bit of the thighs cause since Im short, it looks like two big hams!

    I can never wear a beautiful dress without feeling unconfortable because I feel like I have huge legs.

    Fat knees AND fat thighs!

    Even if I wear the highest heels, its still weird looking!
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I am short too at 5'2. I get exactly what you are saying, but other than time and loss of body fat there isn't really anything you can do. You said you do a lot of squats, are you doing other leg/butt workouts that incorporate the whole area of the thigh? I like curtsy lunges and plie squats.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I have a similar body shape as you, and lose fat from the same places as you first. Now that I'm pretty much at my goal weight, all I can say is to hang in there. My thighs are a little bit smaller (only lost 2 inches in each) but more muscular now. They don't jiggle when I walk now which is pretty amazing to me. I still have some fat to lose, but nothing like before. I lost the fat around my knees too, but that was the LAST fat to go. I have switched my focus from weight loss to body fat % loss to hopefully get a little more fat off my thighs, but basically we just have to embrace them! :)
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I bet that you ladies complaining about your thighs have small waists.

    No matter what your natural shape, it always looks better when you exercise regularly.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I bet that you ladies complaining about your thighs have small waists.

    No matter what your natural shape, it always looks better when you exercise regularly.

    No complaints here, I've got killer curves whether I am 150 or 130. They are pretty awesome. It does suck having to get clothes tailored to fit your waist though. Oh, the tragedy.... :)
  • jboss1989
    jboss1989 Posts: 25
    I know what you mean! No matter how heavy I have been, I've always had a small waist, and I lost weight from my torso super fast-16 pounds off and I think it was all from my stomach. I'm definitely more of an hourglass since my boobs never seem to get smaller either, but currently, though my waist has gotten back down to about 27 inches, my thighs are 25 inches each. Pants don't fit right, you can't pull dresses over your's nice to have curves but I do wish I could be a bit more proportional!
  • danielle2198
    danielle2198 Posts: 18 Member
    Based on your ticker, you have 20 more pounds you want to lose. I'd guess most of that will come from your legs. I'm also pear shaped, and lost about 20 pounds two years ago, most of which came from my waist. But towards the end, I did start to notice a difference in my legs and butt. I have another 30 to go, and since I don't have a ton of fat left around my waist, it's gotta come from somewhere, and my thighs are where I still have a bunch! You cannot spot reduce, but as long as you continue to exercise and diet and lose fat, it will eventually come off your problem areas. You'll never have stick legs, but you can have shapely ones.
  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks girls for your comments!!!! =)))

    Micheleb : I do lots of lunges and squats on tuesday, wednesday and thursday. Its a different class, every day, we do all types of squats and lunges! :) Comes up to around 100 squats /100 lunges per class I would say.

    On saturday and sunday, I do around (90 squats and pulse squats) + 20 lunges with biceps curls! :)

    I loveeee Curtsy lunges ! And plie squats!

    Lunges and squats are my absolute favourite! :)
  • TomTomato
    TomTomato Posts: 223
    I'm no expert here, but won't the squats and other leg exercises increase the size of your leg muscles and contribute to your size? Of course it's better to have muscle mass than fat, but you might be seeing increased muscle mass in place of lost fat.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    Options - thats a lower body plyo circuit that I love to do

    as far as slimming the thighs, like others have said unfortunately weight will just come off where it wants to - I hold a lot in my *kitten*/lower abdomen, just gotta keep reducing overall and eventually those areas will get eaten too. I know you like body weight squats/lunges - but honestly heavy squats/deadlifts will give you some awesome results, just the calorie burn alone is totally worth it.
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    I'm 5'0" and pear shaped! I'm embracing my shape now, my thighs are thick but I'm noticing the tone and less jiggle and they don't rub like before! So I won't complain, I've come to the realization that it is my body shape embrace them and tone them and I'm ok with that. I'm almost at a point where I can wear a shirt without pulling it down to cover my lower belly, if I keep losing from my belly I'm ok with the thick thighs! Good luck to you!
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    I can relate. At 35lbs overweight, I could still wear a size medium t shirt but my pants size had gone UP UP UP! I've lost 15 lbs or so and its slow going in terms of going down a pants size. Even at my goal weight(which is at the top for my weight range), I wear a size 10/12 and I look almost "too thin" in the face, shoulders, and arms. When I was at the lower end of my weight range, I wore a size 6/8 and well meaning acquaintances started mentioning eating disorders:(. Like you said, the weight came off other areas first and then my thighs. 12 years ago when I was 120 lbs overweight, I was not a pear shape just simply big all over:)
  • sphira
    sphira Posts: 132 Member
    I'm also pear shaped with a smaller waist and big thighs. In the last 3 weeks I have been doing Stonglifts and I lost 1 inch off each thigh. I usually lose in my mid section first and then it goes downward. This is the first time in my life I lost so much off my thighs in such a short period of time.

    BTW I am 42 years old and 5 feet 2 inches. I only do Stonglifts, no cardio at all!
  • mikeyrs
    mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
    Since Saturday and Sunday are open days where you do your own workout, also try HOT Yoga at a Yoga Studio. The elevated temperature will make a big difference in where you lose first, particularly where you normally retain water. Fat has a lot of water content so you may see results first where your body tends to store fat.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I'm no expert here, but won't the squats and other leg exercises increase the size of your leg muscles and contribute to your size? Of course it's better to have muscle mass than fat, but you might be seeing increased muscle mass in place of lost fat.
    i lift very heavy close to or over my body weight and my thighs have slimmed down from where i was barely fitting into a size 22 jeans to wear i can comfortably fit into size 14 jeans.

    OP, your fat loss of course is going to be determined by genetics. i'm not a pear shape but i do have huge thighs compares to the rest of my lower body (hips 38 inches, each individual thigh is around 24 inches) and even when i was a size 0 my thighs were pretty large.

    lift weights 3 days a week (i also recommend strong lifts , or better yet starting strength), do some cardio 2-3 days a week, eat at a moderate deficit regularly and you'll see results.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Sounds like you and I have the same body shape. I'm nearly at goal. My thighs and butt are still full, though now they are solid and strong.

    Definitely recommend a strength routine including: squats, deadlifts, kettlebell swings + calorie deficit

    Here's some progress shots from using what I advised above:

    And from the front:
  • sphira
    sphira Posts: 132 Member
    Sounds like you and I have the same body shape. I'm nearly at goal. My thighs and butt are still full, though now they are solid and strong.

    Definitely recommend a strength routine including: squats, deadlifts, kettlebell swings + calorie deficit

    Here's some progress shots from using what I advised above:

    And from the front:

    Your thighs look great! What are your stats? How long to get to your goal?
  • KCGettinFit2014
    Haha! I guess we are never happy with what we have.

    My boyfriends likes the booty! (good)

    What I need is to lose a little bit of the thighs cause since Im short, it looks like two big hams!

    I can never wear a beautiful dress without feeling unconfortable because I feel like I have huge legs.

    Fat knees AND fat thighs!

    Even if I wear the highest heels, its still weird looking!

    I know exactly what you mean!! I have the same body type. And even when my legs were not carrying excess wieght they hold muscle in a manly way. Not a big fan of mine in particular but its what I got. I recommend the elliptical if you have access to one. It was my number 1 enemy until my husband coaxed me into giving it another try. I still have a love/hate relationship with it, but I am starting to see results. My legs are slimming up. I also recommend an app called Your Gym if you have a smart phone. Its a great workout that can be done at home with just your body for resistance and household items.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member

    Your thighs look great! What are your stats? How long to get to your goal?


    I'm 5'1, 110 pounds at goal. Now as I'm progressing with strength, I'm gaining slowly. It took me a year to go from 140 to 110. Not a huge rate of loss, but I was happy with the visual changes.

    Thighs are 19 each now, 24 inch waist, and 38 (around the butt) inch hips. Admittedly, I haven't measured in a couple months though.