emanismom Member


  • I'm trying lazy keto starting Saturday (Friday payday). Any tips?
    in Keto Comment by emanismom January 2020
  • So far I have egg muffin (1 egg, 1 piece of turkey bacon, spinach and fresh salsa) with a sandwich thin and a fruit for breakfast, chicken breast with either a a salad or with sweet potatoes and broccoli for lunch, and I am stumped for dinner. Any help you all can give is appreciated.
  • Hello, I have just received the fix containers, but the person who bought them as a gift did not purchase the whole program. I plan on going to yoga and the gym everyday for a 1 hour class, but could someone help me with meal planning for the 1800-2099 range? I don't mind having only 2 or 3 meal choices for each meal time…
  • (Old lady raises her hand.) age 42 height 5'8.5" sw 262 cw 238 gw 160 Yikes! I'm chugging along....What do you all do to lose weight faster?
  • I started mine yesterday and I love it!!!! I have the rockin' body, also. If you have both someone posted a hybrid so you can do both. I am going to do week 1 of abs now and start over on the hybrid next Monday. Good workouts everyone! You can add me so we can encourage each other if you want. Oops, I am 42.5 years old but…
  • Can you post the black bean brownie recipe....it sounds soooo good! Thanks,
  • The carbs you eat after going to the gym don't count....Huh?!
  • I am a 200+ (248lbs to be exact) trying to lose 90-100lbs and I just wanted to share a few things... 1) Always track your food. I stopped tracking thinking I was ok and I GAINED back 10lbs! Now I track Mon-Fri and it helps so much. I put my food in every morning and try to leave 400 cals for dinner. If, when I track my…
  • They have it at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Target, and Walgreen. It costs $19.99 and no shipping and handling or wait. I bought it for my college aged niece and she LOVES it. I am thinking of swapping my Turbo Fire with her when she comes home at Christmas. I, too, am a video junkie...but I've still spent less than I would at…
  • For all my 30ds warriors...what do u use when posting ur exercises? I've been using circuit training for 20 mins=293 and that seems low. Help! Also, I wanted to say that I started without using any weights at all. If I used anything, it was 2 regular sized water bottles. Just saying!
  • You can add me..I have exactly 100 to lose (lost 19 so far) and need the encouragement just like you. I do have a few words for you today...Live life like it's golden and you will always shine:happy:
  • I am going to try these ASAP! Maybe I will walk to the store (about 4 miles roundtrip) and see if I can find the ingredients right now. On a side note...do you have any protein bar recipes for chocolate and graham? I need one also for yogurt??
  • I found out the hard way, like you, that just because it seems like a wiser choice doesn't mean it is. Here's something I try when I want fast food...I pack my own salad greens and free salad dressing. I usually go to Carl's Jr (Hardee's) and get the Terriaki Turkey burger (470 cal) or grilled chicken sandwich (370 cals)…
  • I was watching TV the other day and caught this really good recipe for overflowing oatmeal: 1 serving of plain dry oatmeal (from packet or carton) DOUBLE the amount of water specified (or 1 part water & 1 part almond milk) 1 pkt of splenda or stevia 1/4 banana, peach, or apple The show said to cook it on the stove for 5…
  • I'm starting on Monday with 10 min workout in the morning and 30ds in evening. Please add me so we can motivate each other.
  • Hello Everyone. I'm new here but had a question. I JUST picked up 30ds and was on the fence about getting 6w6p. I am new at exercising and wanted to know if this sounds good. I have a 10 min workout I like to do in the morning and was thinking of doing 30ds in the evening. After the 30 days (fingers crossed) I will get the…
  • I'm new to this, so....I will try for 30 miles. I think I will do them on the tr e a d millll . No really, I will. Thanks for the help.
  • I make a cucumber/feta cheese/ tomato salad with light asiago parmesean vinagrette (did I spell all that correctly) that I snack on over a 3-4 day period. Also, Detour protein bars have 15g protein & very little carbs with 170cal each. I get those at Sams Club