

  • This is a fantastic idea... there are numerous "Couch to 5K" plans out there that you could use to help with this so you push yourself a little more each week. I have basically the same schedule you do but I DO get up at 5am to get in a 60 min run/walk combo before I have to get the family up and out the door by 6:45am. It…
  • I'm a Mom of three - 6, 4 and 18months. I also work full-time so finding time to workout is challenging. Right now I walk/run for 60 minutes each morning before everyone gets out of bed... very early days, but it's paying off! I'm 5'4" and shooting for 140lbs to start... any other mom's feel free to friend me!
  • Lola Glitterhiney.... man, that stuff chafes!
  • The only time during my whole day I can exercise is between 5:00 and 6:00 am. It was VERY hard at first, but I found that getting outside to exercise helped out alot. Unless it's pouring rain or a snowstorm, I get out and go for a fast walk or jog around the 'block' (which happens to be three miles...). The fresh air is…
  • The classes are WAY better. I haven't done a Zumba DVD but I did go to a class and it was soooo much fun! I want to go more often but time constraints are keeping me home...:grumble:
    in Zumba! Comment by alison_cpb June 2011
  • The quality of the calories you eat determine whether you will be 125lbs at 30% body fat, or 125lbs with 18% body fat.... you'll still be 125lbs but you won't have a healthy 'composition'.
  • Great article! The only problem is that if you go by their calculations I should be drinking 24 glasses of water a day... my back teeth will be floating!
  • Yup. it's a big problem for me. I am dying for salt before and sugar during... I TRY to make good choices to satisfy the cravings but I don't always win. :blushing:
  • Argh! I really have no idea. Stuff seems to range from 300 cals to over 800... i think I'll just assume I pretty much ate my daily calories at that one meal and have a nice salad for supper.
  • It might be the aspartame in the Crystal Light. I have been using it to help me drink the 8 glasses of water each day and that is the only real change. I have cut out caffeine but I wasn't a huge coffee drinker to start with so I don't think it's withdrawal. I don't think it's dehydration since I've been drinking three…
  • Wow, this is tougher than I thought... me: 2 - LNS: 2
  • Yup, this is a good one for me to start with. LNS is my biggest challenge. I won last night though! me = 1 - LNS = 0
  • Sweet! You are TRULY my inspiration to get at this again. I am so very proud of you and your acomplishments so far. I know exactly how hard it was for you and how hard you have worked to get where you are today. NOTE TO EVERYONE ELSE: if you ever need style advice ask maysflower! If not for her I'd be walking around in…