Getting up at 5 or 5:30 to exercise - HOW?

This is a question for all of you morning exercise people? How do you do it??? How did you start getting up that early to work out? Were you formally a night owl, like me? I have a feeling if I can get started doing this for a few weeks and establish a routine then I will be fine - but I have NEVER been able to get started. Seriously, I have a very deep respect for those that get up and get their but down to the not-so-inviting dusty treadmill in the unfinished basement when the house is cold and dark and the family is snuggled into bed. Any suggestions for one that cannot seem to hammer out the discipline to do this?

I know I will start getting big results if I can manage to do this... help!


  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I struggle with this too. I have good intentions and set my alarm, but it's so hard to get my eyes open and brain thinking, much less get a good workout in. However, on the days that I do manage to get to it in the morning, I find that I feel so much better throughout my day than when I don't do it in the morning. Also, after about 10 minutes of it...I'm not tired anymore. That's when I feel the energy begin to flow through me. The hard part is getting my eyes open and working out before my coffee!
  • TashaP2011
    TashaP2011 Posts: 142 Member
    I don't know if it's possible for you, but our local rec center has a lot of 5:30AM classes that make it a lot easier to get up for. It helps to have someone else come up with the exercise routine and friends to look forward to. If not, good music helps get me going and planning what I am going to do the night before helps.
    Hope you can get it to work for you. It is a time that very little tends to interfere with!
  • gadgetgizzmo
    I wish I had a suggestion but I struggle with the same thing. Every morning I tell myself I am going to get up and exercise and yet I end up just hitting that snooze button until it is too late. The few times I have managed to start my day with exercise I feel great and love it but it still isn't enough motivation to get out of bed.
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    I started out with shorter workouts, like the 30 Day Shred (only 27 1/2 minutes from beginning to end). Then once I got into a routine added longer workouts. Also is it sooooo much cooler in the morning. And the big benefit is how much energy it gives you for the rest of the day. Someone once told me it takes 6 weeks to form a habit, so you have to force yourself, even when you dont want to, and once it becomes routine you will wonder why you didnt workout in the morning sooner.
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    I struggle too- I do better if I promise my (supportive) husband that I'm going to get up early to exercise, then I feel like I'm committed. Also, once I'm up for 10 minutes or so, I'm not tired anymore, and.... I've learned that I never regret getting up to exercise, but I do regret NOT getting up!
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    Well honestly, I used to get up at 6 for my previous job so my body will get up no later than 7 on its own. Totally different story for you if you arent getting up anywhere near that time. This week I started getting up at 6 to exercise.. I work from home so I could do it any time during the day but I find I wont do it unless it is in the morning. I walk outside and it gets too hot in the afternoon.
  • JenniferLynWhat
    I cheat! My mom has to leave for work by 6:30 so she's always up by 5:30. She set herself back by half an hour and having someone depending on me/ waiting on me to get up gets me going.
  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    I get up at 4:30 am to hit the insanity workouts...but in order to actually get up...I put my alarm in the other room. This way I have to get out of bed to turn it off, get the blood circulating from walking around and start waking up.

    I also leave a very large glass of water next to the bed and guzzle the entire thing immediately after turning off the alarm.

    This has worked very well for me for several months.
  • midwesthiker
    midwesthiker Posts: 144
    It isn't easy. I'll start there. :) I have been getting up that early for about 3 months now. I still have days that I "talk" myself out of getting up and sleep for an extra 30 minutes. Then I feel horrible all day. I always thought people were full of crap when they said working out really starts your day, but guess what, it really does.

    I actually started on a Saturday. I got up at 5:00, worked out for 30 minutes, took a shower, and went back to bed. I did it on a Saturday because I told myself that I could go back to bed. And I did and slept for another hour. Then on Sunday I did it again, but made myself stay up for at least an hour afterwards and then told myself I could go back to sleep. I ended up staying up and felt better than I did on Saturday. Then of course Monday rolled around and it was hard, but I kept telling myself that I had to do it. I just can't fit a workout in during the evening. After the first week it got better. I actually don't work out on Mondays, but try to every other day. I won't say I am perfect, but exercising most days are better than none!

    Good luck. :)
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    Yeah, I'd rather sleep than EAT so I don't get up. Tried it for awhile, but I keep oversleeping and leaving my friend hanging. Plus I was always starving and ate a HUGE breakfast which undo the workout...
  • alison_cpb
    alison_cpb Posts: 23
    The only time during my whole day I can exercise is between 5:00 and 6:00 am. It was VERY hard at first, but I found that getting outside to exercise helped out alot. Unless it's pouring rain or a snowstorm, I get out and go for a fast walk or jog around the 'block' (which happens to be three miles...). The fresh air is what really helps me keep moving!
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    I've always been a night owl also, but I started taking Melatonin (a natural sleep aid found in any store) at 8pm every night until I my body got used to the new sleep pattern :) Although I do miss staying up late and just vegging out.......
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I get up at 4:45. I do meet someone for runs or I go to a 5 am spin etc etc..There are a few days I have to get up and meet myself to swim.
    It SUCKS...It SUCKS It SUCKS. BUt ya know what? I cant during the day. After work I have mom guilt or I just cant get it in. On the days I dont get up its all I think about and I beat myself up over it if I dont get it done. I also have double workouts,
    So when the alarm goes off if you are married then have that person HIT YOU.
    Just get up! Get the feet on the floor. Go to the bathroom. Get dressed. By that time you are up.
    I love the blog shut up and run.
  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    I think it boils down to how bad you want it. Really, how bad? Bad enough to sacrifice that pillow, the extra hour of sleep, going to bed an hour earlier? When I first started working out I had to do this because I worked outside the home. 5:30 every morning. I hated it. But my first thought every morning was...."I"LL SLEEP WHEN I"M SKINNY" That has since changed to "FIT", because I want to be strong, healthy, vibrant, way more than thin. I am a tough love kinda girl, but I know you can do this is if you REALLY want it! MUAH!
  • Shua456
    Shua456 Posts: 211
    I was getting up at 5;15 every day to work out for 80 minutes before work. i say was because now I start work at 6 and have get up at 5 to get there on time. The good news on that is that I'm now getting out of work 2 hours earlier which allows me time to work out after work.

    So, here are a few tips to getting up that early:

    First and foremost, go to bed on time. You still need your sleep. If you're a night owl it may take a couple of week to retraiin your body to a new sleep routine but it can be done.

    Second, pack your workout bag before going to bed. The less you have to do in the morning before heading out the door to the gym the better. It's hard to think that early in the morning!

    Third, allow yourself no excuses. Before going to bed at night vow to yourself that you WILL get up and work out. then when the alarm goes off and you're lying there trying to come up with every reason not to get up you OUT LOUD say "no excuses" and force yourself up out of bed. You can whisper it if your spouse is still sleeping - just be sure to say it. Once you're up and moving it gets easier.

    Turn on lights! I know a lot of people try to get ready in the dark but you need to let your body know that it's now daytime and it needs light for that.
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    I've been waking at 5am since April 4( bad that i can remember)! Some days it's easy and others I can fall asleep during a superman stretch or ab workout. All I know is I feel great all day when I exercise in the morning, (don't get tired in the afternoon). Plus if I don't get it in early it won't happen with the little ones!!!Good luck finding your 5am motivation. It's so worth it!
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    Personally I have found it's the only guaranteed time I can get it in.
    By the time I am done with work, drive home it can be 6:30 or later and then there are a million other things to do at home other than workout. My husband and I do bike or walk at night sometimes, but the weather sometimes gets in the way of that too.
    Also when I work out in the morning I know what my calories are for the day...and if I fit in some extra workout time later that day, it's a win win!!!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I would second the advice that says to start off with easier, shorter workouts--one less excuse.

    We have to cover all of our open hours and there are only 4 of us in my job position, so we split up the "bad" times--opening the fitness center at 5am or closing at 10pm, plus sharing the weekends. Because of the varied hours, I have had to learn to fit in workouts at different times during the week--sometimes at 5 am, sometimes 8pm and everything in between.

    For the early days, I find that it helps to have all my stuff laid out--shorts, shoes, ipod, anything else--the night before. Not only is everything ready to go in the morning, but it also represents a commitment to get up and do the workout.

    Doesn't always work, but it helps.
  • dwardkaiser
    I have the alarm set on my cell phone to say, "SKINNY TIME". I laugh and get up.

    There are mornings though where I just reset the thing and end up working out after work though.
  • ashesoh1234
    ashesoh1234 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm not a morning person - just ask my hubby! I've been getting up at about 5:40am to work out for a few weeks now, and I have to say I love it! I'm a working mom with three pretty young kids (under age six), so I generally don't get tons of rest. I realized that working out in the evening doesn't work for me. I'm tired, something else comes up, I work late...or, I'd rather see my hubs and my kids! If I leave it ' til evening or night, it won't happen. Some ideas:

    Meet a friend! I pick a friend up for a four mile walk at 6am three mornings a week. I know she's sitting on her front porch waiting for me. And, I get an hour to chat with a friend! I signed up for a fitness boot camp with another friend; it stars at 6am. If she's there and I'm not, I better have a really good excuse!

    Think about how good you'll feel. I can't tell you how much better I feel. I sleep better, I don't crave caffeine as much, I get the bonus of seeing a friend in the morning, and I know by 7am what my exercise calorie burn is.

    Wake up even on the days you could sleep in. Sounds crazy, but I find that it's worse and harder the next day if I've slept in the day before.

    Set everything out the night before. I fill up my water bottle with ice water and leave it next to my keys.

    Hope this helps?

    Prioritize going to bed early enough to get enough sleep. Right now,there's tons of laundry to fold, the house is a wreck, and I have phone calls and e-mails to return. But I'm going to bed because my friend will be waiting for me at 5:45am!