bettyboopo Member


  • Thanks for your replies guys. morganadk2 i didn't go from 1000 to 1400, i went from 1200 to 1400 to see if eating more would help me lose and it didn't, it made me gain. I tried eating 1200 for around 6 weeks and i didn't lose anything. I'm not overweight, my bmi is 25, but i'm not happy with the way i look so hence me…
  • Thank you everyone for all of your lovely replies, you've all given me the confidence boost I needed to carry on. I've realised that a few pounds gained here and there is nothing and i'm probably weighing myself too often! I've decided to only weigh myself once a month so I get a better overall view of my weight loss and…
  • Hi there! I'm Beth from the wirral near liverpool :) Nice to see another British person here!
  • Get exercising straight away, it will make you feel so much better and motivated!
  • I have suffered with depression in the last year and it's so tough to be motivated to loose weight. I know you probably hear this all the time but exercising really does make you feel better. Since i've started i feel so much happier and motivated. Good luck with your weight loss journey :)
  • I'm currently doing the 30 day shred, its of a medium intensity i would guess, but there its only 20 mins long and there is a trainer who does the beginners version of all the moves which are low intensity. It's really fun and i highly recommend :)
  • I think it's horrible when the people closest to you don't support you :( But the truth is, YOU are the only person that can change your body and YOU are the only person that needs to believe you can do this! Ignore any negative comments because soon nobody will be able to say negative things about your body!
  • Me and my boyfriend currently weigh the same! That was a real wake up call for me and him. I'm trying to loose weight and he's trying to gain weight (muscle). He tells me i'm perfect and i don't need to change a thing but i think that about him too! I suppose it's just what love does, they're perfect no matter what.
  • I often find on some days i have tons of calories left and i don't know where they come from, and on other days i feel like i've eaten hardly anything and i only have around 100 left! I think it has a lot to do with the amount of exercise calories i have, i don't eat them all but because they show up as free it totally…
  • Mine was a photograph from the royal wedding, my cousin had a garden party and took a few snaps. I looked at them again recently and realized how much i'd let myself go. I told myself i needed to change while i'm still young!
  • Well done! Keep up the good work and everyone will start noticing :)
  • Hii! I'm from the wirral near liverpool :)