

  • Thanks for the input. I usually replace about 1/2 of the calories that I burn working out, but it depends on what time of day I work out as well. The only thing I have noticed is that I feel a little more tired than usual, not sure if that's attributed to my swing shift or malnutrition, could be a little of both. I think…
  • Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 392 (Walk/Run Interval, Elliptical, and Strength Training) Tues: 521 (Walk//Run Interval, Elliptical, and Strength Training) Wed: 495 (Walk/Run Interval, elliptical, and Strength Training) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories burned (how…
  • Great job! You look fantastic!
  • At the moment, I am working my night shifts so my Wednesday will probably be posted some time later tonight :) Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 392 (Walk/Run Interval, Eliptical, and Strength Training) Tues: 521 (Walk//Run Ineval, Eliptical, and Strength Training) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how…
  • Trust me....I know your pain. I am in a job that expects people to bring in "presents" like pies, cookies, ice cream, donuts, pizza and then on top of it, expect to sit in a chair for 12 hours. I have found my happy medium so far. If someone brings the "presents".....respectfully decline and grab an apple. Pastries are the…
    in Hey! Comment by kroman911 June 2011
  • I'll give it a shot! It seems like it might be a little tough for me, but I'm willing to try :) Looks like an extra 10-15 Minutes will be added to my workouts! Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 392 (Walk/Run Interval, Eliptical, and Strength Training) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were…
  • Oh my god! I just started that diet too. I hope it works! hahaha :)
  • I do all the time, it's especially effective right after I wake up haha No food or water in the belly after sleeping so it's an extra bonus and keeps me motivated to continue on my weightloss path :) It's weird....I know.....
  • For some reason, I always fiend for chicken or beef after I work out....It must be a protein thing haha I have learned that a 1/2 portion of a protein shake ( I use Muscle Milk Light Powder - Vanilla Creme) does just the trick to curb the hunger feeling and it's not a lot of calories to pack on afterwards.
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