peggylicious Member


  • this sounds familiar - try regularly stretching and foam rollering your IT Bands - when they are tight it can pull your kneecaps off their line. If it flares up again I would deffo go to see you doctor.
  • Almost identical!! Age: 47 Height: 5ft 8in Start weight: 264 Current Weight: 260 Goal: 150lbs
  • Finally off the mark with just shy of 10 miles tonight :happy:
  • I had the same problem last time I tried 30DS, I just brought down the impact of the jumping sections, for example instead of jumping jacks I'd do side steps, or a grapevine or similar. I would have thought that as long as you keep moving and keep your heart rate up you will get some if not the full benefit of the program…
  • Everyone else has already said it a lot better than I can, but I just want to add that I have felt like you do, most of my life. I know I can lose weight because I've done it before, but it's always gone back on because it seems easier to not be on a diet than to be on one. btw, I have just got my big old butt into gear…
  • I'm going to give this a go. I'm 2 months post knee surgery, and cycling is good rehab for me - exercise bike at the mo so I can keep the resistance down, but hoping to build up to get out on the road within a few weeks. I'm also doing a swimming challenge atm, which is to swim the equivalent of the Channel (approx 22…
  • You're being very good, putting the rest of us to shame!! I might be going to a zumba class tonight, if not will get out and get 3 miles under my belt
  • I'll join you on this, just trying to get back on track after a few weeks lapse, and could do with some motivation and the odd butt kick to keep me going :-) Now need to figure out how to add one of those countdown thingies!!
  • Do it now, don't do what I did - I talked a good diet but never did anything about it,and now I'm nearer 50 than 40 and still very overweight - Fit before 50 is now my motto Nice going so far and good luck for the rest of your journey :smile:
  • Great achievement, I think sometimes the NSVs are more satisfying than losing the lbs :-)
  • go team 10 :happy:
  • See, said I was a noob, hadn't even noticed the search option!!! Thanks for the suggestions!! I'm not hungry now, but I guess by the time I get back from my run it's likely I will want more than a cereal bar. I have gone over my allowance on several days - sometimes from losing control, but more often from underestimating…
  • Can I join in, I need something to give me a boost!
  • just write whatever you want, it can serve as a reminder of what works and doesn't work for you, your good days and bad days, reaching milestones, just anything. It's nice to get comments, but do it first and foremost for you and if along the way you inspire us or make us laugh (or cry) then that's a bonus!
  • Wow, well done to you both , what an achievement :-)
  • Also look out for "golden" food. The kind of thing that gets served as finger food at parties - always looks great and is very tempting - usually covered in breadcrumbs, or batter or is on a pastry base. The calories just add up so easily.
  • wow ljess, well done on the loss and for maintaining for 2 years. not entirely sure it's acting as an appetite suppressant, I'm always hungry!! good news I resisted going for a coffee this afternoon so I'm already 100 cals and £2 better off!!!!!
  • It's odd, as I'm not even really a coffee drinker, I think it's the milkiness that I go for, kind of like a comfort thing (although I wouldn't dream of drinking a cup of hot milk!!) I have logged them, they don't look pretty on the food journal that's for sure And no, it's not a cheap habit - have just done the maths -…
  • I've also been here 3 days and it's already making a difference. Bit of a wake up call when I logged everything I ate between meals as well as the actual meals!
    in happy Comment by peggylicious June 2011