I wanna Blog, but....

wnw64 Posts: 34 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I enjoy reading some of the blogs that folks put out there; some are very informative as well as encouraging, enlightening, inspriing. Here's my delima - I think I want to blog, but I have no idea what to say; nor can I think of anything that anyone would find of interest. How would one react to blogging something & nobody replying to it. It woud be like having a birthday party & nobody coming, or sending out greeting cards & having nobody send a card back, or setting up a yard sale & having nobody even stop to look at one's wares - how very Charlie Brownish....

So, what does one do about blogging if one has no idea what to blog, nor the courage to blog something that might not draw any interest... - I am a blogless, blogging wannabe...

Hey, in a sense, I guess I just blogged about not blogging.....

Anybody have any ideas of something to blog about. ???


  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 507 Member
    Ha, I have a swimming blog that people expressed interest in, but hardly anyone ever replies... I keep it up every now and then in case someone actually cares, but I'm pretty sure no one does.

  • havi7
    havi7 Posts: 80 Member
    Just start by free writing, just type and type and type without stopping for 5-10 minutes. Then go back and read what you read and see if there are any ideas/topics in there to blog about. Or another part is just to tell your story. Where have you been? Where are you at now? What brings you to MFP?
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I feel exactly the same! Why on earth would anyone be interested in what I have to say...lol! :blushing:
  • maryd4love
    maryd4love Posts: 164 Member
    I believe most people talk about what's on their mind. What they did for the day that was positive....or negitive.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I don't think it really matters what you write about...you're very creative and have a great sense of humor. I think anything you write would be fun to read. :)
  • Terreh_
    Terreh_ Posts: 1
    Write about whatever your're feeling, or a story of what happened to you. Maybe an encouraging picture. ANYTHING :) Blogs are ways of expressing yourself and how you feel. You may think that whatever you write might be boring, but it might help someone else. And if no one replies don't get discouraged, just continue to write. When I first started my Tumblr Blog not one single person followed me, which was pretty disappointing, but I continued and I'm up to 13! :D The best you can do is try :)
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    My blog is all about me. my issues, my goals, my failures. Whatever is on my mind at the time. I hardly get comments, but who cares! I put myself out there for anyone to see. We are all friends on here, if I know you or not. We all are going for the same goals, we need help as well as a kick in the *kitten* when needed. Get on there and blog! Start for your 1st one, as a about me, why I'm here, what I want to accomplish ect. This way we can follow you on your journey! Here's mine:


    Feel free to read, or not. I'm ok with it.

  • peggylicious
    peggylicious Posts: 22 Member
    just write whatever you want, it can serve as a reminder of what works and doesn't work for you, your good days and bad days, reaching milestones, just anything. It's nice to get comments, but do it first and foremost for you and if along the way you inspire us or make us laugh (or cry) then that's a bonus!
  • FatGoober
    FatGoober Posts: 2
    I am a beginner at blogging and recording my exercise and food entries. i have decided that it may help me "stay on the wagon". I would like to change my eating habits and weight. My genetics are against me, but I would like to be healthier than my parents.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    I'd tell you what I think, but you're a Phillies fan judging by the pic... (boo, hiss) Atlanta, baby.

    But seriously, I blog every day. Some days I get remarks, some I don't. Each day, I reflect on something. If I'm proud that I've done something new in my exercising, I talk about it. If I'm feeling hopeless because my weight loss seems pointless, I say so. And if there's nothing to report on my weight loss journey, I reflect on something good that happened to me that day. Maybe I saw a good sale at the store or my daughter did something cute. Whatever. It's more for me than anyone else. If people don't read it, who cares. I can look back in a month and see what happened in my life and where I've gone since.

    And when people see so-and-so posted a blog, they typically click on it. Just because. I always do. And more often than not, I comment on it. Just do what you want.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member

    Hey, in a sense, I guess I just blogged about not blogging.....

    Anybody have any ideas of something to blog about. ???

    You're the Seinfeld of blogging. And that show was pretty darn popular if I hear right. :)
  • FatGoober
    FatGoober Posts: 2
    I read some of your older posts. Getting tired of the same DVD workout, still? You can get free DVDs at your local library. I bet if you asked your friends to trade, they would...after all if you share food, why not share exercise DVDs.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I just write whatever is on my mind. I prefer if people respond, but if they don't, at least I got my thoughts out. I do the same with my "real" off-site blog, which people hardly ever respond to. At least my thoughts are recorded.
  • justtodayjen333
    justtodayjen333 Posts: 142 Member
    I agree--blog for you. Blog what you have to say--it's a great way to document your journey. And if people do want to comment or have a conversation about your thoughts, that's an added bonus. I do like blogging through a different platform, because I can save my posts and add to them when I have time before publishing--life with three kids leave me only small chunks of time to write, and I usually can't finish a post just in one sitting--but that's just me. I would think the benefit of blogging here at MFP is that lots of people have the opportunity to see what you write and connect to/or learn from your journey. Do it--and blog for you!
  • BFit40
    BFit40 Posts: 163 Member
    I agree with most of the posts here. Blogging is for you.
    If people vote and comment, great, if not, who cares, it's your blog.

    Treat it like a diary.
    Just like you use other peoples postings to help motivate you, you can look back at your previous posts to give you encouragement.

    Honestly - if you're posting blogs so others comment and not for yourself you will more than likely be disappointed. To porve the point, go to recent posts on the blogs and see how many of the existing posts have votes. Not many, so use it for YOU.

    Good luck - it is worth it.
  • MilisaMote
    MilisaMote Posts: 28
    I think of a Blog as nothing more than a Diary... and a diary we jsut write our thoughts about the day and whatever is going on in our life and with this Blog that is what we do as well. We write about our experiences and struggles and success with out weightloss. I see it as a way to be able to someday look back and see how far I came. And remember the struggle and how we rise above it.

    And who cares who reads or doesnt read the blog ... it is there for you not other people. Some comment on my blog someday and not others. It doesnt really affect me I enjoy words of encouragement when i get them but that isnt why i do it. So you my friend just blog and type whatever is on your mind. :) look forward to seeing you bloggin ... and yes in a sense your post was a blog :)
  • lms32164
    lms32164 Posts: 212 Member
    I have blogged with no replies but I am blogging really to me and for me and if it strikes a cord with someone amen. I guess when anyone is needing to journal something that they just want someone to hear it will flow naturally. Have fun with it. I am sure in this journey you will have something to blog about!
  • wnw64
    wnw64 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks to one & all for your comments! I certainly get the "blog for me" concept, but I guess I always thought of BLOGs as being psuedo-columnist kinda of things. You've given me some good stuff to ponder. When I finally get to writing, I will put down my thoughts to reflect back on later; In doing so, I hope that I can bring "HaHa"s & "AHA"s to many & "Awes" to few...
    Thanks again, WNW !
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    I'm kinda freaking out - I just started a blog. We can start together! LOL http://irishgalonamission.tumblr.com
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