Fit Before I'm Forty!

Hiya, I'm Paula and I've been overweight all my life. Until May of this year when I decided no more - I wanted to change, a change for the rest of my life, and I've set a deadline of my 40th birthday to achieve it. That gives me 16months to get down to my ideal weight. It's a lot to lose and I've an uphill battle ahead, but I'm determined this time and so far it's going well. I've lost 24lb since I started. And now that I've discovered MPF, it's even easier! Good luck to you all.... and me too! :flowerforyou:


  • mssweetjay
    mssweetjay Posts: 142
    Welcome aboard. You will find great support here on this site. I wish you good luck!!!
  • jasyjen
    jasyjen Posts: 3
    That's great! Good luck with your goal! I'll be 40 in four months, and I feel an overwhelming urgency to hurry up and lose weight before I hit the 'Big 4-0'. LOL
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Paula! Welcome to MFP! It's great! I'm going to be 41 on 7/24 and WAS in the best shape when I turned 40. I ended up going backwards due to stress. But now I'm back on track and loving this site! I think I'm more determined now than I was before I turned 40! Anyway, it's just a number!!!

    Feel free to friend me - happy to join your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • devildogmom
    Good Luck!!
  • peggylicious
    peggylicious Posts: 22 Member
    Do it now, don't do what I did - I talked a good diet but never did anything about it,and now I'm nearer 50 than 40 and still very overweight - Fit before 50 is now my motto

    Nice going so far and good luck for the rest of your journey :smile:
  • PaulaMaher
    i love it so far! meeting lots of friends too! :happy:
  • abigailhutch
    abigailhutch Posts: 101
    Woohoo! Good luck! I am new here too and like you I decided I needed to changed things before I turn 30! I have four months to go! I am down about 8 pounds and hoping to hit the 30lb mark by my bday! You can do it!
  • Maura5
    Maura5 Posts: 30
    It's a very worthwhile journey. Not easy but it's certainly easier & more fun on this site with all the great folks sending you encouragement. Good luck! Maura :wink:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Forty and Fit is my mantra right now. Turning 39 This year and have reached my goal weight. But I'm determined to stay this way or be even stronger by forty! :drinker: Cheers!