

  • If you continue to lose weight on the new 1500 calorie intake, i see no reason to go back.
  • If you really want to be active, you could try to be an instrutor for body bike teams an so forth :D
  • The best time to wiegh yourself would be in the morning. I do it once a week, sometimes every second week, as the first thing i do when i wake up. That way, the weight wont be affected by the food you have eaten, nearly as much as if you weigh in, in the middle of the day :) And if you decide to keep track, be sure to…
  • Wow, congrats :D Over how long a period :) ?
  • If your BMR is only about 1200 calories, i wont recommend going lower than that. Normally a good choice is to cut 15%-20% percent of your TDEE, but since your number is so low, the best way to go about it would be to increase exercise. Do you know your total daily energy use, BMR is only what you burn if you lay in bed all…
  • Is it the iPhone app's weekly tap you are wondering about? What it shows is how many calories you are over or under your weekly calorie goal. If you for example have 14.000 calories a week to eat, and you trough the days havent eaten all of em, it will show you how many calories you are under the goal set by MFP in the…
  • There are many factors that could play a role, in your fatloss plauteu. Over time the body "adapts" to the things you subject it to. So if your eating and exercise habits are very similar from day to day, a thing to consider is that maybe your body has adapted to your habits. Try to shake things up a bit, eat something you…
  • For those of you, who uses "the fatburning-zone" at the gym, beware that even though the percentage that i burned from fat is higher, you will still burn way more calories (and therefore more fat) if you increase your heartrate. So dont keep your self restrained to a lover heartrate, if you have the energi to perform at a…
  • It's best to weigh yourself once a week max, and ofc at the same time of the day, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach and so forth. Your weight can fluctuate with up to 5 pounds, depending on several factors. Here is an article explaining why you shouldnt be too obsessed with the scale:…
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