

  • I do have less to lose than you but I always take a week or two to persuade my body to part with some of itself - some people start quick, others don't we're all in it for the long haul. Don't get disheartened, you're doing really well and setting good habits that will get you to where you want to be.
  • Fantastic pictures, and how lovely to see so many people inspired by them. Well done!!
  • I have ahd this in the past - really annoying, I ended up shifting the scales all around the room to get the best result!! However, my current scales which are not fat calculators, do not do this, I can only assume that our floor is dead level - or that our scales are very good (they are salter but a failry bog standard…
  • Wow, that's amazing - wish I could get my hubby (currently bigger than your before pic) to take the plunge? Was there something that did it for you?
  • I think that to do any exercise long term, you've got to be enjoying it so for me that would be ditch the treadmill. That said, variety is also a good thing, could you replace the tread with anything else - swimming burns cals off really well.
  • Sounds a bit too good to be true to me - as does the calories given for walking sometimes. I think that some people have checked with a heart rate monitor and found MFP on the generous side. However, I raked my lawn last week and I can well believe that burned the calories, I ached for days afterwards, so if you were…
  • Grit your teeth and keep at it - my body is a bit slow to respond so my super duper weeks are rewarded the week after not at the time. Also second the TOM comments as this leads to a couple of lb gain for me but it is temporary.
  • You're quite right - I am one of those people, I am trying to be patient but it isn't easy!
  • Swimming's a fab workout! I built up to 50 lengths which is a mile and now complete that at least once a week (until the kids break up from school at least)
  • That happened to me, but it was very temporary, a day or two at most, I did stay the same that week though. That is the disadvantage of getting on the scales more often, you see all the ups as well as the downs. Just take the longer view, you're a stone down already, by thr end of next week you'll have more off.
  • Zumba's great! I have sent you a message with a friend request about local classes as I am South Yorkshire too.
    in Zumba Comment by hillyhilly July 2011
  • Water, I am so sorry your husband is such a sabotager, I think it probably comes from being scared to change and scared to see you change. Mine is similar, except that in our house I am in charge of all the grocery shopping and cooking so at least the kids and I eat healthily most of the time. He eats out a lot with work…
  • I'm the same, but I think my body has a bit of a time lag - I don't see results quickly like a lot of people do. It takes a good couple of weeks to persuade my body to part with any of itself!. Perserverance is the key, I don't know about the exercise calories, I don't eat mine but I am not seeing fast results so maybe I…
  • I'm married to a seriously obese man, he is a hedonist who views all food and drink as pleasure to be taken and to hell with the consequences. He is unsupportive of dieting and unwilling to amend his own poor habits for me and the family - this can make life a little difficult, yet I am the one on here trying hard to get…
  • Hi, I used to work away a lot and found it really difficult, the only suggestions I can make is that if you are on your own (ie not eating in restaurant with colleagues) to get to an M&S Food and get scrummy stuff to have as a picnic in your room, otherwise do what you can to fill up on the veg or salads to minimise the…