Standing on the scale

This may be a weird problem. At first I thought it was my digital scale, but I have bought and tried another one with the same issue. When I get on the scale more than once, my weight fluctuates between 1 - 2 pounds. I have tried different floor positions, tried standing in different spots, the wieght is almost never the same. It may go down by 1/2 pound then up by 2 pounds 30 seconds later. I have tried breathing out right before or holding my breathe, but it will take literally 5+ times getting on and off before I ever get the same weight to show back to back. It is the same with getting a body fat reading. Anyone else have this problem or any possible solutions?


  • CollegeGirl19
    Same issue. At first, I thought it was the scale, but my mom has the most rediculously expensive Jenny Craig scale and it still fluctuates.
  • SweetStrawberry
    use the lowest weight and run with it! LOL
  • hillyhilly
    hillyhilly Posts: 20
    I have ahd this in the past - really annoying, I ended up shifting the scales all around the room to get the best result!!
    However, my current scales which are not fat calculators, do not do this, I can only assume that our floor is dead level - or that our scales are very good (they are salter but a failry bog standard model about £25 I think)
  • jennahiggins
    jennahiggins Posts: 56 Member
    Pick a spot in your house to put your scale, always weight yourself in that spot. I can fluctuate with my weight anywhere from 1/2 pound to 5 lbs throughout the day. I learned a long time ago to weigh on the same day of the week around the same time. I know that's not much help...but I have seen the same thing when I step on the scale more than once.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    check to see if your floor is level. Tile and carpet are NOT level! second, digital or analog scale? how many times have you moved it? do you turn it on its side to store it? if you do its highly likely the calibration is off.